UPDATED WITH JOHN DALLI/Team PL: the Chinese slave connection

Published: October 31, 2014 at 12:03pm
Jimmy Magro, ex chairman of Leisure Clothing and ex Malta Labour Party secretary-general, now working at Malta Enterprise, seen here with Factories Minister Chris Cardona

Jimmy Magro, ex chairman of Leisure Clothing and ex Malta Labour Party secretary-general, now working at Malta Enterprise, seen here with Factories Minister Chris Cardona

Bortex chairman Lino Spiteri, former finance minister in the governments of Dom Mintoff, Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici and Alfred Sant, and former chairman of the Central Bank under Labour

Bortex chairman Lino Spiteri, former finance minister in the governments of Dom Mintoff, Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici and Alfred Sant, and former chairman of the Central Bank under Labour

Ramona Frendo, member of this government's Law Reform Commission under Franco Debono; also appointed to the Justice Reform Commission by this government and given a sinecure as lawyer to the Lotteries & Gaming Authority. She featured heavily in the Labour Party's electoral campaign and is married to Peter Borg, Bortex owner and managing director, with whom she has a child.

Ramona Frendo, member of this government’s Law Reform Commission under Franco Debono; also appointed to the Justice Reform Commission by this government and given a sinecure as lawyer to the Lotteries & Gaming Authority. She featured heavily in the Labour Party’s electoral campaign and is married to Peter Borg, Bortex owner and managing director, with whom she has a child.

Tony Zarb, General Workers Union boss: when a journalist at Union Press began investigating violations at Leisure Clothing, he was instructed by a top GWU official (there is no indication that it was Zarb) to stop doing that and not to publish anything about the matter.

Tony Zarb, General Workers Union boss: when a journalist at Union Press began investigating violations at Leisure Clothing, he was instructed by a top GWU official (there is no indication that it was Zarb) to stop doing that and not to publish anything about the matter.

Leo Brincat, served under PM Mintoff and PM KMB, Minister of Finance in Sant's cabinet, currently Environment Minister in Muscat's government - worked in a senior capacity at Bortex for many years while all this was going on.

Leo Brincat, served under PM Mintoff and PM KMB, Minister of Finance in Sant’s cabinet, currently Environment Minister in Muscat’s government – worked in a senior capacity at Bortex for many years while all this was going on.

Sacked EU Commissioner John Dalli, now a consultant and adviser to Labour Prime Minister Joseph Muscat: he bought a Chinese slavewoman from Leisure Clothing, to look after his mother

Sacked EU Commissioner John Dalli, now a consultant and adviser to Labour Prime Minister Joseph Muscat: he bought a Chinese slavewoman from Leisure Clothing, to look after his mother

18 Comments Comment

  1. Not Sandy:P says:

    Bortex’s auditors are PWC.

  2. Peritocracy says:

    Time for another name change: Slave Labour Party

  3. pablo says:

    In Malta in 2014, one Chinese national earns Euro 156,000 per annum. In Malta in 2014, 240 Chinese slave workers in Malta each earn an average of Euro 1000 per annum. The slave workers work in a sweatshop 15 hours a day while the other is living somewhere in China. Welcome to the Anti- Imperialist Malta Democratic Workers Party. Please enjoy your stay.

  4. Jozef says:

    Mancava solo lui.

    Evarist Bartolo, Jimmy Magro, Lino Spiteri, Leo Brincat: it’s the cashmere socialists.

  5. Leone says:

    Leo Brincat: bank teller becomes Finance Minister.

  6. george mizzi says:

    Isthi, Tony Zarb – issa qed titpaxxa taht il-Labour u thalli l-haddiem skjav u bil-prekarjat. Issa sablek post fl-ahhar Joseph talli qdejtu mill-koxxa hux?

    Traditur tal-haddiem. Hekk ser tibqa mnizzel fl-istorja trejdunjonistika Maltija.

  7. michael seychell says:

    Ramona Frendo used to work for Manuel Mallia for years.

    [Daphne – Yes, I know. She was part of cocaine trafficker Meinrad Calleja’s defence team.]

  8. Spock says:

    What a bunch of painful hemorrhoids in Malta’s nether regions – the whole filthy, thieving, greedy, corrupt lot of Team PL.

  9. A V says:

    Out of sheer curiosity, where there ever any PN officials in Leisure Clothing top management?

  10. Peppa Pig says:


  11. Adrian says:

    Another proof that you cannot trust anyone connected to Labour.

  12. silvio Farrugia says:

    We can understand why Dr Ramona sticks up for the government so fervently when she is an ‘opinjonista’ on TV.

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