Leo Brincat and his friends have no clue what democracy means. For example, statement by Joesph Muscat: Seeking compromise because the Opposition strongly opposed postponing Local Council Elections.
If Leo and friends knew anything about democracy then they wouldn’t even have thought of postponing elections. Now that is the real threat to democracy.
It is about time the PN showed their true mettle – if it still exists – no compromises any more. The PL are belittling the Opposition even at Parliament and outside, and the PL mantra is that the Opposition is ‘negative’ – their latest buzzword. Hear them repeating it all the time. Please PN do stop this business of being a type of Uriah Heap with the PL. You have nothing to lose any more. Au contraire, you might gain more support of genuine Nationalists. I am not saying that the PN puts the country’s stability at risk, but there are times when the PN really have to stand up and be counted unless of course the PN wish to remain in Opposition for the next 10 years.
Dr Muscat has created a debate out of thin air. He has got something that is not an issue and turned it into an issue.
Local elections have always served an important purpose. Not only do they keep mayors and councillors in check, but also indirectly test the government of the time. They have their term and when their term is up elections are held. It is straightforward and simple democracy. As simple, in fact, as holding general elections, the only difference between the two being scale.
But suddenly now we are debating something that is non-negotiable. Questioning something that needs no questioning. Muscat has his supporters defending the idea of postponing local elections. How?
He has managed this because he is aware of a very distinctive aspect of his role and position in Malta. Since he is PM he knows he can decide on an idea and out it forward in Parlaiment. He also knows that with his type of majority, he does not need to worry about voting on things in Parlaiment because it will go through without much effort. Then of course there is the third, more dangerous factor. Their supporters are less likely to disagree with them because they view the party as their team, a notion the PL promotes because it gives them this sort of freedom one can only get from not having to care all too much about democracy.
Muscat has in effect made himself the gatekeeper of democracy. We now have to argue and debate over things that should not be negotiable, because we all know he can do as he pleases.
That is the threat to democracy. And Muscat has made it so.
When Parliament reconvenes the Maltese electorate via its representatives in Parliament – of both sides – have a right to know whether or not the Local Council elections are to go ahead as usual. Once we have a definite reply from the PL government we can then protest. What will happen now is going to reflect on the country’s future. We cannot let government get away with not holding the Local Council elections because there may be other issues on the cards unkown to the electorate.
Joseph Muscat jaf li l-ewwel sinjali tan-nizla mill-poter jibdew b l-elezzjonijiet tal-kunsilli, u s-sitta u tletin elf jibqaw sa ma tasal l-elezzjoni li jmiss ghalhekk ma jridx elezzjonijiet tal-kunsilli.
I am not into politics, although I am fascinated about this stuff these days having lived here for 5 years.
Forgive me for being British by birth (not my fault)… There are always checks and double checks in democracy to ensure a steady ship. The UK has the Queen so despite any majority in government, any non-democratic moves will be “advised against” – and I am sure in the past the PM took heed.
The PN government appointed the last President from the Opposition ranks, in my opinion because they felt he would act independently (you may all shoot me down on that) BUT can I see the current incumbent doing that? Not at all.
There must be some way DEMOCRATICALLY to prevent all this surely.
Leo Brincat and his friends have no clue what democracy means. For example, statement by Joesph Muscat: Seeking compromise because the Opposition strongly opposed postponing Local Council Elections.
If Leo and friends knew anything about democracy then they wouldn’t even have thought of postponing elections. Now that is the real threat to democracy.
It is about time the PN showed their true mettle – if it still exists – no compromises any more. The PL are belittling the Opposition even at Parliament and outside, and the PL mantra is that the Opposition is ‘negative’ – their latest buzzword. Hear them repeating it all the time. Please PN do stop this business of being a type of Uriah Heap with the PL. You have nothing to lose any more. Au contraire, you might gain more support of genuine Nationalists. I am not saying that the PN puts the country’s stability at risk, but there are times when the PN really have to stand up and be counted unless of course the PN wish to remain in Opposition for the next 10 years.
There are no compromises with democracy.
Dr Muscat has created a debate out of thin air. He has got something that is not an issue and turned it into an issue.
Local elections have always served an important purpose. Not only do they keep mayors and councillors in check, but also indirectly test the government of the time. They have their term and when their term is up elections are held. It is straightforward and simple democracy. As simple, in fact, as holding general elections, the only difference between the two being scale.
But suddenly now we are debating something that is non-negotiable. Questioning something that needs no questioning. Muscat has his supporters defending the idea of postponing local elections. How?
He has managed this because he is aware of a very distinctive aspect of his role and position in Malta. Since he is PM he knows he can decide on an idea and out it forward in Parlaiment. He also knows that with his type of majority, he does not need to worry about voting on things in Parlaiment because it will go through without much effort. Then of course there is the third, more dangerous factor. Their supporters are less likely to disagree with them because they view the party as their team, a notion the PL promotes because it gives them this sort of freedom one can only get from not having to care all too much about democracy.
Muscat has in effect made himself the gatekeeper of democracy. We now have to argue and debate over things that should not be negotiable, because we all know he can do as he pleases.
That is the threat to democracy. And Muscat has made it so.
It is Muscat himself who is a threat to democracy.
At last! Leo Brincat woke up.
When Parliament reconvenes the Maltese electorate via its representatives in Parliament – of both sides – have a right to know whether or not the Local Council elections are to go ahead as usual. Once we have a definite reply from the PL government we can then protest. What will happen now is going to reflect on the country’s future. We cannot let government get away with not holding the Local Council elections because there may be other issues on the cards unkown to the electorate.
Democracy is not negotiable.
This is NOT China, where democracy was never negotiated, but where power came always out of the barrel of a gun.
Joseph Muscat jaf li l-ewwel sinjali tan-nizla mill-poter jibdew b l-elezzjonijiet tal-kunsilli, u s-sitta u tletin elf jibqaw sa ma tasal l-elezzjoni li jmiss ghalhekk ma jridx elezzjonijiet tal-kunsilli.
I am sick and tired of politicians who do not think for themselves but instead quote other people.
Leo, what threatens democracy is ignorance……and you are the prime example.
On with the motley Leo. You motley fool.
What might be more serious is the thought that if he gets his way with the locsl councils elections, he will try it with the general elections.
I am not into politics, although I am fascinated about this stuff these days having lived here for 5 years.
Forgive me for being British by birth (not my fault)… There are always checks and double checks in democracy to ensure a steady ship. The UK has the Queen so despite any majority in government, any non-democratic moves will be “advised against” – and I am sure in the past the PM took heed.
The PN government appointed the last President from the Opposition ranks, in my opinion because they felt he would act independently (you may all shoot me down on that) BUT can I see the current incumbent doing that? Not at all.
There must be some way DEMOCRATICALLY to prevent all this surely.
The bloody cheek.