Has Steven Morrison Smith absconded?
November 30, 2014 at 7:03pm
The government has absolutely no interest in having Steven Morrison Smith testify under oath in the prosecution of Manuel Mallia’s driver.
This for two reasons: 1. anything he says is going to be to the detriment of Manuel Mallia and by default, to the detriment of the prime minister; 2. he is the main witness for the prosecution and the one who will send Paul Sheehan down if testifies in court.
I think a deal has been struck here, and part of that deal is having Morrison Smith slip out of the country unmolested.
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What a bloody mess.
These people are taking the country to the dogs. Bastards.
No wonder Muscat is using the investigation by the three retired judges to buy time – and yet not too much of it .
Any police in any country could easily track him through his mobile phone number. Even if he blocked it.
Track him for what , he was shot at , he was arrested and if he was in anyway on the wrong side of the law before , evidence is being tampered with . He’ll walk and so will Sheehan and in a few weeks time all will be forgotten. Today is the aniversary of the Tal-Barrani incidents a few days later Raymond was shot and killed there is as much hope of anyone being fouind guilty of wrongdoing as there has been in the Caruana shooting.
How are they going to track him through his mobile phone number if he throws away both the sim and phone, and buys an unregistered SIM card and a new 10 quid phone to put it in?
It is all so dirty. What a mess. Makes most novel writers seem like novices next to real life in Malta.
And still fatty manwel flaunts his stupid (?) grin at the world.
Smith has been silenced. Another misjustice in the making. How many more does this nation has to endure before the pot boils over?
You can’t make this shit up. Things are going so bad so quickly in this country.
How can someone who has invested in a company here leave the island for good?
Do you think for one second that Joseph Muscat is going to relinquish the government? Never.
Alfred Sant was aiming to make Malta a ‘Switzerland in the Mediterranean’ (thankfully never got the chance), but Joseph Muscat and his cronies have, in 20 months, achieved a Cuba in the Med.
The country is sinking so fast that we do not have to adjust before we hit the next level. With Manwel Mallia seemingly immune, and controlling Police, Army and Broadcasting, the future of democracy in Malta is doomed.
Has Smith appeared before the judicial inquiry or was it informed by Minister Mallia’s subordinates that he cannot be found?
And conveniently the Police Commissioner has not charged him with driving under the influence after Mallia stated he was “three times over the limit”, or was this just another lie in the long series of lies?
The smell of corruption is overwhelming.
The Eur 1 billion bridge has not worked to distract the public and the media away from Don Manwel’s adventures.
So Don Manwel’s PBS is now focusing on some cracks in the concrete in some Mtarfa social housing. In the 6.00pm news, TVM has run an extensive service about the matter.
It’s a water seepage problem, and why are they calling British experts?
Really hope he makes it out alive from this mess..
The Movie – by Samuel Jackson (2007)
If they want to make someone invisible they can. If they want to catch someone, they can, anywhere in the EU, and in most countries outside it. It all depends on what they want to do. And in this case, they don’t want him to testify, as you say. It would open a big can of worms.
We are all characters in a Kafka novel; with every turn of the page things become worse and we silently hope that it will not be us next.
I have a feeling that Froggy will be back shortly in the courts defending drug dealers.
This was exactly my suspicion as soon as I read that that Mr Smith did not speak to the media soon after his release. And it is so typical of Muscat. The end justifies the means.
Another blokka tas silg is melting away.
Min jinsa jerġa’ jġarrab u dal-poplu intelliġenti imma mogħża…irid issa joqgħod għal dal-ħmieġ anzi mandra.
Mallia, Demarco qieghed jitqalleb fil-qabar habba fik.
After tampering with the evidence at crime scene by the police themselves – who most certainly knew what they were doing and that it was criminal negligence as a minimum – it cannot be excluded that suborning a most important witness could be the next step in this deepening scandal.
Criminals by far wide and large. That is what they have reduced themselves to. Contraveners of the Criminal Laws of Malta says it all.
Will Joseph Muscat’s inquiry be inconclusive or on hold until Stephen Morrison Smith can be found, or will a statement by him, possibly signed under “negotiated terms,” be delivered?
No. Belghu Mallia.
This PL government had passed through parliament, with a lot of fanfare and self-aggrandisement the Whistle Blower act .
Now this same government is Acting Against the Whistle Blower.
“Il-Każ ta’ Mallia : Żvelati siltiet mir-recordings ta’ telefonati dakinhar tal-isparatura
‘Ċempel lill-Pulizija b’nifsu maqtugħ u spara waqt li kien fuq il-linja'”
While I want to have the truth come out, Joseph Muscat has no choice but to weed out the obvious rot in the police force. Anything less and he’s an out of season barbecue for those that make a difference come election time.
I have been saying this all along: as soon as I heard the full story, I suspected that the Scot was in some way involved with Mallia’s driver.
I have refrained from making this comment on this website, or elsewhere, as I did not want to be seen to be making some wild accusation.
However, as time has progressed, it appears to me that everything points to Morrison Smith being up to his neck in it.
Particularly, his silence in the matter is disturbing. Had I been in his shoes, I would have been shouting it from the rooftops, unless I had something to hide myself, of course.
Press Conference urġenti llejla f’Kastilja
Ikklikkja hawn għal iktar dettalji: http://normanvella.blogspot.com/2014/11/press-conference-urgenti-fkastilja.html
No frogs were harmed in creating this photo.
Morrison Smith resides in Malta, has business interests are here and, I think, a family.
It will look very strange if he is missing from the court proceedings, especially considering that his statement to the police has disappeared. Very strange and very bad for the government.
Please Daphne I am sure you read the statement about virginity.byour minister for education.Can you supply us with the original version in Maltese please.
Try Orizzont.
That Varist is a real pussy.
Here it is:
M’ghandux hajta fi lsienu.
And life goes on.
What is the next distraction?
The Sheehan case will be dropped because of conflicting evidence.
You never know, he might be awarded a certificate for merit again. He tried to shoot down the foreign invader.
He can’t disappear in thin air not unless he gets done in. He has a business and family in Malta.
[Daphne – Ryan Schembri did it, and we have forgotten already. Short memories. I have the strangest feeling that the two stories are going to dovetail at some point.]
That’s exactly what I thought and was feeling very Cassandra-like.
What a nation.
I have a feeling that Mr. Smith, is holed up somewhere either in Malta or abroad as he can see a clear and present danger to his continued well being.
There is much fog surrounding the whole story. The more fog the more the plot thickens.