Ah, I see they’ve hauled out Louis Grech for a quick show ‘n’ tell

Published: November 19, 2014 at 9:59am

I wonder what exactly it is he does in between being wheeled out for rare official appearances. As for the Budget being green, I think we need to listen to Din L-Art Helwa and other environment NGOs on that matter (see below).

Louis Grech


13 Comments Comment

  1. eve says:

    On a different note, issa ghandna MDA taqbez ghal ministri ukoll. Min meta beda jsir dan? Vera ma jisthux.

    • Mila says:

      The Malta Developers Association is to say anything they should tell us who is actually responsible for an unauthorized development as in who can be sued for damages.

      They should also inform us, as developers, who would be responsible if workers were injured on premises under a promissory agreement. They should stop hiding behind what happens and state what is legal or else not comment.

      If what they are saying happens is not legal, does that mean that they are stating that they can flaunt the law, know that the law is being flaunted and actually have been put in a position where they can defend those that flaunt the law?

      What was it that Mallia said about ‘helping those that protect us’?

    • Tabatha White says:

      If Mr Chetcuti’s office is unashamedly at Mile End, do you expect anything different?

      It’s a corrupt lot, from beginning to wherever it is right now.

    • ciccio says:

      The Muscat Developers Association has lost its cedibility the moment it associated itself with Labour. Who cares what they say? Especially if it something they say to defend the government, it is just irrelevant.

      The real issue here is: were there illegal developments taking place on a property held by the Minister?

      No. The Minister stays.

      Yes. The Minister resigns.

      In my opinion, the Minister of Some Are More Equal Than Others should go.

      • Tabatha White says:

        And Joseph Muscat’s “technicality” of the bulldozer not belonging to Helena Dalli is just as slimey an official response to this issue as Helena Dalli’s avoidance of responsibility.

        Technically, she is the beneficial owner of the property.

        Technically, whatever happens on it is her responsibility.

        Technically, yes, Helena Dalli should go.


        At this rate, does it amount to all of the LP Ministers and cabinet participants?

        Is there one of them that hasn’t yet been exposed in a web of deceit?

  2. manum says:

    The budget is really green, as we say in Malta kollu HDURA.

  3. Shame on you says:

    The day after the budget there was a hectic time at Mater Dei Hospital. Lots of Labour supporters and switchers “belghu ilsienhom”.

  4. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    The Malta Development Association is taking up the Labour Party refrain that as long as an abuse has been done before then it is good and proper for the denizens of Joseph Muscat’s lot to keep on doing it, never mind its election promise of change that a foolish electorate assumed to mean a change for better not worse.

  5. Lizz says:

    Louis’s lectern is wider than Joseph’s. Why is it so?

  6. Tom Double Thumb says:

    Some years ago a church school was bankrupted because a girl-student hurt herself in the school laboratory (and I understand the girl was there against school rules).

    Another school was sued because a boy hurt himself playing in an area clearly marked “OUT of BOUNDS”.

    A junior school teacher was dismissed and lost everything, including her house, because a boy fell downstairs while she was looking for some documents in the office.

    Helena Dalli (and her husband) is absolved of all responsibility when work is going on illegally on her property, and with her machinery.

    This is the Malta Labour Party/government’s version of the opening paragraph of the American Declaration of Independence: “All men (and women) are born equal.”

  7. Butterfly says:

    Pray tell what the board for the national festivities is up to these days?

    How much money is being spent to keep this board going?

    Who are the members apart from Lou Bondi?

    This should make interesting reading.

  8. chico says:

    Maybe some notary worth his salt ought to comment if it is wise to allow a prospective buyer to commence works before 1. searches have been carried out, 2. MEPA conditions been fully satisfied, 3. loans have been granted.

    And what about the Association of Estate Agents, is this really what they advise their clients/customers?

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