It looks like there’s going to be no power station

Published: November 19, 2014 at 9:29pm
They made him energy minister precisely because he is useless and can be pushed around like a useful idiot - and now look what's happened.

They made him energy minister precisely because he is useless and can be pushed around like a useful idiot – and now look what’s happened.

Konrad Mizzi admitted earlier this month that things are way off track (as if we needed telling) and that at the end of the month he would give us “a new milestone schedule” to which “you can hold me”.

This morning during his tour of Playmobil, where he went to announce that they will be saving almost a million euros a year when he slashes their tariffs by 25% (no mention of the fact that they are cutting workers’ overtime and laying off temporary workers) journalists quizzed him about those new deadlines.

But it’s not the end of the month yet. It’s only the 19th, and so he doesn’t yet have an answer because he has precisely 11 days left in which to find one.

Well, 10 days – because on the 11th day he’s got to tell us about it. So he’s got 10 days in which to find a power station and there isn’t one on the horizon.

Around half an hour ago on television, PN deputy leader Mario Demarco and Labour deputy leader Toni Abela (who has a seat in cabinet) were busy wrangling about that power station. Demarco pushed for dates and information. Abela said in reply: “Nghidulkom fil-mument opportun.”

What rubbish.

This isn’t a birthday surprise. This is a power station. If there were plans and dates they would know them by now, but they don’t know, and so we can conclude that no such plans and dates exist – nor are they going to exist, I suspect.

I hear through the grapevine that the Maltese members of the Electrogas consortium are sick with worry. Not that I can bring myself to work up much sympathy, given that they brought it on themselves and also helped inflict this bunch of ferrets in a sack on us in lieu of a government, but there you go.

Exactly what did they expect, entering into partnership with the hyper-corrupt Azerbaijan dictatorship and a technically insolvent shell company owned ultimately by Ethelbert Cooper?

What a ruddy mess.

25 Comments Comment

  1. C.G says:

    Parole si, fatti no.

    The new power station is now a play station.

  2. silvio Farrugia says:

    All these gaffes and mess are because of those konsulenti from ONE TV and the billboards jifmhux fil ha..

  3. R Camilleri says:

    Lets dedicate 25 minutes to go by Jonny Cash to Konrad Mizzi.

  4. Allo Allo says:

    Maybe that would be the best and sensible outcome after all.

  5. ken il malti says:

    Tell Chinese Konrad to just buy a big battery and a DC to AC inverter and call it a day.

  6. anthony says:

    Although he is not a dwarf, Mizzi’s role in the cabinet is similar to that of Sebastian de Morra’s in Felipe IV’s court.

    I said this here a long time ago and I reiterate it.

    Events are proving me right.

    He is the court jester. The fall guy.

    It is a pity that Velasquez is not around to provide us with an immortal portrait of Konrad.

    Maybe Kenneth will oblige.

  7. ciccio says:

    I watched the duel between De Marco and Abela, and I found Abela’s performance hilarious. What a clown. His behaviour on television is worse than that of a village peasant speaking to fellow peasants fuq iz-zuntier.

    As for Konrat Mizzi, what exactly does this mean:

    “He admitted for the first time that the government has changed its plan on its energy pledge to finance the reduction in tariffs through contributions by the investors in the gas power station.

    The funding will be spread over seven years.”?

    What reduction is he referring to? Originally, he had said that Eur 30 million (this being the reduction to households from March 2014 to March 2015) would be paid for upfront by the consortium, but now that the powerstation will not be up and running in March 2015, and not for another 2 years from then, who and how is going to pay for the Eur 80 million (households and business) per year in 2015 and 2016?

  8. curious says:

    Is there any possibility that Sargas passes through the proverbial window instead of through the door?

  9. kev says:

    “I still say it’s doable. Just a tweak here and there, and a kilo of beans will do the trick.”

  10. bob-a-job says:

    No power station – No Konrad

    Was nice having you Konrad – A small tribute.

    The only way is …. Up Konrad.

  11. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Kull deni hudu b’gid.

  12. George Grech says:

    Here’s one for you Konnie

  13. ciccio says:

    I am waiting for another power point presentation by the Minister to illustrate his “milestone schedule” to which “we can hold him.”

  14. Sorely missed says:

    I found this interview really pleasant and it made me proud that I managed to live under GonziPN.

  15. Alex says:

    Unfortunately, there will be a power station. By hook or by crook, it will happen.

  16. ken il malti says:

    Was the gun slinger that same napping chauffeur of a few days ago?

  17. anthony says:

    I, personally, would have no qualms whatsoever if we taxpayers bankrolled Konrat to the tune of euro 13,000 per month and had him dispatched to China to join his dear wife .

    It would be money well-spent for Malta.

    Joey would disagree of course.

    He needs to utilise him here.

  18. canon says:

    Ten days are a long time in politics.

  19. Edward says:

    I knew it! And now, wait for the ultimate “emperor’s new clothes” moment: stop being so negative. Altogether “There will be a power station!”

    Lord help us.

  20. Scorpio says:

    Konrad Mizzi is as useless as tits on a bull.

  21. Dissident says:

    Shady business never yields a sunny life.

  22. A. Charles says:

    As a resident, living near the proposed power station, I bow my head with awe to the incompetence and inefficiency of Konrat Mizzi and his cohorts.

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