What to do when statistics don’t suit our purposes
November 19, 2014 at 10:57am
We sack the head of the National Statistics Office, and because we can’t do the same with the bosses at Eurostat, we call any publications of theirs that don’t suit us ‘FAZULL’.
That means false/void/empty/fake and is a favourite word of ex prime minister, now member of the European Parliament, Alfred Sant.
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Remember Greece, they too had a novel way with statistics.
What to do when history doesn’t suit Joseph Muscat:
He reads Orwell’s book Nineteen Eighty-four, learn from it and then apply Big Brother’s policies. Fantastic. I truly believe that Muscat did read that book and what he learned was how not to be Winston Smith and instead learned the ways of Mr. O’Brien.
We are in a situation in Malta where there are people swimming in deep shit – sorry for using this word, Ms Caruana Galizia, but I used it for want of a better word.
And then there are people like Professor Scicluna who lock themselves up and live comfortably numb in an ivory tower.
All Professor Scicluna has to do is ask his fellow minister for industry, Chris Cardona, to check what people are going through at Playmobil, Arrow Pharma and Actavis.
I have first-hand information that at Playmobil many subcontractors had to be temporarily laid off, while there’s no overtime, shift workers have been asked to change from three to two, more leave, no overtime and terminating contract workers abruptly.
This has been going on since last September. Playmobil employed nearly a thousand workers operating from three factories in Hal Far, and another few hundred more indirectly with the subcontractors, not to mention the multiplier effect this factory creates in the economy.
These are hard facts. People are not blaming anyone for these troubled times but negating reality is an insult to the workers who ended up on the streets after two years working productively.
This shows that Scicluna’s government does not see a problem let alone the need to help the manufacturing industry.
Some time ago we heard that the government is going to help Maltese “entrepreneurs” who have lost nearly everything in Libya but who have contributed little to Malta’s economy.
I must admit I am not capable of being this kind to people by assuming that they do not know about this or that hardship.
I rather feel that ‘taking care of those that protect us’ has a truer and more general ring to it considering that Sant was also preaching to the EU how investors in Libya must be helped.
Now how is it possible to have a bleeding heart for investors who were very well aware of the high risk/high return situation but not know what an employee on a salary is going through?
I think the situation shows indifference rather than numbness. Let the masses enjoy their 58 cents wage increase and Eur 35 one time bonus.
Unless they open their eyes we will have to continue paying the price of democracy thwarted by mass hysteria.
Daphne, to go on a bit more on what ‘upstairs downstairs’ wrote I have been informed that Konrat Mizzi visited Playmobil today although I have been told he did not go to the shop floor.
But he left with two bags full of Playmobil toys. Probably with the 0.58 cents he cannot afford the toys. Is he going to send the toys to China?
To China to be copied, no doubt.
Lies, damned lies and statistics.
Falsified statistics from now onwards. Previously, Muscat could not falsify statistics because the head man at the NSO was not a Taghna Lkoller but a real professional.
Next up: a Taghna Lkoller who will give us bullshit stats.
Not with Eurostat breathing down their neck.
It’s off with the head of the messenger of course, what else?
Nothing new with these guys. We know them well enough. No surprise.
The worst is yet to come.
Could it possibly get worse?
God help us.
Time to start thinking of abandoning the ship.
Their world is falling apart and they cannot handle the pressure. So far it’s sarcasm from the Prime Minister and crassness from the Finance Minister. It will get worse.
FAZULL…just like the road maps that Joe Muscat said he has up his sleeves before the election.
FAZULL…just like the LNG power station which 2 years down the line is still on the drawing board and ohrog il-ghagegb, baby face Konrad will be telling us the new milestone schedule at the end of this month.
Just like that thing perched on top of Sant’s head.
Kollox fazull, anke xagharhom. Sant bil-parrokka u ir-rookie tieghu bit-transplant li falla.
How Pro-europe of them!