Evarist Bartolo holds Chinese parents up as the world example we should follow

Published: November 1, 2014 at 3:27pm


chinese youth suicide

Evarist Bartolo writes about his daughter's anorexia-awareness campaign (without saying that she is his daughter)

Evarist Bartolo writes about his daughter’s anorexia-awareness campaign (without saying that she is his daughter)

evarist bartolo 4

evarist bartolo 2

evarist bartolo 1

Evarist Bartolo should know through his own personal experience what a rotten idea it is to have your children think they are defined by their exam results.

23 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Put it this way, Muscat appointed Evarist Bartolo minister for education and work. Call them being and doing.

    Quite an insight into Muscat’s motives and priorities.

  2. P Shaw says:

    Chinese, like Indians, do very well academically. They obtain the best scores. However, when it comes to work and adult life, they do not do well at work ( i.e. In western companies). They lack imagination, social skills, and innovation.

    That is why most Chinese companies are engaged in hacking. They need to steal ideas and innovation since they cannot come out with anything original. The ‘made in China’ label is just perfect and cheaper copy of western products. When established companies set up shop in China, they are forced to sell (give away) part of their know-how to China, since the latter are unable to develop anything innovative.

    • Jozef says:

      Which is why more and more western brands have started to re-shore.

    • ken il malti says:

      Chinese students in Western universities are also very apt at cheating during exams.

      Their vaunted academic excellence does not always come by honest hard working ways.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      The Chinese, like Indians who study at Western universities, almost always belong to their country’s elite. And out of 1billion+, the elite gives you a statistical sample large enough to make almost every student a genius.

      That’s until you have a conversation with them.

      And you realise the Chinese are blinded by patriotism, lack any form of critical skills (which makes any conversation supremely dull) and are by far and away the most arrogant racists of the modern world.

      Yes, this is a generalisation, and it holds true in most cases. That’s the whole point of generalisations.

    • ken il malti says:

      Almost everything that the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans make for export was invented by and or developed by Westerners.

      From cars to motorcycles to bicycles to tires to computers to radio to television to electric switch gear and generators to transformers to light bulbs to cameras to electronics to fridges to gantry cranes to locomotives to bulldozers to jet air-planes to steel mills, all from the inventive genius of the Western mind.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Including gunpowder, ghidilhom.

      • ken il malti says:

        The Chinese did introduce the mixture we call gunpowder, but it took European knowhow to use it in barrels to propel cannon balls and change the art of warfare.

        Same with rockets and to a lesser extent the magnetic compass
        that led the Europeans to sea-fare further out and capture new lands off indigenous peoples.

        These today are nothing to be proud of, in this constant politically correct shaming and blame-game onslaught foisted on people of European descent.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        No they didn’t. Read Marcus Graecus. The stuff he describes is practically gunpowder.

        You mention the compass. I’ve yet to see any proof of Chinese compasses predating European ones. Round our way, dry compasses were in use at least by the 13th century.

      • ken il malti says:

        It actually WAS gunpowder.

        The earliest written formula for Chinese gunpowder is from 1044 but it was used earlier than that.

        The amount of saltpeter used was different than what the Europeans mixed in to make gunpowder later on but that is a moot point, as everyone modified the formula to suit their use or need. Whether it was meant for fireworks or for cannon or musket or for blasting use.

        When I use to shoot a replica of a .50 caliber Kentucky style flintlock rifle in the early 1980s, the pan priming gunpowder was FFFFg and the charge gunpowder was a coarser FFFg, the FFFFg has slightly more saltpeter content and is ground up finer to help ignition.

        The Chinese did invent the magnetic compass and sailed to North America and South America and reached the Pacific side of both American continents and also to East Africa before any European ever did.

        The Chinese had larger and safer ships centuries before the Spanish in their time of Christopher Columbus and his puny ships

        The early Chinese mindset was different than the later European Renaissance mindset of exploration and conquer.

        To the Chinese, almost everything worth having was to be found in their Celestial Empire of China, everywhere else was not as good in these other barbarian lands.

        The problem was that the Chinese buried their head in the sand and they stagnated in their technology while still showing signs haughtiness and feeling of superiority.

        Meanwhile the barbarian unwashed Europeans technically evolved to be much more advanced and more aggressive that the Chinese. The Chinese were now no match for them.


      • Tabatha White says:

        What is not generally realised is that Israel went about the copying phase – because that’s all it is until they effect the catch up – in a slightly different way.

        In the 90s it had a scheme whereby the state would fund any idea as long as development was located in Israel.

        This lead to any Jewish person worldwide who wanted to copy any idea returning to Israel with the idea and receiving complete state funding.

        The first results were problem-ridden because the copying did not take all the technological details into account. But these were then ironed out.

        Of course this was before China lent further cost savings to the equation, which meant that many of these copycat industries failed to survive.

