A class act for one of Consie's parties – and he's Maltese, too

Published: March 5, 2010 at 6:51pm
Do you mean that if I go to NYC people will actually pay me to roll up in a carpet and be stood on? Wow.

Do you mean that if I go to NYC people will actually pay me to roll up in a carpet and be stood on? Wow.

Perhaps Charlon might consider taking this up when he finally flunks the law course altogether. All he needs is a piece of carpet and some tape.

Bartender, Make It a Stiletto
The New York Times – June 12, 2009

A man walks into a bar. He’s carrying a carpet under his arm.

He wraps himself in the carpet, lies on the floor, covers his face and waits for people to step on him. A sign taped to the bar reads: “Step on carpet.”

People step on the carpet — dozens, in fact.

The more people who step on the carpet, particularly if they are women in heels, the happier the man is.

Some are timid, others are audacious. Some dance on the man. Some step on him while ordering their drinks, completely unaware that a live body is underfoot. Some just stand there, frozen, looking totally freaked out.

Four hours later, the man slips out from beneath his carpet, folds it up, tucks it under his arm and heads home. “It was a nice party,” he says cheerily, as if he were talking about something far more ordinary, like, say, a backyard barbecue.

That man (and none of this is a joke) is Georgio T., a 48-year-old immigrant from Malta, who calls himself the Human Carpet. He has become an occasional sight around New York’s bar and club scene and a fixture at sexual fetish parties.

Georgio discovered his predilection when he was a young child, he said. “I loved to have weights on me,” he recalled during a recent interview, his gentle voice flavored with a Maltese accent. “I liked having my cats walk over me.”

He worked his penchant into childhood role-playing games. “Somebody wanted to be the doctor,” he said, “somebody wanted to be the carpenter, and I would want to be the carpet.”

He took his act professional a few years ago and now mostly appears for a fee — his standard rate is about $200 a session, plus tips. Human carpeting is still a fairly wide-open market: Georgio knows of only one other person in New York doing a similar thing, a guy who calls himself Kevin Carpet.

21 Comments Comment

  1. jomar says:

    Now, that’s different. One hopes that he flaunts the fact that he is a Maltese immigrant. Just imagine how much the news will spur Americans to come over and watch other freak shows in Malta.

    Too bad they would have missed last weekend’s performance by Mr. Zarb and Mr. Bencini.

  2. Alan says:

    If it’s from Consie’s house, then its a Persjin one …. from an auction.

  3. Manuel tal-Pjazza says:

    Milli jidher hemm problema serja ta’ awto-stima: biex taċċetta li tagħmilha ta’ tapit!

  4. Ciccio2010 says:

    The guy said he was “happier” when “women in heels” stepped on him, but I think he did not say he was happiest with women in miniskirts. Which made me wonder which “bar” he was referring to.
    In his position, I would also look forward to the vacuum cleaning.

  5. Brian*14 says:

    Ahjar Alla jaghtini l-pacenzja. With Maltese across the globe, it’s never a dull moment.

  6. Rover says:

    Why on earth did he have to go to New York to do that. Albert Town would have done it for him, many freaks go there to satisfy their fetishes.

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    What with this carpet fellow and the other Maltese immigrant who campaigns against the arrival of African immigrants in Malta, New York seems to have received the cream of Malta’s exports.

  8. JC says:

    You have me in tears! Charlon need not even dream of practising law – why bother. He seems to love role models and has been given so much food for thought.

  9. sm says:

    Who knows if is a member of the MUT or GWU? Forsi Tony u Bencini jaqbzu ghalih.

    [Daphne – Nahseb li jippreferi li kieku jaqbzu fuqu, specjalment Tony.]

  10. magwa says:

    Hawn xi hadd jista give me some help, ghax avukat ewlieni li jigi qrib hafna hafna ta’ mhallef u imprenditur kbir serquli bicca art. Appellajt imma ghal xejn. Ma nafx x’nista namel iktar. Jekk hawn xi hadd li jaf nappreza hafna.

  11. P Zahra says:

    Something doesn’t quite tally: is Charlon Gouder reading law at present? Jekk hu hekk, x’inhu jaghmel jiggerra barra fit-toroq fil-hin tal-lectures? Jew il-ligi fethuh part-time evening issa?

    Jekk minghalih li se jaghmel dak il-kors u jibqa’ ghaddej bil ‘carrier’ u bis-sewxil lajf fl-istess hin mhux se jirnexxielu.

    No wonder the judiciary is in this state if they’re letting in cowboys.

  12. Gahan says:

    I nearly forgot to remind you: next Monday we celebrate ‘Woman’s Day’ , and what better way to celebrate this day than for a woman in power to drag a woman journalist to court for bringing the former’s private life to the attention of the public?
    Don’t foget to wear a Mimosa.

    [Daphne – Actually, what I brought to the attention of the public were the repercussions on her public life of what she presumes to be her private life, but what is, in actual fact, her secret life.]

  13. Tifel ta Zeza says:

    Magwa, roddilha s-salib siehbi.

  14. Gahan says:

    Next Monday is also two years since we went to the polls and Gonzi PN won the election by some 750 votes.
    It will be raining heavily in the morning, so you won’t be harrased by video cameras.

    • Galian says:

      “It will be raining heavily in the morning” … Ara tghidilniex x’tielgha Super 5 l-Erbgha while you’re at it!

      • Gahan says:

        Il-Grigal tajjarli n-numri! Mela int wiehed minn dawk li jemmnu li veru jintrebhu?
        Fuq it-temp umbghad ghidli ghandix ragun.

    • Ciccio2010 says:

      Gahan, Monday is also 7 years since the majority of the Maltese voted Yes to join the EU. It is also 7 years since a Harvard laureate told the Maltese people that the Yes vote did not win, but yet, here we are in the EU, with Joseph Muscat, of Made in Brussels, planning for Malta’s EU presidency in 2017.

  15. Kevin Zammit says:

    I would have preferred the grand day out of Wallace and Gromit

  16. lino says:

    ipprova sib ‘il xi hadd bhal Dr. Arvid Pardo biex naghmlu dikjarazzjonu fil-U.N.O li l-art ukoll hija wirt komuni ta’ l-umanita.

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