Frigging pathetic – 'Joseph Muscat went to Hyeres'.

Published: March 6, 2010 at 5:52pm
Gattink kozi witt NO2EU Sherin

Gattink kozi witt NO2EU Sherin

Is he easily impressionable, or is that just his supporters?, this afternoon

Labour leader concludes visit to France

Labour leader Joseph Muscat today concluded his visit to France with a trip to Hyeres, in the south of the country.

He also visited the island Porquerolles, which falls under the responsibility of Hyeres.

The area is well known as a French tourist destination, where the economy is dependent on tourism. It is developing a model of how to create a balance between tourism development and the environment.

Dr Muscat was welcomed by the authorities of the region and was taken on visits to see how decisions for sustainable development were taken, how the area dealt with the water problem and accessibility.

Dr Muscat was in France at the invitation of the French government.

20 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    It’s not just his supporters. It’s the semi-literate hacks at The Times too.

    • Hot Mama says:

      Mabel Strickland must be turning in her grave.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Private Eye, a journal which is up there in my Pantheon Of All Things To Be Looked Up To, has this award called an O.B.N. – Order of the Brown Nose.

        The Times deserves an OBN and Bar with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds, the way it’s grovelling before Joseph Muscat like a puppy trying so hard to please its master.

  2. Tony Pace mhux Tony says:

    Effin’ great. I am SO impressed. I just cannot believe that tal-Lejber are so gullible.

    The Times must be going bananas to think this item is newsworthy, and to actually publish this rubbish.

    Joey is always met by ”l-awtoritajiet”, but never by any dignitaries – miskin, he must be so distraught.

  3. jomar says:

    That picture reminds me of ‘pie in the face’ contests. What an easy target!

  4. tony says:

    And so will all do round table of indannatti.
    lol eat your hearts.

  5. jomar says:

    It’s a real shame that Joseph left France just one day ahead of Greek Prime Minister Papandreou’s official talks with Sarkozy.
    He could have been of immense value in telling the Greek PM how to cut the country’s expenses by half, not raise taxes, give raises across the board so that ‘in-nies ikollom aktar flus fil-but’, while reducing the deficit from 13% to 3% of GDP.

    If Joseph insists that he can reduce the electricity tariffs and is willing to cut taxes while keeping the deficit within 3% of GDP, why would not the same work out for Greece?

    While at it, he should e-mail his 20 year plan to Papandreou or present an autographed hard copy while on a “state’ visit to Greece.

  6. Harry Purdie says:

    Water problem? Hasn’t he heard of a strap-on urinal? Something like a snap-on tool. He should ask Charlon.

  7. Brian says:


    tony, tony, tony…..kemm nithassrek. Jien ma naqbilix fuq kollox li tghid D. Fil fatt certu kummenti tieghi lanqas biss jdhru ghawn. Ma jfisserix li jien naqbad ninsulenta. Fl’ahhar mill ahhar il ‘Blog’ huwa ta’ D. u mhux tieghek jew tieghi.

    Kif Marlene Mizzi thalltet ma nies bhalek… jien ma’ nafx.

  8. tony says:

    She joint us as she got fed up with all your comments full of hdura my friend.
    I do insult everybody what about you lot all your writting is full of hgura for all who is labour,
    I am proud to be labour.
    have a nice day blog ta lindannatti lol

    • Daphne's fan says:

      The way you wrote this last comment is very indicative of your political orientation, dear Tony. I suggest you invest in some English language lessons.

    • La Redoute says:

      She joint you? And then did what? Turned you into escalopes and fillet steaks?

      “I am proud to be labour”. That’s no surprise: shoddy spelling, shabby standards.

  9. Ciccio2010 says:

    What happened to those red ties?
    I said red ties, not red eyes…

  10. Brian*14 says:


    Indannat int, u l-hdura gejja minn familtek u razztek. Jekk joghgbok, hallina nibqghu niehdu gost naqraw hawnhekk u jekk ma joghgbekx, sib blog iehor.

  11. P. Zahra says:

    Naghmillek imhatra siehbi li la bil-Malti u l-anqas bl-Ingliz m’ghandek hila tikteb. Ahjar taghzel lingwa minnhom u titghallimha sew, imbaghad semma lehnek.

    Ghalissa, imbilli tigi tizzattat b’dik l-gharukaza ta kostruzzjoni u ortografija kull m’inti taghmel hu li tbezza lin-nies intelligenti u ta’ skola li jitla’ partit fil-gvern mimli cwiec bhalek.

    Issa ha naqleb ghall-Ingliz, tiehux qata’:
    Understand this, my illiterate friend, you belong to a party that has made you what you are today – poorly educated and proud of it. Yours is a party that encourages you to accept your woeful intellectual achievements and teaches you that this is part of your culture or heritage or some such nonsense.

    Inti Malti bhali, u bhali ghandek wirt kulturali illi jmur lura mijiet ta’ snin. Mela allura imissek tisthi li ghandek l-eta li ghandek u l-anqas hila tpoggi erba’ kelmiet flimkien kif suppost m’ghandek.

    Fejn kienet ommok fi tfulitek biex hallietek tohrog mill-iskola bla ma hadt xejn?

    Observe: I switch effortlessly and correctly between two languages. I was taught to do this. Your pitiable socialist ambitions only take you as far as colour telly in every room of the house. Note that we, tal-pepe, don’t permit our children to remain semi-literate. Our children are far, far more disciplined in matters of education than your lot.

    Indannati m’ahniex siehbi, inkwietati biss li il-gvern li trid int se jerga jfotti (I’ll bet you’re comfortable with that word) lil pajjiz kif kien ghamel. Issa mur ixtri ktieb.

  12. lino says:

    Tony, please don’t leave. You really provide good entertainment.
    P.S. Please excuse my English.

  13. lino says:

    Tony,here’s a good link for lindanatti

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