Joseph Muscat: cool, calm, collected and….something else that begins with C (no, not chav, though that too)

Published: February 23, 2010 at 10:46pm
A poster girl for the Partit tal-Chavs.

A poster girl for the Partit tal-Chavs.

What an Akbar Zib.

I mean, honestly. This is Joseph Muscat on Disset just now: “Il-magistrat Herrera ghamlet sewwa li baghtet kollox ghal investigazzjoni tal-pulizija.”

She didn’t, you t**ser.

She asked the police to prosecute me for defamation.

She didn’t ask them to investigate my claims and she certainly didn’t ask the police to investigate her. And they’re not doing so.

They’re not doing so because nothing I have said is about criminal or illegal activity. It is all about unacceptable, unethical behaviour. The police are concerned with crime and not with ethics or standards of morality.

But I wouldn’t expect you to understand that, Mr Leader of the Opposition. You’re one of those people who believes that if it’s legal, then it’s fine.

This is a defamation case, pure and simple.

And it is not, as you claimed on television in your utter, backwoods-dressed-up-as-city ignorance, about the magistrate breaking the law or engaging in criminal acts.

It is about indecent and inappropriate behaviour – perfectly legal but completely unacceptable – which has dragged the standing of the post she fills right through the mud.

Somebody who was a Super One hack just seven years ago is never going to understand that. It’s completely beyond your comprehension.

You know what they say: birds of a feather flock together. When Magistrate Herrera and Robert Musumeci next ask you and ‘Michelle’ to a party, be sure to rush to accept.

And then reappear on our screens to defend her.

Sooooo tacky. So Labour. Il-Partit tal-Chavs.

39 Comments Comment

  1. Premium says:

    Daphne, today on TVM we started with Bijografiji with Eddie Fenech Adami and then Disset with Joseph Muscat…dalle stelle alle stalle..

    • John Schembri says:

      I saw the first five minutes and changed channel and found Gonzi on Net TV. Basically there was one big difference: one was talking about bread-and-butter issues and the other making empty sounds.

    • Pudding says:

      Eddie would be difficult for Muscat to match up to, as would Gonzi.

      • John Schembri says:

        Very true, Pudding. I watched Bijografiji before I started to watch Dissett – but at least Gonzi was part of the changes Eddie brought to Malta. He was on the right side of history. If anything, Joseph Muscat was part of Sant’s inner circle who worked against Eddie’s ideals.

        Gonzi is handling the situation well when compared to other prime ministers. He is focused and won’t let anyone distract him from his main aim: the economy(work), which in these times needs a lot of attention.

  2. Hubert Zammit says:

    I perfectly agree with Premium………..what a difference!

  3. HALLO MATTHEW says:

    Akbar zib? Surely not. That moniker is Matthew Vella’s.

  4. Moi says:

    I find it incomprehensible how Joseph Muscat could have spouted so many empty ‘promises’. This is a marketing experiment pure and simple. His marketing strategy is simple – tell every sector everything they want to hear because they are so self centred that they will not care that the sum of the whole will never add up.

    If we add up his promises the deficit will blow out to an unsustainable level but what does he care – basta they get their ‘turn’ in office.

    Our economy will go through the same trauma as when Alfred Sant got ‘his turn’.

    To make matters worse we had Eddie’s biography – what a contrast! Ghandi dwejjaq kbar.

    • La Redoute says:

      There were two different sectors on the sofa in my home. Neither one was taken in. His marketing strategy is abysmal as far as we’re concerned:

      “Vote for me to find out what I’ll do”

      Yes, people will turn out in droves to vote for him. They’re in for the shock of their lives.

  5. Antoine Vella says:

    I’m watched KontroEŻAMI on Net but on the evening news on PBS saw Joseph Muscat being pressed about Scerri Herrera. He kept repeating the same phrase over and over (something about “Inħallu l-Kumissarju etc etc”) like a soldier being interrogated by the enemy. Considering that he used to be an interviewer himself, he is singularly inept in fielding awkward questions.

  6. Paul says:

    Just before Dissett, I watched a clip on Inkontri on One TV. Joseph Muscat was interviewed and asked what he thinks about Sunday’s protest and he said “Ahna ha nkunu hemm spalla ma’ spalla ma’ min jahsibha bhalna. U ha nkunu spalla ma’ spalla ukoll anke ma’ min ma jahsibhix bhalna”.

