This is about SOCAR, the Azerbaijan state company which owns 20% of do-nothing power station company Electrogas
November 10, 2014 at 9:05pm
SOCAR has run into problems of scrutiny because of Azerbaijan’s track record. So now we have two Electrogas shareholders with problems: Gasol and SOCAR. Maybe they’ll sort out their mammoth difficulties by Kon Rat’s end-November deadline for giving us a new milestone schedule to which we can hold him.
The poor man has so many problems – thank God he can go home to a supportive wife and the comfort of that strong marriage of which the government Department of Information so thoughtfully told the nation on a Saturday night.
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I honestly don’t know how Joseph Muscat can sleep at night.
Look at this buzullotta:
The most transparent government ever.
Greece is that much closer to Malta and South of Italy.
So glad the EU has woken up to this.
It is reprehensible how credit rating agencies like Moody’s fail to notice such shortcomings.
Lehmann brothers were given a positive outlook by rating agencies a few days before they screwed the whole world’s economy.
Tant huma trasparenti it-tenders li lanqas biss jidhru. Tisma ir-risposti tal-ministri fil-parlament u tibda tahseb li dan il-pajjiz qed imexxih il-famuz fatat Casper li konna naraw fi tfulitna fic-cinema u li l-kuntratti qed jinghataw lil Invisible Men li kienu jidhru fit-trailers qabel il-films fis-snin sittin.
Kollox retro, tant retro, li anke jekk il-Labour jidhol fil-hajt gas mal-pjanca, ser jidhol bir-reverse biex ta’ bilhaqq kollox imur lura bir-reverse flok forward il-quddiem.