Godfrey Grima update
October 26, 2014 at 5:04pm
I am glad to hear that Godfrey Grima was roundly booed by the audience at the Nationalist Party’s Ideas Convention last Friday, and that he ended up doing his usual and becoming aggressively defensive.
I am equally pleased to hear that the organisers who thought it a good idea to include him qisu xi prizawere taken aback by the audience’s reaction. Maybe now they will begin to understand.
And Simon Busuttil, this morning, wrote off Grima and his views. He shouldn’t have been there in the first place. An Ideas Convention is not a pantomime.
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What was Godfrey Grima doing at the Convention: selling ice-creams?
Now people can see that a leopard never changes its colours and so the PL, MLP or socialist party or whatever damn name these mediocrities choose to call themselves remain the same..mediocrities and downright amateurs.
Who (as in person) invited the idiot? This individual should not hide behind the IDEA Malta organization and should be identified and fired.
Ironically, he clearly shows lack of any innovative ideas in an IDEAS convention, lacks basic forms of vision and sound judgement, and seems to be stuck in the past.
The Malta Independent reported that Simon Busuttil is taking ”private lessons” in body language and public speaking. I watched Simon Busuttil this morning and must say that these lessons have worked miracles.
PN would do well to listen to the people! Especially those who had more sense to boo the man than the organisers who invited him.
I think the PN should have some kind of internal ‘guidelines’ as to how to deal with people who actively sought PN’s defeat in the general elections.
If they still think that Joseph Muscat makes a good PM, then what is the point of inviting them?
In addition, the PN should make a distinction between those who (wrongly) believed that the PL in government would be best for Malta and those whose only motivation to support the PL was greed.
‘…godfrey grima • 15 minutes ago
It’s as much trash to say I was an advisor to the Labour Party before the last general elections as the drivel put out by Paul Borg Olivier- premier moron who was left out of most major party decisions- and that other journalist wannabe Vella who together with Where’s Everybody Lou Bondi and whatshername were also blamed for the party’s last almighty fall from power in the party’s official post elections investigation. With people like this speaking for the nationalist party labour must be jumping with joy….’
Ouch, someone wasn’t Muscat’s chief sponsor and Torca designer before the general election.
Geddit, whatsername?
Allow me my only use of caps this year;
[Daphne – Godfrey Grima of all people knows my name only too well. I worked in his office when I was 19 and 20. He spent his entire day running around with one girlfriend or another while the office went to hell in a handcart and his wife rang repeatedly to see where he was, only to be skillfully held at bay by poor Bella the secretary. A real *rsehole.]
And can Paul Borg Olivier and Norman Vella realise it was the PN THAT DID SO?
Heard some interesting anecdotes about that office, employees and getting a raise.
Careful, ghax nibdew b’attakki personali.
You see, Jozef. They have hurt his pride. Not his political ideas or his partisan position. His pride.
Because Grima, like Edward Scicluna, Alfred Sant, Albert Marshall and so many others on this blasted rock, is an intellectual. They thrive on applause. Boo them and they go berserk.
Intellectuals thrive on intellectual challenge, not applause.
Godfrey Grima’s writing style is no different from that of the illiterate elves who are so typical of the comment section of the Times and Malta Today.
At least they didn’t invite Lino Spiteri, the Wisdom of the Nation.
Jesus, these people are worse than Kanye West.
Did he ever tell you that he has the sixth sense.
Wonder how he got that disused quarry near Ta’ Kandja at the end of Hal Farrug Road. Very discreet.
[Daphne – Oh, I know the answer to that. It’s not his. It’s his wife’s. It was her father’s property. She inherited it and he uses it as his own, and no one is any the wiser.]
When they hit back like this, they show their true colours. Is this a dictatorship we’re living in, or not?
godfrey grima • 39 minutes ago
It’s as much trash to say I was an advisor to the Labour Party before the last general elections as the drivel put out by Paul Borg Olivier- premier moron who was left out of most major party decisions- and that other journalist wannabe Vella who together with Where’s Everybody Lou Bondi and whatshername were also blamed for the party’s last almighty fall from power in the party’s official post elections investigation. With people like this speaking for the nationalist party labour must be jumping with joy.
