Is Malta now the unofficial headquarters of the Tripoli government in exile?

Published: October 7, 2014 at 8:25pm

It would be nice if somebody in our own government bothered to explain.

tripoli mayor 1

tripoli mayor

12 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    George Vella said he’s optimistic about talks in Libya. Was he lying?

    • Alexander Ball says:

      I’m optimistic about dancing the lead in Swan Lake.

      • Angus Black says:

        And you should too, Alexander Ball.

        There is a greater chance of you getting the lead dance in Swan Lake than Manwel Mallia ever finding the source of those 500,000 euro in cash.

  2. canon says:

    With whom exactly did George Vella have discussions in Libya?

  3. Optimist says:

    Easy for this guy to say when he is an ex-pat.

  4. Arnold Layne says:

    George Vella has appointed a special envoy for Libya, a fossil from the Golden Years named Joe Mangion. Maybe he can enlighten us. Perhaps he can also tell us why we need a special envoy when we have an Ambassador to Libya. Or is it because Manny Galea is useless?

  5. Malti ta' Veru says:

    Hey, that is why Edward Zammit Lewis is so chuffed about the tourism figures in August….now we know who is boosting these figures!

  6. Malti ta' Veru says:

    Oh the Libyans and the Mafia between them are keeping our tourstats above water! Thank you effendi and Don!

  7. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Why do we need an ambassador or special envoy to Libya when apparently their diplomats are over here under the wings of Malta’s security services whilst Islamic State supporters hold illegal demonstrations on our Sliema front unperturbed?

    Perhaps the new-fangled co-ordinator of our security services and ex-Commissioner of Police would kindly explain until the Commissioner of Police post is actually filled.

  8. AE says:

    This person is described as a CIA asset in certain articles. Is this perhaps part of the deal that the Maltese government made with the U.S. not to put up any opposition to its passport scheme?

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