Hey, Malta Today – here's another one you missed

Published: February 22, 2010 at 12:56am


Perhaps this was before they were living together, but it was certainly not before they had sex together. So let’s not quibble, shall we, Robert?

You’ve just made your defence team at Malta Today look stupid again. Surely they should have learned by now that it’s a bad idea to take a cheat at his word.

Reference 206/2004
Court Of Magistrates (Civil) – Malta
Judiciary Scerri Herrera Consuelo-Pilar
Sitting Date 05/03/2009
Names Licari Bernardette vs Gusman Victor Et

Il-Qorti tinnomina lil AIC Mario Cassar, AIC Valerio Schembri u AIC Robert Musumeci bhala periti addizzjonali u tordna li jiehu konjizzjoni tal-process u tappunta bhala Chairman lil AIC Mario Cassar u taghtihom fakulta li jisimu kull xhud xieraq, limitatament biss fuq kwistjoni teknika, spejjez provizorjament tal-attrici. Il-kawza differita ghall-prezentata tar-rapport ghas-06 ta’ Mejju 2009.

6 Comments Comment

  1. Tax payer says:

    Who pays the architects appointed by magistrates?

  2. Enid Blyton says:

    Julia Farrugia nursing a headache and writing stories
    February 17 at 11:26am

    • Julia hasn't been soliciting says:

      And asked a rhetorical question by Alan Deidun:

      “Sunday, 21st February 2010

      Unsolicited e-mails
      Alan Deidun, Gudja

      During the European Parliament election campaign last year I was taken to task by journalist Julia Farrugia for sending unsolicited e-mails. I apologised for the action, which was attributable to a lack of campaign funds.

      Last week, I was surprised to receive the first edition of the electronic version of the Labour Party’s newsletter, even though I never expressed any desire to receive such material.

      Since this leads me to label such material as unsolicited, and since we are speaking of political parties here and not of individual candidates (hence, lack of funds is probably not such an issue), I urge Ms Farrugia, for consistency’s sake, to treat this case in the same way she treated mine, possibly on her One TV programme Wiċċ Imb’Wiċċ. Only time will tell if the same measure is applied to the same type of offence.” http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20100221/letters/unsolicited-e-mails

  3. Brian says:

    On politicians and decision makers “who find time to do other things” (Saviour Balzan’s own words)


    Excerpts from his article. “I am particularly gobsmacked by the ability of some men and women to do more than writing books. Having an affair is one such example.”

    “The time and energy needed to have an extra-marital affair and conceal this from your spouse must be tremendous to say the least.”

    “Not only does it require a bonanza of lies and excuses but it also calls for Milosevic style cleansing techniques to rid oneself of traces of guilt.”

    “I am incredulous – either I have missed the plot, or else I am a nerd. I do not believe myself to be a lazy bum, so how in heaven’s name do they do it?”

    How naive Saviour…..just ask Robert and Connie they’ll show you how it’s done!

  4. Brian says:

    Pity Daphne chose not to print my previous remark on Saviour Balzan… However I hope that she allows me to present this to him:


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