    Amazingly mind boggling! Must be the quote of the week.

  7. Ciccio2010 says:

    So, if I understand well, Reno Bugeja, who was honoured with the title of “Moderate” by Joseph Muscat on Dissett of 23 Feb 2010, asked Joseph Muscat about a position from an eventual outcome of an investigation into Herrera’s case.

    Muscat replies that he will wait for the outcome of the investigations because there may be “hidden agendas.”

    Now we know from the President of the Republic, who heads the Commission for the Administration of Justice, that the Commission is not investigating (The Times, 20 Feb 2010).

    But we also know that the magistrate appeared in photos with the daughter-in-law of the President, who was hand-picked by Joseph Muscat and appointed secretary of ‘something’ in the Partit Laburista. So, now, can Joseph Muscat tell the Maltese public what hidden agendas he is referring to?

  8. il-Ginger says:

    Bet you when he reads this he still won’t get it.

  9. marisa says:

    I watched Joseph Muscat on Dissett and I was shocked by his superficiality … he tried to act cool which reminded me of his predeccessor, Alfred Sant. Muscat repeated ad nauseum the phrase ‘the proof of the pudding is in the eating’. Can he tell us what Consuelo’s pudding tastes like? I’ve heard he’s been to dinner.

    Zapping between Dissett and NET TV (where the PM was being interviewed) I couldn’t help but notice the difference between Joseph Muscat and Lawrence Gonzi: Muscat ferhan bih innifsu and with that look of ‘arani ma I’m on TV’ and Gonzi composed, visionary and above all. speaking bis-sustanza.

    What a pity that Joseph Muscat will probably be Malta’s next prime minister. X’dizgrazzja ghal dan il-pajjiz!

    • Pudding says:

      The problem is that despite the marked difference between the two (and I know which one I would vote for), many are those who think out of the seat of their pants and say that PN are “arrrogant”, “they have been in power too long”, etc, meaning that they would probably vote them out come next election.

      Do they really want this d*ck to be prime minister instead? Seriously!

    • first says:

      jekk il PL Ipoggi lil Kristu Lider tal partit in nazjonalisti isalbuh rasu lisfel ghax il liders tal PL kolla hziena u jibew jiehduha kontra tieghu ukoll ,

      Lets go for election and then we see ….

      • N.L says:

        Il-Partit Laburista kellhu kanditat tajjeb imma f`dan il-kaz il-klikka Laburista salbitu rasu l-isfel u issa qed tipprova tigbor giha billi mpjegat lill x`hadd jigi minnhu.

      • S.Winwood says:

        Hu pacenzja ras u stenna tlett snin ohra.

  10. MA says:

    “backwoods-dressed-up-as-city ignorance”

    Best description ever penned.

    PS. An honest question: Has Consuelo Scerri Herrera ever heard of a hairdresser?

    • Harry Purdie says:

      This little twit of a boy man is so far out of his depth that even the ‘backwoods’ are ashamed.

      PS. Have a comment about her hair, but Daphne won’t upload it–guess.

      • Bearded lady says:

        I have a comment about his goatee. Someone’s just called it fanny fluff.

      • Venim skirt says:

        OK, let me guess: If skirts get any shorter, said the schoolgirl with a blush, we’ll have two more cheeks to powder, and lots more hair to brush. Right?

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Very good! To the head of the class.

      • il-Gnome ta' Charles J Buttigieg says:

        If the skirts were shorter said the pixie to the gnome, there’ll be two more cheeks to powder and lots more hair to comb.

  11. Tony Pace says:

    X’ghamilt b’idejk ruhi qalbi? Kont se nivvutalek imma rajtek fuq it-TV u rega bdili.
    What a pompous sorry excuse for a leader you are.

  12. Mario De Bono says:

    The man is superficial but unbelievably pompous. Pity Jesus Christ got there before him. He is walking a tightrope that is so convoluted that at the end of the interview, one is left wondering what in God’s name he was faffing on about.

    Unfortunately, this kind of superficiality is just the thing he needs to do to get elected. He will appeal to the many who are feeling hard done by because they cannot make do, and who are envious of those who work hard and manage.

    The disaffection and lack of feel-good factor in the country will usher him in, and we will have another horrible rerun of the 1996-1998 MLP under Sant, but this time, it will be all the more horrible and long-drawn-out.

