PM’s chief of staff goes ballistic

Published: November 11, 2014 at 12:37pm

keith schembri

kasco engineering

Keith Schembri, the prime minister's chief of staff and owner of Kasco

Keith Schembri, the prime minister’s chief of staff and owner of Kasco

A simple statement to the newspaper under the ‘right to reply’ provisions of the Press Act would have sufficed for somebody who is the prime minister’s chief of staff.

But no. He is going the whole hog here.

The Nationalist Party should welcome with open arms this unprecedented opportunity to put the prime minister’s chief of staff on the witness stand under oath and cross-examine him about business interests so large and so extensive that his company even built the new Progress Press operation.

28 Comments Comment

  1. Jojo says:

    What exciting times we are living in!

  2. Jozef says:

    From his website,

    ‘…Kasco Recycling
    At the centre of Kasco’s green efforts. Kasco Recycling is an auxiliary company that administers and runs a nation-wide paper waste collection operation. Embodying Kasco’s dedication to environmental sustainability.

    This initiative includes the collection, processing, sorting and eventual export of paper waste to the Far East and Indian sub-continent, and is available to all businesses that produce bulk paper waste….’

    Kasco also offers certification support.

    In yesterday’s Reporter, both the GRTU and the Chamber of Commerce insisted this government remove the eco-tax.

    Busuttil’s observations to political patronage and occult ramifications couldn’t come earlier.

    Eco-certification will come courtesy of Kasco certification support, taxpayers unwittingly financing the collection of Keith’s raw material.

    Making sure no-one orders anything off the internet, that’s unfair competition says David Curmi. I bet Keith Schembri is one prominent member nowadays.

    And everyone’s a happy bunny.

  3. Tinnat says:

    Daphne, would you consider putting together a list of persons in Government or in high places who would have had to resign were this a modern democracy, and for what reason?

    It could be pinned to the side of the page, to be updated each week, and would allow your readers to have a true overview. We already have many candidates.

    [Daphne – In a modern democracy they wouldn’t have been appointed in the first place, Tinnat.]

    • Tinnat says:

      I know. We are fast reaching a stage where more than 50% of the Cabinet is tainted by stories of corruption, incompetence or compromising situations.

    • Jozef says:

      In a modern democracy, a government is held accountable to what it promised and more significantly, what it didn’t.

      Perhaps the PN’s serhan il-mohh requires updating.

  4. pablo says:

    The official and unofficial denials or statements are clearly no longer credible so the next desperate step is to file libel proceedings. Lies are like amphetamines: over time you need to increase the dosage.

  5. socrates says:

    May I kindly ask Daphne to start publishing her blog’s comments and posts in an Annual DCG Book. I’m pretty sure it will be a best seller. The contents describe so accurately the PL history of incompetence and non-governance.

  6. Felix says:

    The pressure is on, and they are showing it.

  7. sherlock says:

    Methinks he doth protest too much.

  8. Respect says:

    and the fish bites once more

  9. Alf says:

    May I ask and hopefully get a reply by the powers that be as to what is happening to the DOI lately – a government department that is being paid by our taxes?

    Why is it that the DOI issues a press release to inform us of libel proceedings both in the case of Konrad / Sai Mizzi and now in the case of Keith Schembri?

    Is this in order?

  10. Arnold Layne says:

    Why is it a government statement? Can’t he issue his own statements? And then Louis Grech tries to lecture about blurred lines between party and government.

  11. Joe Fenech says:

    Big d*ck Harry has had his ego aggravated.

  12. Jozef says:

    Half expect Privitera to call this man wiccu tost ghax flus il-poplu.

    Here’s one for Norman Vella’s Newsfeed.

  13. Ginu says:

    I suggest we call it Fiasco rather than Kasco.

  14. Spock says:

    So now we’re seeing a new PL trend emerging – that of suing for libel instead of releasing a statement. First Konrad then Kasco and I can’t wait to see who’s next.

    My gut instinct is telling me that the rats are being slowly driven into a corner and are desperately trying to make a last stand to make it, on their hind legs with bared teeth, fur on end, hissing and quivering their whiskers – all the instinctive things rats do to look larger, scarier and fiercer than they really are.

    The Taghna Lkoll facade is slowly crumbling, even to its most ardent supporters, and the sheer scale of its deceit and hypocrisy is gradually surfacing like a bloated, putrid dead body, letting off an insupportable stench of corruption.

    These libel cases are a golden opportunity for the hidden truth to come out in court – the only forum where these rodents will be obliged to answer truthfully.

    Then all hell will break loose. Bring it on.

    • Tabatha White says:

      How long does it take on, average, for a libel suit to get sorted?

      I think this is the only way they can play for time.

    • Edgar says:

      The bugger is that these people would not think twice to lie under oath, so forget it that we shall know the whole truth.

  15. Peppa Pig says:

    Oh dear. I am sure Sir Humphrey Appleby wouldn’t have blown up in such an unseemly fashion. But then he wouldn’t have had big-business interests or a big-time criminal for a cousin, either.

  16. Eye on Malta says:

    I think Saviour’s also going ballistic because your site is gaining a position a day.

    Looks like people like the need-to-know basis they find here.

  17. P Shaw says:

    The government has the audacity to claim that the Opposition is working on a character assassination strategy.

  18. chico says:

    When I read this I couldn’t help feeling sorry for The Times people. What the hell were they thinking of when they went in for this?

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