X'inhuma tal-Junky Pescio?

Published: March 5, 2010 at 4:45pm
Jason Micallef in his Easter bunny outfit, bought specially for Consie's Easter bash

Jason Micallef in his Easter bunny outfit, bought specially for Consie's Easter bash

Consuelo Herrera should have been a promoter, not a magistrate – mohha biex torganizza l-parties, qisha xi wahda ta’ ghoxrin sena.

The latest on the Cons Party Schedule was supposed to be an Easter bash at some vineyard vaults which has been – sadly – derailed. I imagine she couldn’t take the risk of having her silly guests paste pictorial ‘rikordji’ all over their Facebook albums.

So Jason Micallef bought that carefully chosen Easter bunny outfit for nothing. Well, maybe not for nothing exactly – he can wear it to court on Monday and then I won’t recognise him and have him removed.

Ronnie Pellegrini looked high and low for a suitably camp Easter egg ensemble.

Ronnie Pellegrini looked high and low for a suitably camp Easter egg ensemble.

14 Comments Comment

    • Ciccio2010 says:

      I think a sentence is missing after that last line, saying: From the reply, the Magistrate concluded that Mr. Cauchi was not capable to look after himself.

      • erskinemay says:

        No sentence is missing. Just replace the word ‘by’ with the word ‘but’, and place a comma before it, and you’re set. Just typo, that’s all.

    • Pittma says:

      “Since Mr Cauchi was not represented by a lawyer, Magistrate Silvio Meli asked him if he was capable of looking after himself.

      Mr Cauchi replied that he was by the magistrate told him that from what it looked like, he was not.”

      “Mr Cauchi replied that he was, but the magistrate told him that from what it looked like, he was not.”

  1. Steve Grech says:


    “Mr Cauchi replied that he was by the magistrate told him that from what it looked like, he was not.”

    Can anyone here make any sense out of this sentence without reading it 10 times?

  2. Ciccio2010 says:

    Qisu tal-Kinder Sorpresa. But should have a health warning: Keep Out of Children’s Reach.

    • erskinemay says:

      Keep Out of Reach of Children is the correct form…please.

    • Philip Grech says:

      Anzi tippretendu li intom superjuri fil-lingwi u l-kultura. Kull ma jonqos hija comma wara “that he was”, u fil-gurnal “but” hemm u mhux “by”. Kieku l-gemel jara hotobtu jew toqobtu, jaqa u jmut sobtu. Skuzawni jekk ghandi xi zball fil-kitba imma jien m’inhix ma tan-naha taghkhom u allura arjorant.

      • Anna says:

        Philip, hadd mhu qed jippretendi li huwa superjuri fil-lingwa. Jiena u inti nistghu nizbaljaw ghax ahna nies komuni, fil-fatt il-Malti tieghek huwa tajjeb hafna.

        Jien kont qed nikkritika kitba bl-Ingliz li dehret fuq il-website timesofmalta.com, fejn nippretendi li ghandi nsib Ingliz perfett miktub minn nies professjonali mharrga apposta minn kumpanija li suppost hija serja. Fuq kollox dawn suppost qed jedukaw u jghallmu lill-qarrejja taghhom bil-kitbiet li jidhru fil-website taghhom, u ghalhekk l-izbalji u l-lingwa mkissra jistunaw bl-ikrah f’dik il-website.

  3. mike says:

    Repace BY with BUT :)

  4. Mario says:

    Can’t wait for next Monday. Probably after “Ic-Camata” you gave them they’ll stay at home or send a martyr instead.

  5. jomar says:

    @ Anna

    A typical example of mediocre proof reading.

  6. Hef says:

    Probably both sexes will be fighting for the bunny girl sjuts

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