Looks like the government is seeking to increase its fossil quotient

Published: November 3, 2014 at 9:15am

anthony zammit

Anthony Zammit, last seen describing how he was tied up and robbed at home by a bunch of strange men to whose friends he had given a key to his house, is aiming to return to parliament by filling Karmenu Vella’s seat.

Another turgid old fossil: that’s exactly what we need on the government benches.

8 Comments Comment

  1. Antoine Vella says:

    Dinosaurs wanting to replace a dinosaur.

  2. WhoamI? says:

    He’s trying to tie it all up before he retires for good

  3. Social Justice Please says:

    Whereas normal old age pensioners wait years on end because of the shortage of state run homes for the elderly and specialised care, Labour fossils end up in Parliament or with an iced bun that guarantees a continued livelihood.

    The prices of private care only favour those whose income is above 900 to a 1000 Euros per month. What of the majority of pensioners who earn significantly less than that? I believe the average pension is around 500 Euros (?)

    I have been told there are only 80 beds on the island allocated to dementia patients. The waiting lists are enormous. I have been told there are old people with dementia living alone with no care available to them.

    (Also http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20141103/local/family-moves-out-of-flat-after-neighbour-threatens-to-blow-them-up.542421)

    Dementia and related diseases are on the increases as our technology helps us to live longer lives.

    An archaic law makes children legally responsible for their parents. While children should help their parents as much as they can, there are limits. Besides the financial limits, most children are neither qualified doctors nor professional carers. So specialist 24×7 care cannot be given at home.

    We have a Minister for the “Family and Social Solidarity” and a Parliamentary Secretary for the “Rights of People with Disability and Active Ageing” (whatever those fancy titles mean) on the payroll. We have a President who claims she is sensitive to issues of social justice (whatever that phrase means nowadays).

    We know what the “care” they provide Labour fossils.

    What remains unknown is what do the Minister and his team are doing about the rest of our elderly.

  4. H.P. Baxxter says:

    ‘Turgid’, in this context, is a dangerous word.

  5. Hippocratic (Oath) says:

    Many remember the day when he did not kick the nurse in theatre.

  6. curious says:

    He certainly won’t celebrate with Natius.

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