Kon-Rat’s Dance of the Seven Veils

Published: December 2, 2014 at 11:00pm

contract china

The Health and Energy Minister’s deadline for a milestone schedule was up today – postponed by the prime minister from 30 November – so he faced the press.

And what did he say?

That the new power station “is expected to be ready by June 2016” (the original deadline was this March).

But how does he know that? In his next breath, he also said that the contract hasn’t even been signed yet: “It will be signed shortly and put on the table of the House in the coming weeks.”

He looks absolutely terrible in this press photograph, like somebody zonked out on a mixture of barbiturates, alcohol and lack of sleep.

47 Comments Comment

  1. Alf says:

    Correction: He did not say it will be ready but he said that “it is expected to be ready”

  2. Banana republic ... again says:


  3. C Falzon says:

    He looks wiped out in that photo. Has he been partying all night?

  4. canon says:

    Let’s be patient until we see the details.

  5. Christopher says:

    Your physical observation was spot on. He looks terrible. And I think he didn’t say that the power station would be ready, but that Enemalta expects to buy its first electricity from gas-fired generating plants in June 2016.

    And what’s this harping about the 320 miljun investiment? Do people really believe that someone gives you 320 million and expects nothing in return? Seriously?

  6. vanni says:

    I wouldn’t hold my breath to ever seeing the full contract. The Kon doesn’t do contracts very well.

  7. Can't take no more says:

    Did he leave a kidney behind in China to seal the deal?

  8. Joe Fenech says:

    Then Samson flew into a rage and knocked Connard’s newly-built power-station down.

  9. kapxinn says:

    9 December 2022: The former health & energy minister bids farewell to well-wishers at the Nuts & Bolts Rehabilitation Centre in the Canaries.

  10. Typically Labour says:

    Seeing that he’s all happy with himself dishing out a date for the unveiling of the new power station, is there any chance that Kon volunteers a date when he will unveil the address of his wife’s office in China?

  11. J. Sammut says:

    Konrad Mizzi, pulċinell fenomenali !

  12. Dott Abjad says:

    Elvis ‘end-of-career’ face syndrome.

  13. Watcher of lies and zombies says:

    Daphne, your comment about Konrad’s expressionless expression is exactly my thoughts even before I read your comment. He looks like an inflated zombie.

    Regarding your first paragraph, about the June 2016 milestone that depends on a still to be signed agreement was also my first thought when I read in Times of Malta what Konrad said. This is mind boggling. This is just incredible. How can he assure us of the date, when the ink is not on paper yet?

    Have the Chinese put him in an even tighter corner than the previous one? Has he been forced to say what he said because of his own promise of a deadline? No wonder he looks like that.

  14. bob-a-job says:

    Let’s face reality. They haven’t moved any closer to signing the contract over these past weeks so I’m not seeing it happen any time soon considering Konrad has just gone to China with the sole objective of having that contract signed, and yet returned without it.

    Let’s be honest, China has the Maltese government by the short and curlies.

    China is in no hurry to sign the contract unless it’s heavily weighted in its favour.

    Konrad Mizzi has painted his government into a corner.

  15. bob-a-job says:

    Where’s his Energija Pozittiva gone?

  16. ken il malti says:

    It looks like he is suffering from Red Bull withdrawal symptoms.

    Or maybe the two caterpillars on his lips left him for a better home.

  17. R Camilleri says:

    He said that in June 2015 we will get our first electricity from gas. That doesn’t mean that the electrogas power station will be necessary ready. It could mean that we will have the LNG regassification plant and the BWSC converted to gas.

  18. albona says:

    Energija ddrugata u deluzjonali to use the italianised English of this government li huwa very impressive.

  19. