Franco Debono: now that Labour is embarrassing, he doesn’t want to be associated with it

Published: December 1, 2014 at 4:30am

That’s the sort of politics this man subscribes to: the politics of what’s hot and what’s not. Over the past few days he’s been soft-soaping Simon Busuttil, the PN and even the very man he brought down by voting against him, Carm Mifsud Bonnici.

If we see this man anywhere near the Nationalist Party, I and thousands of others will go on the rampage. Yes, the Labour Party won this last general election partly by dragging an army of weirdos and repulsive people back into the fold, but now look at it.

Even Franco Debono is embarrassed to be associated with them, and is trying to pretend that the man in a blue and black striped top, being carried shoulder high into the Gudja Labour club by cheering and victorious Labour supporters on 10 March last year, wasn’t him but somebody else.

You made your bed, Franco. Now lie in it.

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franco 2

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franco 4

68 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    Kemm kien tbaqbaq meta bagħtuh jiffaċċja lil Simon Busuttil fuq Xarabank. U l-programm ma xxandarx?

  2. P Shaw says:

    Yes, we will go to the rampage and not only because of Franco Debono but also many others.

    Forget the naive who were duped, but there are a number of people who knew exactly that they were negotiating ice-buns/appointments with the shallow of the shallowest, and that they were purposely deceiving and luring others into the fold.

    • cikku says:

      Jew jien jew hu.

      Flimkien żgur li m’hemmx post u bħali m’gġandix dubju li jaħsbuha ħafna.

      Il-PN moħħu biex jiġbor in-nagħaġ il-mitlufa u qed jipprova billi jkollu politika onesta.

      Sewwa jagħmel imma l-ewwel u qabel kollox skont min huma n-nagħaġ il-mitlufa ..mhux xi waħda bħal dan il-buffu, diżonest tal-iprem kwalità, u ma jinsiex iżda lil dawk li minkejja kull maltemp baqgħu leali.

      • Angus Black says:

        Franco Debono et al, zgur li m’humiex naghag mitlufa.

        X’aktarx huma lpup, li ma ghandhom qatt jithallew vicin in-naghag.

        Jekk il-PN irid jaghlaq halq il-veru Nazzjonalisti u jitlef il-vot taghhom, jilqghu lura lill dawn is-sriep.

        Ahjar jitilqu dawk li jidentifikaw rwiehom ma JPO w Debono w jaghmlu spazju ghal demm gdid u genwin, milli jibqghu fil-PN ghal gwadan taghhom biss.

  3. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    This “man” fought tooth and nail, subversively and in the open, to install in government this present regime how is it possible that only after twenty months he is now hankering for an election in three months time?

    • observer says:

      Actually he is referring to the Local Councils elections due next March.

      But, beyond that, would you say that he has started to show any least sign of repentance? He is trying to – but now who is going to believe him?

      He has only one way out – swivelling in the cold wind under a strong branch.

    • Tabatha White says:

      I think it must be directly related to the fact that Manuel Mallia is dirty and this without any doubt.

      Which leads me to the associated thought that Manuel Mallia is likely to have been the go between and instigator to betrayal.

  4. Tabatha White says:

    Stamina and loyalty belong to the noble hearted.

    All others take note for posterity.

  5. Butterfly says:

    I wonder if Bondi thinks the same way?

    • bob-a-job says:

      Really? Then why not Cyrus Engerer as well.

      If any of that lot are accepted back PN can forget my vote and I assure you it won’t be mine alone.

    • tinnat says:

      Bondi, Zammit Tabona, Astrid Vella and 80% of the switchers living in the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th districts.

    • Salvu says:

      U Ian Castaldi Paris ? Miskin min jaf x’jghati daqqiet ta’ harta lilu innifsu bhalissa u jghid lilu innisfu fil-mera : ” Ma stajtx zammejt halqek maghluq imqar ghal xahar iehor ? “

  6. Persil says:

    It is good news to see Franco writing in this manner.

