Konrad Mizzi had said it was Il-Guy’s “vision” that inspired him to become a Labour tool…sorry, candidate
October 17, 2014 at 9:29pm
Remember this, if you had watched it at all? It was only 22 months ago, and yet it seems like a lifetime. Con-Rod Mizzi is now twice the size, his wife and children are in Beijing on (Maltese) public money, Il-Guy is about to become an EU Commissioner, and the dog’s eaten their road map.
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ShanGuy Electric. Labour’s roadmap.
Yes of course, the Labour party has the best vision for Malta. Personally, I cannot stop thanking the Maltese people for choosing a Labour government, because Joseph has made my life soooooo much better since he’s been elected into power, especially when I know that my taxes are being generously donated to the Labour diehards.
This genius’s wife is enjoying €13,000 a month to do zilch back home in China with her children. She promised she would show us her FS3, remember? Probably the greedy dog that ate their road map ate that too.
Tonio Fenech, then made the subject of a media and political assault because of a clock (and look at the real corruption now), was right to call Labour’s energy plans the stuff of Alice in Wonderland.
Miriam Dalli is now in Brussels after filling in the maternity gap after leaving her Vodafone job with a grace-and-favour payroll position at Konrad Mizzi’s ministry – €51,000 a year of YOUR taxes.
And her father-in-law has been donated to the European Commission.
It’s their lives that have been made better, and not ours. They’ve pulled off the big one: conning the electorate into voting to make it possible for THEM to live high on the hog at our expense.
Alice in Wonderland fits like a glove to this saga going on right now. Konrad must be the Mad Hatter running aimlessly around shouting: “I’m late, I’m late!”
Il-Guy kellu vizzjoni
fegghet hekk, bhal flissjoni
ittiehdu hafna nies
fosthom Konrad, minghajr qies.
What a bunch of liver-lipped crooks.
“Il-Perit Karmenu Vella u t-team tieghu.”
Hmm. Maybe Vella’s gone off to Brussels with the Road Map.
I can’t stomach the fact that these bungling idiots, with no shred of decency or sense of professionalism in office are wasting these five years of our time, having been at it since 2008.
They should be jailed for their fraudulent mandate.
Do you remember when Labour consultant Godfrey Grima tried to sell the BWSC story to international newspapers?
I don’t know whether he updated the conclusion of that report and how the Labour government sold the power station lock, stock and barrel behind the people’s back.
It is pertinent to ask if he intends to write a report about the gas power station promised by his ‘client’ Joseph Muscat.
This is out of subject but important:
Don’t paparazzi have a right to shoot photos whereverthey like? How is it that police officers asked the photographer to erase the photos?
Now that the ‘partner preferut taghna’ won’t deliver, how about referring back to the other ones?
Tonio Fenech last year.
And now for something completely the same.
And then it was a supertanker moored where swells reach their finest expression of romanticism. .
Pure sales pitch, and silly us gave up on gas bunkering another one of Mizzi’s sci-fi plots.
Youtube’s stocked full with Mizzi’s lies, bluff and posing.
Sweet how everyone else in Labour, cabinet, backbenchers et al. just won’t be seen or heard at the moment.
I think I know exactly what’s happening.
This is another one of Yana’s “six hats” strategic distractions. Here’s how things will unfold:
1. Muscat tells the nation that the power station will not be completed on time.
2. Half the nation is appalled. The Nationalist Party makes “strong demands” for the publication of contracts and such.
The make equally “strong demands” for televised parliament sittings, so they create a distraction within the distraction.
3. The opposition and half the people focus on nothing else.
4. Meanwhile, Muscat is free to do as he pleases because no one’s looking.
5. On D Minus 1, he unveils the new power station.
6. Everyone applauds, including both halves of the nation.
7. The next day he announces e.g. the scrapping of stipends.
Repeat steps 1-7 until 2018.
Most of them have ballooned in weight. Were they so hard up before the election that they could not eat?
‘…“At this stage, it is better not to commit to specific time frames. We are talking about a major project,” an Infrastructure Ministry spokeswoman said…’
A major project.
Doesn’t the Ministry spokesperson know that there is one in Aldo Moro Street. It has been there for several years and nobody referred to it as a major project. What would the Gozo bridge be? A mega project? What little minds.
Funny how this hasn’t happened yet with Malta’s health minister:
What was it we’re paying for Muscat’s car?
What is he on about? Konrad Mizzi was raised in a family of Mintoffians. That’s how his father was one of the original and long-standing big cheese at Air Malta, along with his friend Louis Grech.