Watch this full screen: Il-Guy – The Tribute Movie, with a soundtrack by Barry White
October 24, 2014 at 12:44am
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L-assenza, fil-fliexken iz-zghar issibha.
Anki l-velenu fil-fliexken iz-zghar issibu.
Anke dik li tiehu ghand it-tabib biex jahraqilek issibha fil-fliexken iz-zghar.
Great video!
So this proves that pathetic and short gay men have been in politics for a very long time in Malta.
The precursor of Natius ‘Samantha Fox’ Farrugia.
I noticed that some older men who are not necessarily gay take under their wings younger men who may be a little effeminate, or at least not very masculine.
I don’t fully understand why this happens but this seems to have been the relationship between Mintoff and Il-Guy.
Thinking about it, it seems to me that Joseph Muscat is doing the same thing with Owen Bonnici.
[Daphne – Mintoff liked young men, full-stop. He had a penchant for those who were slightly girlie, and clearly, some of them took advantage of that in the ways that girls would have done had his tastes been otherwise.
Because the girlie aesthetic was fashionable for young men in the 1970s (think Robert Plant and Marc Bolan), it did not follow that they were necessarily effeminate or gay. But their prettiness and their curls would have been the root of their appeal, as there is clearly a pattern there.
Carlo Seychell, one of the pretty young men in that famous ‘naked’ photograph on the boat, most certainly is not gay. He was married twice (once might be a beard, but twice is not), latterly to Marlene of Promod and George, who campaigned heavily for Joseph Muscat, and has several children of all ages.
John Montalto isn’t gay either – I’ve known him all my life as we are from the same street, and he loves women for the reasons that straight men usually do, not the reasons that gay men do – but Mintoff was bowled over by him and Montalto wrote a famous article for The Times in which it is immediately obvious that Mintoff was besotted by him, though Montalto wouldn’t see it that way and would have merely liked the influence he had: He too was curly and fairly pretty in his prime, and had an exuberant personality (which he does still).
“Some older men who are not necessarily gay” – in situations like the ones you describe, they generally are, even if it is so repressed that they do not know it themselves. Maltese gay men and women over the age of 40/45 are in their vast majority married with children. The only way to cope with one’s homosexuality until fairly recently was to pretend otherwise, even to oneself, because of the nature of society at the time (and not just in Malta, but everywhere else).
That’s why there seem to be more gay people in the 20s generation than there are in older generations. There aren’t. It’s just that in older generations, people couldn’t come out, at times not even to themselves, and they married and formed families. Of course this is all something of a tragedy for them in terms of the life they felt they had to lead, and more so for the families they created as a few are now coming to terms with reality and confronting their sexuality, which means heartbreak for their spouses, a major adjustment for their children, and the rewriting of the entire family history and memories in line with the truth.
That’s in my age group. Much older men and women, however, simply won’t confront it at all. At that stage, they probably don’t see any point, think in terms of leaving well alone, and might not even be able to cope with the knowledge themselves. So they do things like seek the company of male proteges where a straight man their age would look for a female one, and convince themselves that it’s OK because it’s a man, when really that’s just it and they can’t or won’t see it.
And no, I don’t think Owen Bonnici is gay at all. His rumoured marital difficulties are of a very different nature. The reason the prime minister favours him is because he is youngish, fresh-faced and acceptable to people in a way that, say, sleazy Manuel Mallia most certainly is not. And speaking of which, the latter is one of the most effeminate of the bunch, and with a thing for army boots and uniforms, which is clearly why he surrounds himself with them.]
What you wrote is very interesting. I was trying to say that there are older men who like to be with young men who are non threatening. This may be because of latent homosexuality or because they are misogynists.
I’m glad that you know about Owen Bonnici’s problems with his marriage because I think that a person with those sort of problems should not be a justice minister.
I’m trying not to be too forward but I am speaking of the issues that led to his marital problems. Those issues are something very serious for an ordinary person let alone a justice minister.
I’m sure he rues the day he posted that ‘Golden Years’ pic
Issa ndunajt ghala tawh il-Portafoll tal-Maritajm. Zgur li raw ir-ritratt tieghu ma’ Mintoff fuq id-dghajsa.
Mhux hekk biss imma kellu konoxxenza partikolari tar-rotta bejn Malta u Sqallija u il Port tal Ghadira, il bajja wisq sabiha li biha jiftahru il Maltin u it-turisti (sic!).
Asked if he will resign on 10th March 2015 if he fails to deliver on the gas-powered plant within the promised time-frame, he said that he is confident that the project will be completed on time.
You’ve left out Lady Jo:
And this famous quote too:
The Queen goes to Paceville – for CHOGM
Erm.. what’s the point of this video? Just wasted 4’35” to see the long career of this man in politics.
Oh come on. You lot are always complaining. That was just 2 seconds longer than John Cage.
Daphne, il-kas tal-Mellieha meta dahlu bil-cruiser hdejn it-Tunny Net bit-TVs hu kien?
[Daphne – Iva, but we don’t actually know what was in all those boxes they unloaded. It could have been anything from hasish to heroin to pasta to TVs tal-kulur.]
Video recorders, and a certain Philip who worked in a renowned Bulebel factory was the salesman.
On another subject, Raphael Vassallo suggests that the current abysmal congestion of our roads is not PL government’s fault. Wrong. It is entirely the fault of this government because of its insistence on throwing out Arriva and start afresh.
The most effective way to reduce traffic congestion is to have more and more people use public transport. PL’s campaign (first in opposition and then in government) against Arriva painted a picture of a disastrous public transport service when in fact it was working reasonably well (even if there was room for improvements). In so doing, they discouraged people from using public transport. They encouraged young people to buy their first car as soon as possible after age 18. There are thousands of people who might have been enticed to use public transport regularly but, because of PL’s negative campaign, public transport is no longer an option for these people.
PL had a golden opportunity to develop a truly efficient public transport system by building on what was achieved before. Instead they hindered Arriva in its operations going so far as to prohibit bendy buses on a false pretext (because of fires which could easily have been sabotage).
Every time I sit in a traffic jam, I blame Joe Mizzi and nobody else (other than Joseph Muscat for giving him responsibility for transport).
How this Guy was actually endorsed by the PN and its three MEPs, is beyond me.
Where they trying to prove that they are ‘positive’ so that they satisfy Muscat’s mantra?
Go to 1:21 of the above and then look at this pic:
Isn’t he a much older version of this guy?