    It means that Franco is a no-nonsense man and calls a spade a spade.

    Still no one will vote for him, no matter which party he will make part of.

    Muscat must be very annoyed at what is coming out in the open.

    • observer says:

      Your second line.

      Where did you get that darned notion from?

    • curious says:

      No nonsense man? Yes, he has deafened us with his criticism of Mallia and the ‘Gzira incident’, as they like to call it.

      Two weights, two measures as long as he is lining his pocket with the post they gave him.

    • La Redoute says:

      What rubbish.

      Franco Debono is nonsense personified – a backwoods vulgarian with serious ego issues and severe psychiatric problems.

  7. Albert Bonnici says:

    If Franco Debono has one iota of decency he should resign from the iced bun post he has been given. Then go and hide somewhere.

  8. FP says:

    This man, among others, was instrumental in landing us in this mess.

    If he’s ever allowed to take part in any PN activity or be invited to go to the PN headquarters, they can rename the party to PM – Partit tal-Mażokisti.

    I’m not one, so they can forget my vote.

  9. jaqq says:

    He put us in this mess in the first place

  10. edgar says:

    Simon Busuttil should accept with open arms the voters who voted PL in the last elections but there are a handful, including Franco Debono ,who should not be allowed to go anywhere in the Pieta area.

    If Franco is accepted back, thousands of voters will be lost ,including me.

  11. thinking aloud says:

    For a change, I am not four square with your reasoning. It is evident that Franco has repented. We should be man enough to welcome him back. We will certainly regain ground. Many others will then follow.

    [Daphne – Marelli, x’injoranza. What we have there is not a man with opinions that change, but a man with a dysfunctional personality that does not change. That dysfunctional personality will be there whatever the assumed opinions are, and will manifest itself in ways that make normal political life and teamwork impossible for others. What was Debono’s biggest problem two years ago – his opinions, or his personality and related behavioural problems and dysfunctional thinking? The latter. Nothing has changed in that regard and nothing is going to change because the man is 40+. It is bewildering, literally bewildering, how people in Malta can’t recognise bad people or psychological problems and dysfunctional personalities. Everything is a ‘sin’ that can be forgiven if a person repents. No. Some people are just plain bad and others are just plain mad. Don’t touch them, whatever their views are.]

    • Natalie says:

      I hope your comment was sarcastic. Have you forgotten how we were forced to live two whole years in election mode because of his and his friends continuous whining and backstabbing?

      Franco Debono is a mega toilet-licker (I’m told by Edwardians that this term is reserved especially for the worst individuals amongst them). Laghqi mill-kbar. A c*ck-sucker.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Even if the NP counted nothing but one supporter, it would not need Franco Debono, as a supporter let alone in the fold.

      No one should be that desperate.

      There is abundant sincere talent in Malta if one knows how to recognise this.

      • Mila says:

        Franco Debono supports no one but Franco Debono he never was and never will be an asset to anyone.

        One hopes that if the Franco Debono saga did not achieve anything else it would at least have been a lesson for the NP so that in future the party makes sure to cut loose any unblanced persons as early on as possible.

        Personality problems and power never mix well. Huge egos and team players do not mix well either.

      • Tabatha White says:

        So true.

        Perfect alignment of ego to capabilities should not have to be the kindergarden duty of a Party Leader, nor one – as in Muscat’s case – where he himself is deficient.

    • bob-a-job says:

      Similarly Lou Bondi will unfortunately always be an opportunist and Cyrus Engerer a blackmailer with a criminal record.

      • thinking aloud says:

        No! Lou is an asset. The fact that he was offered to render consultancy services does not render him unfit to help us win the 2018 election.

        [Daphne – This is unbelievable. Lou Bondi is working for Joseph Muscat. He reporters directly to Muscat. How can he work for Simon Busuttil at the same time? And why would Busuttil want as a trusted person on a campaign somebody who has come straight of Muscat’s office (and who went straight into it after the general election)? Do you parents allow you out alone?]

