KonRat Mizzi never was an energy consultant

Published: November 3, 2014 at 8:27am

I think it’s time to bring back a post I wrote in January 2013, which was kind of overlooked in the Taghna Lkoll fernezija.

Konrat 1


25 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Was it perception?

  2. ciccio says:

    Didn’t his CV say that he was also involved in roundabouts management?

    I always thought he was responsible for that famous Luqa roundabout – or was it just a perception?

    • Jozef says:

      Irrigation systems please, the man can size a pump to any quantity of pansies.

    • Len says:

      Roundabouts, Ciccio? No wonder he is going round in circles.

      • ciccio says:

        Wikipedia says so:

        “F’Malta Mizzi kien minn ta’ quddiem fit-tim li waqqaf il-Malta Enterprise. Kien ingħaqad mal-Uffiċċju tal-Prim Ministru bħala konsulent dwar management fejn mexxa diversi proġetti, fosthom dak ta’ public-private partnership biex titjieb id-dehra madwar it-toroq u r-roundabouts madwar Malta. Kien ukoll Chief Information Officer tal-Enemalta.”

        The Luqa roundabout pretty much sums up his cock-up with the powerstation.

  3. freedom5 says:

    Wicc ta’ cuc Malti iehor.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      “In Malta, Dr Mizzi was also a lead member of the team which established Malta Enterprise.”

      Poor Labourites. They really had it tough under the PN when Malta was not yet ‘taghna lkoll’.

  4. anon says:

    Cyrus really should have been jailed. Looks like some countries/states are more serious than others.


    • bob-a-job says:

      Oh with a bit of luck he may be on other things that still have to surface.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      Of course he should. He should have been charged not only with porn revenge – which is very serious in itself – but trespassing, using false identity and hacking into a company’s computer system (using their computers without their consent).

      While a dogbody’s job (intern contract) at the Maltese High Commission in London requires a full police record check, this sleazy criminal was awarded a top diplomatic job.


    • Veritas says:

      Regretfully the mentioned offences are unknown to Maltese Criminal Law. The only applicable ones were pornography and possibly misuse of computers. Cybercrime has long overtaken and left the Maltese legislators at a standstill in the wilderness of IT.

  5. bob-a-job says:

    Peress that Konrad’s ‘road map’ taret mar-rih, he’s decided on something heavier now – a ‘milestone’

    Good heavens what a ‘Pea Cubed’ brain.

    • Min Jaf says:

      Getting to be more like a millstone now, round Konrad’s neck and also round all of ours.

      • bob-a-job says:

        I’d change that to ‘tombstone’ actually.

        Here lies the MLP
        Lies as in ‘deceit’ not ‘eternal rest’
        Seldom missed

  6. PWG says:

    Way too big for his boots. His heading for an almighty crash. The problem is that this little game Joseph and Konrad are playing is bound to affect the energy sector negatively for many years to come.

  7. gn says:

    The contribution made by programme leadership consultants to the creation and maintenance of momentum for public service change programmes and the implications for their client sponsors: theory building within the context of a case study of the Maltese public service (1987-2001)

    It-tezi ta’ Konrad

    Dak x’imbaraz ta’ titlu hu?

    Tghid qraha Mario Cutajar, il-kap tac-civil?

    U jekk qraha, fehmha?

  8. M says:

    Kompetenza? The real kompetenza was in fooling the gullible fools and promising trinkets to magpies at the expense of others’ hard work, while a few cats got the cream. Kompetenza does not cover doing all this at the expense of the country going to the dogs.

  9. Jozef says:

    And isn’t it a coincidence he was head of IT when everyone was messing around with smart meters and bill readouts?

  10. pablo says:

    Seriously, this guy is not only incompetent but also corrupt. He is corrupt because he approved as a member of cabinet a secret agreement with his wife that takes from the public purse nearly Euro 500 a day.

    No information is given about what she is doing and what our real ambassador is doing in China. But we do know that this is to his direct benefit.

    When you have a corrupt person in a position of public trust, you are in trouble.

    Lies and character assassination are the tools they use to divert attention away from their corrupt deeds. In China they have show trials whilst here we have trial by PBS.

  11. Mike says:

    Firstly that University of Nottingham subheading is misleading.

    If Ian Gow was Konrad Mizzi’s supervisor, he would not have been based at the actual University of Nottingham campus, but rather at the Ningbo campus in China, where he had been based from January 2003.

    Standards in the overseas campus are not on par to the home one.

    Also, seeing that Ian Gow has not been part of the University of Nottingham since June 2007 and supervisors do not take on students when imminently departing, how long did it take Konrad Mizzi to write this drivel?

    As a side note it seems that he didn’t particularly take his supervisor’s advice

    • bob-a-job says:

      I had that feeling it may have been the University of Nottingham in China somehow.

      I also have some reservations about his claim for the Chevening Scholarship perhaps someone is able to expand on this.

  12. bob-a-job says:

    Pcubed strikes me as some Pyramid Scheme set-up.

    “If honesty, fairness and ethics are important to you; I’d pass on Pcubed ”

    ‘I have been working at Pcubed full-time (more than 3 years)

    Martin Hodgson is the only saving grace from a senior management perspective.

    List of clients is amazing for a small firm

    There are some really fantastic people sprinkled throughout the United States that work for Pcubed

    They know their stuff from a program and project management perspective


    Rest of senior management are arrogant, dishonest and not trustworthy.

    There were some strong people in Ann Arbor on the support side but most have left.

    Their promises rarely are kept from a compensation standpoint.

    The longer you are there, the worse you feel about your career.’


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