Damn, he’s not David Cameron

Published: October 27, 2014 at 5:02pm

Look at the body language and facial expressions in this photograph published today.

anglu farrugia and joseph muscat

25 Comments Comment

  1. TROY says:

    Kelli nkeccik Ang.
    F… kemm ghandek.

  2. tinnat says:

    “Se ddum tharisli lejn il-bajd?”

    “U ejja, Ang, tini cans”.

  3. Madoff says:

    “Ang, wasal ghal daqqa ohra ta’ stallett.”

  4. Manuel says:

    There is no vibe going there between those two fake-friends.

    One seems to know something about the other but cannot speak clearly because it was stuffed with a creamy iced bun.

  5. Censu says:

    “Ftit iehor u dalwaqt lest. Tinsiex tifflushja warrajja, Ang.”

  6. edgar says:

    “Ang, jiddispjacini imma 58c biss zieda ghalik.”

  7. ciccio says:

    They look like a husband and wife after a quarrel in bed. Anglu is the wife, with his closed body language, listening to the empty promises and bullshit of the husband who is desperately trying to get her back into bed.

  8. Madoff says:

    “Ara, Joseph, jien saqajja flimkien hekk mhux miftuhin berah bhal tieghek. Pero ahjar hekk ghax nibza li jekk niftah saqajja bhalek terga taqtaghli il-bajd.”

  9. Denpi says:

    “Ang, x’taghmel meta jkollok il-murliti ? Ma niflahomx izjed!”

  10. observer says:

    Haxxej ikejjel lil iehor.

  11. Tabatha White says:

    Anglu, with all his defects, is the true face of Labour.

    Muscat is a sham for both of us.

  12. Vagabond King says:

    “Cameron ghandu par daqshekk, mhux bhal Cyrus.”

    • ciccio says:

      “Dazgur, huwa l-gvern tieghek ghamel ODZ policy gdida biex Cyrus jista’ jizviluppa r-remote areas minghajr problemi tal-MEPA.”

  13. Scorpio says:

    “Anglu ahjar hallejtek deputy leader ghax dak li ghandi llum ma jidher imkien.”

  14. tinu says:

    I’m sure that Sai’s Konrat is the main topic of their discussion.

  15. H.P. Baxxter says:

    This is so David Hocnkey. I’d call it “The Elephant In The Room”.

  16. bob-a-job says:

    Time for that session with Dog Whisperer

  17. George Grech says:

    “Dik is-sahhara ma nistax inboss biha ghax tikxifli sormi”

    “Hu go fik prim. Sibt kappell jigik”

  18. Jozef says:

    Tmissnix jekk joghgbok.

  19. Natalie Mallett says:

    “Possibbli ma sibt xejn fl-Erskine May biex ma ssibx lil KonRat hati ta’ breach of privilege? Issa nqieghdek jien postok ta talli weggajtli qalb il-pupu tieghi.”

  20. ciccio says:

    “Ang, serrah rasek, is-senter hallejtu barra.”

  21. curious says:

    “Anglu, dawk tar-raba’ sular kollhom inkwiet kienu, sewwa ghidt.”

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