        Have a look at this short trailer to the lengthy documentary:


        Only now it’s Europe’s turn and Malta’s government has chosen to act as doormat.

        On Friday the UK is effecting amendments to its Slavery Bill that focus on all aspects of the supply chain.

        Here in Malta the Ggovernment is responsible for instilling, promoting and concealing slavery aspects in the supply chain to Europe.

      • We are living in Financial Times says:

        There was one guru who had a line to sell:

        “The Chinese civilisation went into decline because the Mandarins exclusively favoured point-to-point thinking.

        What they needed was more possibility thinking.” (Does this sound familiar?)

        That possibility thinking should replace point-to-point thinking.

        The guru approached India and said India should find a way of allying with China.

        When doors open on a first neutral pretext, it’s easy to get ideas across at the highest levels.

        It’s even easier when somebody puts contacts (a highly valued intangible within such contexts) at your free disposition.

        The bird’s nest, by that time, already included possibility.

        Interestingly, a bird’s nest is often couched in moss.

        Moss does not have roots but has rhizoids to anchor it down to substances.

        Moss species are extremely durable, do not grow to great heights and can absorb water volumes of many times its original weight.

        Moss was used for packing and preserving plants despatched to different destinations.

        Imagery is at the basis of all Chinese culture.

  3. La Redoute says:

    The minister is misinformed. Children are driven to suicide more than to success. China is not socially mobile. It is hugely competitive. Study is not the key to success. Many don’t make it very far, and most don’t make it at all.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Where channels for positive gratification and accomplishment are not available, children will just as readily turn to negative channels.

      Vandalism provides instant (negative) accomplishment.

      Suicide provides instant (negative) accomplishment.

      Labour in Malta threw opportunities for instant negative gratification to the electorate.

      It flooded the market with promise of them.

      It made such promises and deals on the 4th floor.

      From that perspective, anything positive is negative to their achievement of objectives.

      Oh, to be in other people’s shoes. The mother of all motivation, in Malta.

      Where effort and sacrifice hold zero value or recognition.

  4. pablo says:

    Yes, my only son Xi Ling studied how to be honorable human trafficker and open businesses for People of China Government in Malta. He buy policeman and government of Malta. His mother say Xi is over qualified in Malta. There are dumb people in Malta.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Such refined reporting huh, Jozef?

      You would think somebody, somewhere, at ToM would be armed with past details and a long list of “alternative” questions.

  5. C.G says:

    Everest Bartolo. Muntanja Cucati.

  6. Emm says:

    Seeing that Mr Bartolo has such a bleeding heart for our children’s education, is the agreement signed between the University of Malta and the Confucius Institute public? You know, real education never dictates what one should think.

    Would a student from Hong Kong for example be able to give a talk as to why his countrymen refuse to be told who to vote for?

  7. White coat says:

    Varist is a cross between Maria l-mouse and Mao Tse Tung:

    Mousy Tung.

  8. Gaetano Pace says:

    Ghalfejn iridna nimxu fuq dan l-ezempju? Biex ikollna familji joqghodu rashom l-isfel fl-ilma?

    Biex il-gvern igieghelhom joqtlu lill-uliedhom ghas-semplici raguni li jitwieldu bniet? Biex il-genituri jigu degradati u mahqura b`dan il-mod u ma jistghux jifthu halqhom?

    Ghalfejn iridna jkollna missierijet u ommijiet bhac-Cinizi? Biex imorru jitqahhbu fil-Partit Komunista u jbiegh lahamhom u gildhom biex forsi uliedhom jiehdu dak li hu taghhom bi dritt?

    Ghalfejn iridna Evarist Bartolo ikollna genituri stil Ciniz biex dak li ma rnexxilux hu fis-sittinijiet u sebghinijiet, qabel imut ikollu t-tama li jaghlaq ghajnejh jaf li Malta ser issir komunista?

    Ghalfejn irid li ommijietna u missierijietna ikunu bhal dawk Cinizi? Biex meta jigu biex ikunu edukati uliedhom ihossu il weggha li uliedhom ma humiex hielsa li jaghzlu triqthom u l-futur taghhom?

    Biex jaraw lill-uliedhom mjassra mill-arguzini tal-partit li bhal fabbrika tal-kancer imlew u invadem kull rokna, kull dar, kull fabbrika kull skola, biex jeqirdu it-taghlim tal-helsien, id-drittijiet umani, it-twemmin u kull forma ohra ta’ hi x`inhi li ma saritx mill-partit?

    Hekk irid isri kbir dan is-suppost Ministru tal-Edukazzjoni? Jew ghandu xi Ciniz jippumpjah minn taht?

  9. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    I hope that this is not an oblique suggestion to the government that Maltese mothers should be allotted a low quota of children (as is China policy) and that this LP government would be itself arranging for the disposal of any surplus over-production as cheap slave labour to Chinese industries.

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