    Meta jasal il waqt. That’s the most important thing he says, then he faffs on about studies studies studies. He gets on any passing horse he can find, as long as it gets him a few crucial votes.

    All in all, there is nothing of substance. No real solutions. No real proposals on how to tackle problems. Just high-brow ideas, and high falutin’ concepts, but nothing that you can really get your hands on.

  13. Mario De Bono says:

    ‘Meta jasal il waqt’ means “Oh, I hadn’t really thought of that. I’d better bring it up before the nest strategy meeting”. Nothing else.

  14. Joe Vleggeg says:

    What’s this about Joseph Muscat being our next prime minister? One way or another we have to make sure it never happens.

    Daphne, we need you to show us the way. Keep up the momentum. Your blog could be the guiding light to help us get rid of all this shit.

    • Harry Purdie says:

      Can one envisage the little twit lined up with the other 26 leaders of the EU countries for one of those tacky photos? He’d be misconstrued as one of the ushers. Gawd, what a thought.

  15. taxpayer says:

    Wara li smajt il-Joseph Muscat fil-programm Dissett, bdejt noghrok idejja u nitlob li tasal l-elezzjoni halli nibda nimxi fit-triq u nigbor id-deheb. Dik l-impressjoni li qed jipprova jaghti lic-cwiec.

  16. S.Winwood says:

    Just saw a clip from Dissett on Net T.V of what Muscat answered when asked about his plans for the utility tariffs. Imma dan hadd minn ta’ madwaru ma jigbidlu l-attenzjoni kemm hu patetiku? What a dick.

  17. kev (mhux dak ta' Sharon) says:

    To all you guys leaving your comments before me: I respect what you are saying but come on act like real men and stop acting like fundamentalists.

    Do you seriously enjoy watching Gonzi speaking bullshit hinting that he is the saviour of the country for the problems his party has created?

    Joseph Muscat is not good because he cannot remain non committed towards everything.

    If you really enjoy what Daphne writes, which I also endorse, take her advice and do not act like those fond of Farmville and instead come up with sharp arguments u mhux ewlogi ghal Gonzi inkella twaqqaw this blog to second division.

    Daphne, I want your real thoughts about this. Everybody is free to write what he/she want, but please tell me if you like infantile comments about how Malta is blessed to have Gonzi.

    [Daphne – I infinitely prefer them to infantile comments about how Malta was blessed to have Mintoff, or how Malta will be blessed to have Muscat. I would rather not have infantile comments at all. I prefer the amusing or insightful ones, but there you go.]

  18. kev (mhux ta' Sharon) says:

    Sincere thanks for your prompt response. Your blog is addictive and I must admit that it is taking my eyes off the ‘beautiful Farmville’ characters present on Isola Dei Famosi. Can I ask you if you shall dwell in a very important and disturbing news about a presumably high ranking PN official which was highlighted yesterday by Lou Bondi?

    [Daphne – I think the person to ask is Toni Abela. He’s the only one who seems to know anything about it, but he appears to believe that it’s not his duty to report the matter to the police. But then again, that might be because it’s a figment of his over-active imagination. Never trust a man who flirts with rubber puppets.]

  19. Melissa says:

    I thought it was a big coincidence to have Bijografiji about Dr Fenech Adami followed by Dissett with Joseph Muscat.

    You get the feeling that history might repeat itself in three years’ time. Labour will be elected because of a “fresh” face… and we know what will happen after that.

    I couldn’t be bothered watching Joseph Muscat. He looks too phony to be taken seriously.

    On the other hand, I loved the Dissett episode about guide dogs. It seemed to me that those dogs can teach a lot of people about leadership.

  20. Silvio Farrugia says:

    I say to myself that I will not vote for the Nationalists again but any party except Labour… but I got worried about the repercussions there will be to such a decision after watching Dr Muscat on Dissett. He commits himself to nothing except about “gays” and then because he knows that in Malta we advanced a little and everybody and his dog has nothing against gays and anyway every family has a gay member whether in their immediate circle or in the wider family network. Mintoff, whether you agree with him or not, always committed himself. Remember the six civil rights points he never backed off from though he lost elections because of the Catholic Church?

  21. ray meilak says:

    Daphne, one question: Why would the Gestapo like police be interested in interrogating you when nothing you did was criminal?

  22. salvu says:

    am so glad to see you pn hamalli taring at each other.

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