Hamalli United: Should the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting 2015 media coordinator be writing like this?

Published: October 7, 2014 at 8:21pm


More to the point, shouldn’t a Labour Party campaign office worker appointed to a grace and favour position in the prime minister’s office, and then given another grace and favour position in the CHOGM office run by his best friend Facecream Phyllis – as media coordinator – know the difference between its and it’s?

It’s not that hard, Miss Pace: the apostrophe replaces the second i in it is, while its is the possessive.

As for those vaginas, does the Curia have any?

On the occasions I have visited, I don’t think I saw a single woman there. So perhaps Miss Pace needs a human biology lesson, too.

But beyond that, I really think she needs to tone down the vulgarity in her current government appointment.

She may spend most of her time trying to get in with what she clearly thinks are the posh kids so as to social climb for herself and network for Labour (a junior version of Marlene “Do You Want To Come On My Boat And Listen To The Gospel Of Joseph” Seychell), but the devil is in the detail that gives her away.

A truly ‘posh kid’ would know without being told that when you’re given a (cronyism) appointment by the government to a public role coordinating the media for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting, you do not snarl at religious leaders or make crass remarks about vaginas on Facebook.

Oh, and another thing, Miss Pace: the Archbishop has as much right to reserve parking spaces outside his office building as the prime minister has to reserve parking spaces outside his. But then rational thought was never the strong suit of anybody who actively chooses to jump on the Labour bandwagon for personal benefit.

I see that the next generation of Labour bums and freeloaders who are in it for what they can get for themselves is coming up fast. They’re going to find it a little crowded at the top.

14 Comments Comment

  1. observer says:

    Miktuba mic-cwiec ghac-cwiec.

    You can dress up a monkey in any costume and pay it cash instead of peanuts, and a monkey it will remain.

  2. Hamallu says:

    Alessandra spends her boring days posting on Facebook. Not too bad for a salary said to be Eur4,000 a month.

  3. Another John says:

    Din taf tisthi?

  4. Hamallu says:

    L-aqwa li saret Best Buddies ma’ Cyrus, dik Alessandra…

  5. anthony says:

    Ms Pace misses the point completely.

    Not only is she an imbecile but a very vulgar one at that.

    There is a very strong growing movement within the Catholic Church that maintains that if the Church opened up to vaginas it would thrive and prosper rather than decline by the hour.

    The current Synod in Rome is certain to debate this issue.

    One of the biggest problems afflicting the Church is not padlocked or unpadlocked vaginas but the near total exclusion of them.

  6. Wilfrid Buttigieg says:

    How VULGAR. And why does she write in English if she doesn’t even know the basics of the language? Forsi sthat tghid ‘katnazzi fuq ghoxxhom’?

  7. thealley says:

    Gahan, those are parking posts not padlocks. I’ve never heard of parking padlocks.

  8. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Alessandra Pace shouldn’t be writing like this but unfortunately she does not know any better – in which case someone should tell her that she shouldn’t be writing at all.

  9. Mr Meritocracy says:

    So much for the good education that she received, at least from post-secondary level and above.

    [Daphne – The mistake you make is to think that a good education is the sole preserve of the classroom and the lecture-room. It most definitely is not, which is why this country is packed to the rafters with people who have university degrees and very little education.]

    • Mr Meritocracy says:

      I agree with you on that premise.

      There again, I didn’t know Alessandra Pace before our Sixth Form days and barely knew her while at Sixth Form together, and therefore am not in a position to comment in that respect.

  10. Chicago Bears says:

    She EDITED her status – it’s to its – #lol

  11. Manuel says:

    Maybe she can teach a thing or two to Botox Jeff about parking wherever it suits him, even on yellow lines and obstructing corners.

    But yet again, they both form part of the Labour skip. You can’t expect any better.

    So much for the accusations hurled at GonziPN for their arrogance.

  12. Crudeness is a badge of honour for the hamalli.

  13. chico says:

    Hmmm. On the one hand we have padlocks on vaginas…and on the other, we have parking slots for cunts.

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