TAKE COVER: Manuel Mallia has found a new use for his army helicopter

Published: November 20, 2014 at 1:22am

5 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Nispera li Justyne Caruana ma kienetx fuq dik il-bozza tal-plastik waqt dik il-missjoni, ghax miskina kienet tpixxi tahtha.

    Does this amount to an “attakk fahxi u oxxen fuq il-persuna ta’ Justyne Caruana?”

  2. eve says:

    Kien jaf il ministru Mallia li ix xufier tieghu igorr arma? Tah xi permess specjali?

  3. Freedom5 says:


    • Drinks With Vince Micallef says:

      Yes, but you won’t be seeing Claire Bonello carrying any kind of placard that says that.

      She’s still working out how to equate this mess to all the bad things the PN did which is why we should have had AD in government.

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