[Daphne – Godfrey, if you are reading this, and doubtless you are, do please tell your audience how you got the contract for marketing/advertising/PR when the state telecoms company, under the evil PN administration, launched its mobile operator Go in 2000, and how your agency retained that contract for years. Please also explain to them how, at the time you got that contract, you did not have the staff to deliver on it and had to import somebody to do the job, somebody who hadn’t a clue where to begin, so you tried to get others to fill the gaps. And then when you’re done explaining, call in your accountant and ask him to tell us how much money you made off that contract which you obtained through blatant cronyism. And when you’re done, just take a flying jump right back into your lipsticked hero’s lap. Makes a change from one in a wig.]
Does Godfrey Grima hold a grudge against Gonzi for not retaining him as a guru/advisor in Castille? Typical Maltese ego/know-it-all.
Why is Malta so full of these egomaniacs? Peppi Azzopardi, Lino Spiteri, Andrew Azzopardi, Oliver Friggieri. I now realize that Franco Debono is not so unique. He is just less polished than the others.
This is what I like about Daphne. She puts them back into their hole.
We booed him off because we all perceive this man to be your typical z*bb go bott.
Hi Willie, finalmente a true nationalist.
Meta mort il-Gimgha, mill-bliet u mill-kampanji, bil-bnadar mieghek kont?
Simon Busuttil himself turned it into a pantomime. Or a priedka tat-tifel. His body language, facial expressions and mannerisms were just so … rehearsed. He looked and sounded far from natural and fluid, let alone convincing – just like Muscat, which is not at all good.
Unless he goes, the PN will never win another election.
About bloody time that skunk got booed by PN activists. Whose ‘brilliant’ idea was it to invite Godfrey Grima as speaker at the PN convention anyway?
Is that what Idea Malta meant? Get more slime thrown at PN voters, at their very own convention?
godfrey grima jcc • 3 hours ago
Tista tghidli fejn taf li jien qatt kont opportunista? Tafni forsi niehu l-gzuz ta liri minn partiti fl gvern bhall ma ghamlu wheres everybody, Daphne , Lou Bondi u hafna ohrajn?. Tafni ithallas bil goff talli naghmel propaganda lil Gvern- Laburist jew Nazzjonalist, kif ghamlet Daphne li kient tithallas Lm33 fis siegha talli tghid corma cucati? Tafni niehu xi pozuzzjoni imhallsa sew bhalma ghamlu tant u tant nies li spiccaw- ghandi f’ mohhi bhalissa ambaxxatur ghall Ingilterra u iehor fi Franzz fejn wiehed anqas kien jaf jitkellem bl-Ingliz u l-iehor ufficjal fil Ministeru tal affarijiet barranin Franciz kien qalli li kien imur ifittex in- nisa fit-trieq ( iehor kien imur ifittex l-Irgiel). Ghandek kun taf li kull Gvern offrili pozizzjonijiet gholjin, f’Malta u barra minn Malta imma ghax qatt ma ridt nahdem ghall ebda Gvern, ghax ma ridtx nghix fuq it-taxi li jhallsu n- nies, dejjem irrifjutajt.L-opportunisti jkunu mod iehor.
He’s still at it… and he’s also potentially exposing himself to a libel case, if what he said about you isn’t true.
[Daphne – I’m not going to bother. I’ll just point out that 14 years ago, when the state telecoms company launched its mobile operator Go, Godfrey Grima was given the marketing/advertising tender for the company without a competitive process and his advertising agency was retained for years. It was the evil PN government that gave him that contract while he was all caught up in admiration for Alfred Sant. Not only, but his company didn’t even have the competence to handle the job at the time it secured it (the agency has come a long way since) and actually brought somebody in from Canada for that purpose, after getting the job, who hadn’t a clue where to begin. Please don’t get me started on this.]
I love it when nerds get angry and lash out.