TAGHNA LKOLL BURGLES THE SWEETSHOP: Muscat’s visit to China last summer cost Eur42,664

Published: December 2, 2014 at 10:53pm

visit to China

12 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    We paid for the visit of Malta’s top journalists to get a glimpse of Sai Mizzi Liang opening her water works!

  2. Tabar says:

    Spending lavishly is a profession especially other people’s money.

    Prosit Claudette, you like most PN members of parliament are worth every dime and hopefully those who are still taking things easy will follow suit.

  3. vanni says:

    I have a feeling that this topic has been brought up before, so apologies if so, but when is Joseph going to visit a dentist for some serious surgery?

    His teeth are not only seriously uneven, but chipped and he also seems to have buck teeth. Very unbecoming for a person in the international limelight. Maybe the Labour Party can organize a collection for him, if his rich parents are too stingy to foot the bill.

    • C Falzon says:

      He’s probably afraid of JPO’s wrath if he were to visit another dentist and even more scared of the idea of JPO poking around with a drill in his mouth.

  4. La Redoute says:

    Part of that sum was for Peking Duck’s flight and hotel bills.

    So Malta paid 42, 664 Euros for Joseph Muscat to promote Xi Jinping’s buzzwords and for Michelle Muscat to ‘follow her own programme’ which was never published, and for Peking Duck and co to not ask questions.

  5. P Shaw says:

    Those are expensive tears, as the only story that came out was about the fake tears of Sai Mizzi.

  6. wacko says:

    I simply love that snapshot of our dear Prime Minister.

    • michael seychell says:

      When I saw this photo yesterday I commented on line that this is the true face of Joe Muscat and not the smiley one, as that is absolutely the fake one.

  7. Tabatha White says:

    This is only what is coming to light.

    Remember the Lands Office was transferred to Joseph Muscat’s direct responsibility – whatever that means.

    Malta is in the hands of a mad man.

  8. C.G says:

    This picture of Joseph Muscat should be out on billboards, as it is a classic.

  9. Sargu_Xih says:

    Konna nixtru ic-Cina u jtuna il-bqija

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