If you want your faith in Maltese masculinity restored, go to Smash TV now

Published: November 1, 2014 at 9:05pm

Two middle-aged big girl’s blouses with the intelligence quotient of a rubber pipe, Silvio Parnis and Natius Farrugia – one of whom appears to be under the illusion that he’s not effeminate – are deep in fascinating conversation, interviewing each other.

It should be comic, but actually, it’s pretty tragic.


Natius Farrugia Joseph Muscat

8 Comments Comment

  1. Alexander Ball says:

    AKA Dwayne Spartacus and Mighty Joe Schlong.

  2. WhoamI? says:

    Nejxis gay?

  3. Persil says:

    I saw them on television discussing serious matters such as depression. One thinks that they are consultants on the subject. Imma kif ma jisthux. Mela dawn jifmu fil-medicina?

  4. observer says:

    Pardon my lack of co-operation, but even with the ‘reduction’ in electricity billing, I still think it a waste of precious time and energy to watch anything on Smash TV – however glorified, ‘expert’, ‘attractive’, ‘educational’, ‘informative’ and whatever else.

  5. Robert says:

    The Broadcasting Authority should see that certain serious matters such as health issues should be ALWAYS discussed by at least one professional guest along with the host of the programme.

    That guest should be professionally appropriate for that discussion and should never be just a normal person without any professional knowledge on the subject, but Parnis as usual always favors guests that sponsor his junk TV shows more than giving the appropriate information from the appropriate guest, and the BA should be aware of this because the viewers cannot be taught on depression from two normal illiterate individuals. Punto e’ basta.

  6. EVC says:

    F’kull programm li suppost jeduka lil udjenza li tkun qed issegwi, dejjem ghandu jkun hemm nies professjonali biex jitkellmu.

    Imma f’dan il-pajjiz donnu kulhadd sar professur ta’ kollox.

    Kulhadd jitkellem u jghid x’jahseb u xi jhoss imma qatt dak li suppost jaf jew li jemmen.

    B’hekk sejrin hafna il-quddiem b’programmi bhal dawn, ghax kulhadd jghid li jrid.

  7. C.G says:

    Nazju Svazineger, Joseph Davito u pastizz, sangweg u coffee mornings.

  8. Francis Said says:

    Cool but not SMART

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