      • Natalie says:

        I hope you’re not part of PN in any way. Your ability to size people up is hopeless. Keep voting PN but invest your talents elsewhere, away from politics.

      • ian says:

        Tell you what. Next time don’t think aloud and keep it to yourself.

    • Fruit & nut says:

      Around a decade ago, Franco Debono was at the annual gathering for lawyers and met a pretty one to whom he took a fancy.

      After being rejected by her all night, he just couldn’t take no for an answer, so on her way out, he followed her, right up to her car and popped his head through the passenger window, snatched her hand bag off the passenger seat and told her that she had to follow him if she wanted her bag back.

      She instinctively followed him, but when she realised they were heading far off, she diverted to a police station and the police officer on duty that night called Franco Debono on his phone and asked him to go to the police station to return the lady’s hand-bag.

      If anyone thinks that he has ‘repented’ – where does repentance come in, with political views? – and if the PN take him back, so that “we will certainly regain ground” you are more mentally challenged than he is.

      This crazy fruit basket is one of the reasons we are in this mess today, because the PN let him in without really knowing how very disturbed he is.

      Had the PN asked a few women who had the misfortune to meet Franco Debono what they thought about him, they would have known to stay the hell away from him.

      [Daphne – “Le, imma dik hajja personali.” Now you know why describing incidents that bring out a politician’s character traits is so important.]

    • vanni says:

      If he ‘repented’ or not isn’t the issue here, although his ‘repentance’ doesn’t seem to stretch as far as to his tendering his resignation from his iced bun. But maybe he needs a driver, miskin?

      The issue is would those who stood with the PN despite everything accept this man anywhere within a mile of the PN? And while Franco may vote for himself, and maybe encourage a handful of Facebook harridans who seem obsessed with him, the PN would lose hundreds if not thousands of votes of those who view with disgust his past antics.

      Taking him back would also make the PN look weak, desperate and above all, stupid.

      The PN is not a political skip, where every piece of rubbish with political aspirations may be dumped, but a party with a vision and a moral perspective. Any softening in the PN’s position would be a slap in the face for the party grassroots.

      In my case, should this come to pass, would see me sending my defaced vote(s) to Pieta until any connection with Franco is severed.

    • Neil says:

      Might as well bring encourage J Dalli BA back into the fold too then. Total madness.

  12. Manuel says:

    Simon Busuttil should disown Debono. He should ask Muscat to keep him.

    Debono innately belongs to the Labour skip. He should be kept there.

    • rjc says:

      He has already done that. Dr Busuttil made it clear that those who crossed the red line cannot expect to be trusted In the future.

  13. Natalie says:

    I’m one who’s always argued that one cannot not vote in a general election because that means that you can’t complain about the government and any f*ck-ups by the government fall squarely on your shoulders.

    However, and I never thought I’d say this: if Franco Debono and JPO and others like them are accepted again within the PN, I will not vote because it would mean that both sides are the same and there’s no real choice between the parties.

    A corrupt and criminal party vs a weak party that accepts corrupt and criminal individuals within its midst and lets them do as they please.

  14. GALLETTU says:

    Lawrence Gonzi had said that Joseph Muscat would come to rue the day when he took the decision to accommodate John Dalli, Franco Debono and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando.

  15. tinnat says:

    What a whore.

    “If we see this man anywhere near the Nationalist Party, I and thousands of others will go on the rampage”.

    So right, Daphne.

  16. Giljaniz says:

    The day the PN try to get Franco Debono back within their fold will be the day I hand in my membership card.

  17. Joe Fenech says:

    He’s one of the reasons why PL is embarrassing.

  18. Volley says:

    Am I right to say that recently Simon Busuttil told Joseph Muscat to keep him (Franco Debono)? Or was he referring to someone else?

