Should Reno Calleja be on the university’s administrative council? Of course not.

Published: November 1, 2014 at 9:48pm

Chinese Medicine

Ex Labour minister Reno Calleja, who hit the news this morning for taking payment in ‘bottles of water’ to fix visas for Chinese people and get their papers translated, is on the university’s administrative council.

And he is using that position to serve as China’s Trojan horse in Maltese tertiary education.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Back to the Future says:

    Quoting from the article in the ShanghaiDaily that you posted above:

    Parliamentary Secretary Fearne mentioned that Malta already has a successful Mediterranean Regional Centre for Traditional Chinese Medicine in Paola which was established in 1984 under an agreement between Jiangsu Province and the Maltese Government.

    Was this centre the cover-up organisation to bring Chinese slaves into our country? It would be interesting to find out where the Chinese slave labourers are from in China.

    Hard questions need to be asked.

    We need to hound Reno Calleja for answers because he has been the President of the Malta-China Friendship Society since back in the 80s.

    It’s about bloody time for these effing thieves to be hung, drawn and quartered. I’m tired of seeing the same bloody faces from the worst years of our history being portrayed as squeaky clean, respectable do-gooders. They are nothing of the sort.

    They have worked the system to ensure that they maintained the status quo. They are absolute dirt, scum of the earth and they deserve either to be jailed for the rest of their lives or effing shot.

    There is no justice on this cursed rock. It is a land founded on theft, bribery, corruption and omerta. Is-sewwa ma jirbah qatt.

  2. AE says:

    Rabid Mintoffjan that he is. One of the proponents of the myth that National Bank was not stolen. So glad that the courts have held otherwise before he and Lino Spiteri have passed on.

  3. Chris says:

    And once more (and not for the first or last time) the University of Malta shows a singularly and spectacular lack of backbone, not to mention balls. Perhaps it is worth remembering that the rector is a member of the Valletta 2018 foundation. Not that he gives a damn! He always sends an equally inept representative.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Oh that’s the least of it. How about this: the University of Malta’s RIDT sends out round-robin emails to alumni asking them for funds. Its CEO is none other Wilfred Kenely, Shiv Nair’s fellow board member on the La Vallette Corporation.

      The nerve of it.

  4. muddy waters says:

    No wonder there as so manyLabour LL.Ds (now) being churned out. The whole set-up stnks

    • Jozef says:

      Mintoffianism is in its implementation, can we please accept this posit?

      Magistrates and lawyers to transform justice into social justice, Marxists and their Chinese counterparts to direct economic development, the spatial prerogative left to canvassers to interact on the micro-level.

      Anything else redundant, counterproductive. Simply because Muscat doesn’t vindicate the theory, and prefers toning down its aesthetic, isn’t change.

      Or better, mhux veru nbidlu.

  5. charlie says:

    Tort tan-Nazzjonalisti. Dan għaliex wara l-bidla fil-gvern immexxi minn Alfred Sant, meta reġgħu telgħu fil-gvern fl-1998, in-Nazzjonalisti ma ridux jinvestigaw l-atteġġjament ta’ Reno Calleja bħala Chairman tal-Awtorita’ tat-Trasport għax qalu li ma’ kull bidla fil-gvern għandu jinbeda kapitlu ġdid…kieku nvestigaw min jaf x’kien jinstab.

  6. Malti ta' Veru says:

    It is ironic that this person is on that council because he is totally unaware of his way around the campus let alone the potential, opportunities and benefits of real tertiary education that, believe it or not, today’s generation of politicians in government have, themselves, experienced. Does anyone remember the Malta- China Friendship society which Reno Calleja was spearheading?

  7. canon says:

    Reno Calleja makes it possible with fifty bottles of water.

  8. Bumblebee says:

    I think we need to know: has Reno Calleja been on China’s payroll since the 1970s?

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