Chavs' night out – brrrrrrrr! Il-hbieb faqa tal-magistrata

Published: March 6, 2010 at 7:29pm
Haj sosajiti - baby, we've arrived. But please, somebody tell Byon Jo that's not what's meant by white tie.

Haj sosajiti - baby, we've arrived. But please, somebody tell Byon Jo that's not what's meant by white tie.

Aren’t they fabulous?

This is Malta’s new haj sosajiti.

Second from left, we have Labour’s Communications Coconut, the midget Kurt Farrugia. I know his size is hardly his fault, but he’s such a bloody puppatur in that way which makes dwarf-sized men so intolerable that every time I see him I have to fight back the urge to bring out a fly-swatter and some Raid.

Third from left, we have Super One’s cameraPERRRRRRsin Byon Jo Zammit, who has misinterpreted the meaning of ‘white tie’.

I might sound like a frigging snob, but I honestly don’t give a damn. This country is being taken over by chavs.

If the chavs had the social intelligence to adopt the manners and mores of the ‘mittilkless’ to which they say they aspire, then all well and good.

But when I see a black shirt worn with a black suit and a white tie – well, I just want to pass out and become a recluse.

Joseph Muscat thinks that everybody has become ‘mittilkless’ now. He doesn’t understand that they’re not middle class, but working-class people with more money and aspirations than they would have had a generation ago.

Good luck to them. But no political party is going to get very far until it understands that Byon Jo Zammit in a black shirt and white tie – shudder – is not middle class. And that Kurt Farrugia is about as middle-class as the terrapins in my garden pond.

And before the ‘ajma, who does she think she is’ brigade break out in spots: Yes, these things do matter. Political messages have to be targeted, and quite frankly, anything that targets Byon Jo in his black shirt and his ghastly white tie is never going to reach me, even though both of us are ‘mittilkless’ in the eyes of Joseph Muscat from Burmarrad.

I think that what’s really happening here is that the working-class has taken over once more as it did in the 1970s and early 1980s – black shirts, white ties and all.

It’s bad enough that we have an Akkademja Tal-Malti trying to force us all to say ‘pirmli’ and ‘blekbort’. Now we also have to deal with a bunch of Super One arrivistes in their black shirts and white ties, speaking pidgin and flaunting their consumer status symbols while knowing nothing about anything except their rabid desire to be In Power.

19 Comments Comment

  1. Tony Pace mhux Tony says:

    Get used to it people, they will be strutting around in 2013, thinking they’re the cat’s whiskers. And guess who’ll be to blame?

    • silverbug says:

      I’m not worried…the world will end in 2012, so all this posturing and aspirations…por nada.

  2. Hot Mama says:

    That white tie goes so well with Jason’s white trousers…

  3. Steve says:

    Too bad we can’t see their feet but in true chav style Byon’s outfit would not be complete without a pair of white “leder” shoes.

  4. Harry Purdie says:

    I think that Byon Jo’s (Jeez, what a name!) tie is really a napkin that he forgot to remove after chowing down some middle class food. Looks like an escapee from the Sopranos. Too bad the stains don’t show on the photo.

  5. Genoveffa says:

    Why is it that anybody is still talking of middle class, working class and what – HIGH CLASS? It sounds so middle ages. Given that we all work, I think that should be enough to make us all working class. Besides the word “class” is the crucial point here, black shirt and white tie is NO CLASS.

  6. Il mingell says:

    KF jew KFC – ghax qisu chicken nugget. Ghandu l-arja l-boy, ghax lahaq hafna….x mittlekless!

  7. silverbug says:

    The problem is not the clothes, so much as what the clothes say: that these people are not comfortable in their own skin and are trying to be something they are not. Miriam Dalli may have the intelligence to do it well enough but the rest in this picture? Let’s just say that when they speak, they get a large echo in their cranium.

  8. jomar says:

    What? No mustard stain on the white tie from a dripping hamburger?

    They look like a bunch of pall bearers.

  9. Rover says:

    That must have been a night at the Oscars with Byon Jo Zammit. Good job there were no handbags about.

  10. Simple Susan says:

    Could someone enlighten me as to why anyone would willingly name their son Byon Jo?

    [Daphne – That’s Labour’s mittilkless for you. These are some of the names of the Super One boys who camped out on Comino (ma, how adventurous) to raise funds for the station: Derston, Quinton, Byon Jo, Charlon….]

  11. Riya says:

    Kemm qedin sew – kullhadd qed jilbes qisna qedin il-qorti suprema taht Consie.

  12. Leonard says:

    Mhux Raid Daphne. This one has all the cameraman letters and a couple to spare.

  13. Adela says:

    Perez Hilton pales in comparison to you! Which makes me wonder… he ever sued for defamation by all the stars he ridicules? And anyway even if he is, he’s still going strong so I don’t see any reason why you shouldn’t. (No offence meant in comparing you to Perez Hilton).

  14. David Buttigieg says:

    Well, a friend of mine recently graduated with a degree in law. He was on a committee organising the party at some hotel or other. He said “this will be a black tie event of course” thinking he was stating the obvious.

    He got blank stares with one commenting “Ajma, biex nkunu qisna furinal”

  15. lino says:

    It’s not defamation, Adela – it’s mockery, and some people invite it with open arms. Defamation is lying, and Daphne provides proof of her attestations.

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