Lucky for Times of Malta that a man fell down a well some days ago

Published: November 3, 2014 at 9:05am

Because it gave the newspaper a really big top-position front page story yesterday and again today. What on earth would have happened without this deus ex machina? The newspaper might have felt itself compelled to cover some real news – like the ongoing scandal at Leisure Clothing or KonRat’s immeasurable power station difficulties and Electrogas’s threatened insolvency, or the Labour delegation to China, or the tangled mess of the Justice Minister’s life, which is impacting on his public behaviour and official business.

Or even, perhaps, the ongoing farce in which Air Malta’s brand-new CEO, Philip Micallef brought in from Bermuda, and its chairman, Maria Micallef brought in from Coca-Cola Malta, talk about restructuring the airline and making it profitable while government members ring the airline’s directors several times a day to give people jobs, promote certain employees and sideline others for reasons of cronyism or its opposite, and the government negotiates largely behind both their backs for the sale of the airline to Air China. Or is it now Air India?

What is that newsroom, with its sizable staff complement, actually doing?

man in well 1

man in well 2

man in well 3

man in well 5

26 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    OK. So the dog saved its owner’s life. We get it. Now who is going to save our country?

  2. Eve says:

    Times of Malta qabdet strategija li tippubblika headline stejjer drammatici u sensazzjonali li jqanqlu kurzita lill-poplu in generali. Hekk tkompli bill-bejgh tal-gazzetta filwaqt li ma jxandru xejn ahbarijiet ta’ sugu jew jghidu biss nofs veritajiet.

    [Daphne – Ghandek zball kbir. Dawk it-tip ta’ nies ma jonqfux flus ghall-gazzetti u lanqas biss ma jafu jaqraw sew bl-Ingliz. L-internet hija sitwazzjoni differenti, imma hawnhekk qeghdin nitkellmu dwar print.]

  3. zz says:

    People are not interested in stories which affect the future of this nation. People are interested in “gossip story” like a man being saved by a dog and a priest having sex with a woman. In either case newspapers take the “report what is said” attitude and fail to check and investigate the actual facts.

    But people rule! And if the people want a populist government then it stands to reason that people want populist journalism.

  4. Disillusioned says:

    My wife said exactly the same thing yesterday morning which, coincidentally, marked the last time we bought The Sunday Times of Malta.

  5. gn says:

    Joseph Muscat nominated Steve Mallia for the ice-bucket challenge…says million words

  6. Manuel says:

    Yes, Times of Malta is definitely in.

  7. muddy waters says:

    The proper expression is “Tal Biki” – This has a special meaning for those who, with pride, worked at Allied.

  8. White coat says:

    As was prophesied in the Bible, the End of Times is nigh.

  9. White coat says:

    Mintoff gutted the Times the old way, Muscat gutted it the modern way.

  10. watchful eye says:

    The news in TIMES OF MALTA is really what is not reported rather than what is printed.

    The powers that be need to get lessons in prioritising. But maybe they have got their hands tied.

  11. observer says:

    A boost to sales is always a blessing – no matter how unimportant, trivial, or even silly the reasons for it.

    Hence the front-page exposure of the unlucky incident.

    [Daphne – It’s not stories like that which boost sales, Observer.]

  12. Min Jaf says:

    Times of Malta’s newsroom is hard at work promoting diversionary issues which are designed to take voters’ minds off the escalating failures of the Muscat government.

    This is in much the same way as it was doing before the general election, only then the exercise was geared to undermine and nullify the good work done by the Gonzi government.

    Times of Malta, in that respect, is now little more than an English language L-Orizzont.

  13. tinnat says:

    That headline was the top headline on for more than 24 hours. Times of Malta has become the new Maltastar.

  14. tinnat says:

    Fresh headline on the TImes online: “Half of sex cases involved minors”.

    Sex cases?

  15. Ian says:

    “…or the tangled mess of the Justice Minister’s life, which is impacting on his public behaviour and official business.”

    I seem to have missed this one; what’s going on?

    [Daphne – My lips are sealed. Mhux jghidu li ghamilt attakk fahxi u moqziez fuq il-pudur tal-Ministru tal-Gustizzja.]

  16. C.Portelli says:

    Can we have more information about the Minister of Justice’s life, please?

    [Daphne – Why don’t you tweet him and ask him? That’s what Twitter is for.]

  17. ken il malti says:

    The Times Of Malta should start having pictures of cuddly puppy dogs and fluffy kittens shown doing irascible but cutesy things on its front page.

    That newspaper makes an excellent bird-cage floor liner these days.

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