Pyongyang via Tienamen Square

Published: November 20, 2014 at 3:00pm

And while all this is going on, a vast electronic billboard has been set up at the Mainguard to flash us with fascinating facts from the Big Bang Budget, Pyongyang style.

Pyong Yang 1

19 Comments Comment

  1. Alexander Ball says:

    Tax reduction on bullets?

  2. edgar says:

    I understand that this electronic billboard is insured against any bullet damage.

  3. Mila says:

    Improving police efficiency by implementing swift justice cowboy style.

    Giving the elderly more care and protection by paying armed driver to visit his mum while on the clock.

    Increasing sale of car parts and bullets by using cars for target practice.

    Free shows on the road: Who done it with a twist, vat free.

    Incentive for tourism: starting to shoot at tourists as well as birds to demonstrate our lack of discrimination between species.

  4. Joe Fenech says:

    Are the billboard and tent (in background) covered by a MEPA permit?

  5. Melissa says:

    Another example of the ‘Panem et Circenses’ political strategy….

  6. anthony says:

    A total hunting ban is to be announced.

    Only shooting at cars will be permitted.

    This will boost the business of panel beaters and sprayers.

  7. Lizz says:

    Issa ghadda l-budget, thank god, u nehhejna l-balla minn fuq l-istonku.

  8. PWG says:

    Terrible. Invasive. Intolerable. A tactic which is bound to backfire, hopefully in the short term.

  9. C.G says:

    Partit tal-billboards. Digitali u fenominali.

    Is there a hacker out there? It would be a good idea to hack that billboard and get it to display some nice pictures of Rita the Desert Princess instead.

  10. ta wied is sewda. says:

    Sur Fenech, dik mhux tinda, imma serra tal-gideb.

  11. Lupin says:

    Given that it happens all the time, the shots at the British citezen might have been fired to deviate the attention from the budget fenomenali.

  12. gaetano pace says:

    Taht it-tinda? Bahh. Spicca l-istagun tal-kummiedji taht it-tined. Beda it-tejatrin fis-swali ta’ Kastilja ghall-istagun tax-xitwa.

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