While he’s at it, will the prime minister please also sack his sickening wife?
Ergajna bil-high tea fl-ufficju tar-ragel. In the midst of all this. This woman is absolutely sickening.
If this really were all about charity and wanting to help Inspire, she would just write out a cheque for the equivalent of her husband’s rental income from leasing the family saloon to the government for his own use.
Inspire could do a lot with that, and it would eclipse the relatively miserable amount raised from serving tea and cakes to pathetic social climbers (social climbing with Michelle Muscat?) who want to see the inside of that building.
But writing out a cheque in private will do nothing for Mrs Muscat’s hunger for status, money, influence and showing off with a bunch of other hamalli like her and some people like me who are beyond pathetic in their sucking up.
What a creep. And will somebody please tell her to wash her face. That amount of make-up is a complete no-no everywhere but in Malta, Manchester nightclubs and Beirut. God, how I can’t wait to see the back of these hamalli and watch them go back to the shock of real life ghand il-grocer ta’ Burmarrad bir-rollers.
I don’t even care if they’ve burgled the state coffers by then. Let them take the money and run. I’ve just had enough of them and their bodyguards, their complicated hair-dos, their ruddy children, their thick make-up, their millions of euros on air tickets in just 19 months, the sleazy men, their awful Police Minister, their guns, their wailing sirens and police outriders, their political messes, their tahwid, and the sheer clodhopping criminal vulgarity of it all.
Sack them all, kif qazzuna.
Have so few people in power ever made so many so very sick and tired in such a short while?
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Her father’s daughter.
I think your “some people like me” in the last line needs a qualifier, quand même: if they were exactly like you they wouldn’t be around her.
While on the subject of wives: what is all this about? Is Codruta Mallia trying to distract her husband’s driver with photos of her cleavage?
[Daphne – No, she’s showing off the Faberge egg pendant her otherwise stingy husband gave her. It seems to be the first time he gave her anything, she’s so thrilled. There are matching earrings too – they’re in another photo.]
The consorts of the members of the present Cabinet constitute a fine menagerie: Helena Dalli’s husband who claims he did not notice works being carried out a couple of yards away from his house; Owen’s Janice; Sai Mizzi and her tax-payer sponsored alimony; Michelle’s high teas; Codruta collecting water from the fountain in Valletta while wearing her eggs.
Watching the press conference given by the PM afterwards, I thought:
1. he sounded like he was talking in a state of shock;
2. he was very nervous;
3. he himself did not believe what he was saying;
4. above all, he was controlling a lot of anger. Just look at his eyes.
The prime minister should sack his entire government and then turn himself in too.
Inept and corrupt doesn’t even begin to describe them.
Sack her from what?
She is a nobody with no official post.
Off subject, but that bleeding Chinese idea of a billion-euro bridge monstrosity that has just been let out on the public, needs to be examined.
The Chinese say they can be paid in land. Apart from the fact they already own Malta and Gozo thanks to Konrat and Joey, the bridge’s annual maintenance bill will be over Euro 4 million, which means each time you cross you pay at least 11 Euros, and you have not started paying back the billion or the interest payments.
And to the south, we will be buying energy from the Chinese BWSC at double or triple the Interconnector rate although we will not need its output.
Konrat, you is so dumb, did your mamma drop you on your head when you was a little bugger?
Completely Useless Narcissistic Twit
Din l-istess mara li fil-Fun Run hi u zewgha ma kellhomx id-dicinenza jilbsu it-T-shirt ufficjali li ma jmorrux ma jispikkawx u jahsbuhom parti mill-popolin.
From Inews: “Ħalliel ilbieraħ daħal fl-uffiċċju ta’ ħanut fil-Gżira, seraq €13,000 fi flus kontanti, u reġa’ ħareġ ‘il barra f’temp ta’ ftit sekondi”.
It wasn’t Sai Mizzi because she’s in China.
[Daphne – It wasn’t anyone else, either. Show me a shop which has any large amount of cash, still more 13,000 euros, in the till in the age of plastic (and low sales). The only people I know who routinely buy things with cash are Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Sandro Chetcuti. Give a wild guess why.]
They may have the power, but they have no moral authority.
A truly sickening bunch.
Well miskina, she does not really have anything to stimulate her does she, and I am not talking after 9pm here.
All, well most, government scrutinizers have been paid off. No Xarabank, no Bondi, no TVM programmes which could ask for an explanation for anything. It is not as if she is capable of any innovation is she, look at her track record!
She is just making sure that Marie Louise Coleiro does not outshine the PM in the qalbu tajba sphere, she is picking up the slack.
If she really wanted to DO something perhaps she should walk along a few pavements and find out how those without a driver to carry their shopping or their child in a buggy or a wheelchair lived. How going shopping on crutches or in a wheelchair is a nightmare for those whose seamstress and designer/tailor does not come to their home.
Those who need to show everyone how holy they are indeed send a message but it has nothing to do with holiness.
The only thing high in her high tea are those who get high on power by association.
But who can do it? I’m referring to the sacking.
I foresee for sure another three years of all this garbage.
In just 20 months they have guzzled down so much of our money already.
JIFFANGAW ghax hekk jafu jaghmlu dawn in-nies mejtin bil-guh.
I hope that all the switchers, particularly those Slimizi who voted for Manuel Mallia, are happy with the way things have turned out and they now realise what a grave mistake they made.
Tghid tghallimna naghmlu xi cookies?
Dear Daphne, kif tista tghid li dawn in-nies iqazzuk meta ma jghamlu xejn hazin. Kemm tiflah titfa mibgheda u valenu, mmuta ghal ftit zmien forsi dan il-pajjis jistrieh ftit.
Int bis-serjeta`?
Ma jaghmlu XEJN HAZIN? Skuzi l-espressjoni, imma ghandek ghajnejk f’s****k jew?
Id-diskors ta’ Simon Busuttil kien wiehed li fetah l-ghajnejn ta’ hafna nies. Possibbli ma smajtx l-elenku ta’ skandli li Dr. Busuttil tkellem dwarhom?
Patetiku. Jew imbecilli.
Xejn hi, quddiem nies bhal Carmel tispicca taqta’ qalbek li ghad inehhu l-ghamad li ghandhom.
Ahmar biss jaraw, anke jekk l-ahmar ikun iffisser demm huthom.
I agree with the disgusted reaction, but I really would like to see this bunch put on trial, and where necessary, behind bars.
No Fenech Adamian amnesty next time round. That lesson has been learned. Painfully.
No fucking rokonciljazjoni either.
Attakk fahxi fuq il-persuna ta’ Helena Rubinstein.
High Tea? Says Morrison Smith, lili ‘high tea’ qwazi hxewili.
Come on Daphne, you secretly yearn to have her hard simpering looks, her gravelly voice, and her immaculate diction. Stop being negAHtiff
There are a few more sexy ones available at Super One. You never know. Two of his mates already done it. Special envoy job for Michelle and game on.
Does the prime minister strike you as being one for the ladies? Because he doesn’t me.