Muscat Mess Update: Law Commission President defends smuggler of 465 protected birds
October 27, 2014 at 1:30am
The President of the Law Commission is serving as defence counsel to a man caught smuggling FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY FIVE protected birds from Sicily.
The President of the Law Commission is himself a bird fancier and the proud owner of an avian concentration camp in which literally hundreds of birds are kept confined to tiny cages set in rows like a battery farm. This website has no indication yet as to whether any of the Law Commission President’s birds are protected species.
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“This website has no indication yet as to whether any of the Law Commission President’s birds are protected species.”
I would say that the protected species under this administration are the criminals and those with criminal intent.
It would suffice if the President of the Law Commission himself is one of the protected species. The rest would not matter, really.
Franco really is the Birdman of Alcatraz.
Criminals……… check
Birds in cages…….. check
No women………… check
Horizontal striped clothing………. check
Weird frustrated behaviour……… check
The Blue Tit who became a Red Tit.
The Red Tit who thought he (she?) would go up the social ladder by thinking he (she?) was a Blue Tit.
Chameleon tits more likely, best suited to the colour of money.
L`uccello che soffiava, say the Mafia in their jargon.
The poor man needs help.
The criminal lawyer apponted to seek and remove kinks and loopholes in the law from which he actully makes money.
I can understand the look, if I were in his shoes I would not sleep a wink either. Besides, a ‘has been’ status is hard on pretentious divas.
tal-biki jahasra.
There is a Sicilian saying which says that caged birds sing because they are in despair and not because they are happy to be incarcerated.
This is the story that should be shared 8,000 times.
Heqq jifhem fl-ghasafar il-man.