    [Daphne – To the chairman of the Malta Council for Science and Technology.]

  19. Pier Pless says:

    People who got paid 30 pieces of silver for their betrayal should never be allowed back. Franco Debono and Pullicino Orlando were and are still being paid for betraying their voters.

    Taking the metaphor further, it is good to forgive a sinner who repents. It is madness to take back and to trust a judas, even if there is remorse.

    • Bulls eye says:

      The Good Lord told the sinner – Go ,your sins are forgiven, but sin no more.

      • Ta'sapienza says:

        And as they were reclining at table and eating, Jesus said, “Truly, I say to you, one of you will betray me, one who is eating with me.” They began to be sorrowful and to say to him one after another, “Is it I?” He said to them, “It is one of the twelve, one who is dipping bread into the dish with me. For the Son of Man goes as it is written of him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been better for that man if he had not been born.”
        Doesn’t sound very forgiving to me.

  20. Viva il- Farizej says:

    I am sure that the Ghaxaq capon will be as welcome as much as an Ebola virus, at Pieta’.

  21. Joe Azzopardi says:

    I thought we were recycling rubbish not reusing it.

  22. Tony Agius says:

    I and hopefully most of my family will NOT vote if PN accept Franco Debono back in the party NO APOLOGIES .

  23. spongebob says:

    If PN get back these opportunisti sfaccati on their side again it would be as if they are taking the piss of PN supporters.

  24. edgar says:

    Thinking aloud says that Lou Bondi is an asset. I consider him to be worse than Franco Debono. Franco has as an excuse the fact that he is not all there, but Lou cannot be classified that way.

    He is a brown-nosed, calculating so-and-so who gave up his family’s honour and switched to Muscat for a few euro.

    If his father were still alive I am 100% sure that he would disown him.

  25. El Gozitano says:


    I agree with you.

  26. Robert Pace Bonello says:

    They’re in, I’m out

  27. Tinu says:

    Franco wants some important position from Joseph Muscat. He is starting to use the same tactics he used against Gonzi.

  28. anglu bonello says:

    Mela l-oligarkija qasmet il-kamra issa?

  29. gaetano pace says:

    Pity. A real pity. We are never told what Franco I Franco II and Franco III (none of the three is Spanish), think about what Franco IV is saying, though they all know what Franco did.

  30. Gahan says:

    I gave these Debono “messages to the PN” some thoughts, my conclusion is because he is not in an advantageous position to hinder this gentleman from becoming a PN MP :

  31. Alchemist says:

    Pure Machiavellian, utilitarian values. What a sorry lot!

  32. caroline says:

    Like many others before me and thousands after me, starting with my tessera and then my vote I will pull out from the PN , if ANY of these scum bags are welcomed back by the PN.

  33. Mila says:

    Is Franco Debono looking at laws in any particular order or has he been told which laws to look at?

    Do not our laws state that whoever witholds your wages and passport so that you do not run away , controls where you live and eat and does not produce any papers to back the hours you are working against wages paid, should be indited on human trafficking charges?

    The laws of the land do not seem to have given Carol Peralta (of the people think differently in Mellieha fame) any clarity even though no one locally who would dream of letting his employer keep his wages or his travel documents.

    ”He (Carol Peralta) said he was concerned that the human trafficking charge may not be sufficiently proven as there were doubts as to whether employees were given the money and documents, held by the factory, if they asked for them. On the other hand, he said, he was concerned about the claim that Mr Han said these were held so workers would not escape.” TOM

    • Tabatha White says:

      The problem starts with ETC, Mila.

      With regards to your second question, they will tell you that they will send that person a letter. At no point is the claimant kept informed of progress.

      The claimant is told there is legal recourse, but that this only stretches back a year. Also there is a statute of limitations that applies.

      Such juicy facts as the one you have presented are kept under wraps by authorities.

  34. Bobbi says:

    Go back to mummy crying, mate.. We had enough of you baby.

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