Konrad Mizzi, March 2013: “Hdimna biex infasslu proposti konkreti, realistici u doable.”

Published: October 18, 2014 at 6:17pm

You look back and sort of wonder how people bought this package.

But then you remember that people lent millions in undeclared cash to a supermarket owner and ‘international meat trader’ who promised them rates of interest of between 20% adn 40% a month, and you stop wondering.

14 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    The junior minister who tried to explain the explosion of a check-in desk as it having basically been fed up with where it was.

    He really is a phenomenon.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    He’s the personification of the word ‘bahnan’.

    • M says:

      I don’t know what your definition of the word ‘bahnan’ is but in my book bahnan does not mean cunning, deceitful and manipulative but rather a benign simpleton who is swept along by the events and people around him.

      A bahnan is easy to see through and is not able to play on people’s insecurities, energy and other financial worries in order to give him the power over them for the next 5 or ten years. Bahnan indeed.

      • Joe Fenech says:

        M it was very easy to see through this Labour mob. It just needs basic foresight and hindsight.

  3. Madoff says:

    Donnu kellu teleprompter.

  4. Michelle Pirotta says:

    I honestly hope that this power station debacle should be the final reason to show that in Tonio Fenech we had one of the best Ministers in recent years, albeit naive to a certain extent. He practically played his credibility on the failure of this plan and he’s the one being proven right.

  5. Charles says:

    Those teleprompters are very useful things.

  6. Orlando Ellul Micallef says:

    Can you see from the video that he’s reading these lies too?

    The PN needs to wake up and smell the coffee. They constantly needs to trigger these astronomical lies, not just in the energy sector, but on every front.

    I feared their lies, but not I’m more afraid that we are being much tolerant to these lies, on a daily basis, that are becoming the norm in Malta.

  7. Manuel says:

    Sad as this may sound, we are stuck with the free-loading, money-grubbing jerks for the next 8 years or so.

    What is the PN doing about all this mess? Shouldn’t this be a wake-up call?

    • Angus Black says:

      Manuel, the PN is made up of people like you, no more, no less.

      The question is, what are YOU doing to help fix this mess?

      It is so easy to point fingers at others.

  8. Kapxinn says:

    Concrete proposals won’t float, but are doable. Konrad Mizzi can float, but is he doable? Sai says yes.

  9. Kapxinn says:

    Orientals, Tabatha? Some would call them ting-tongs.

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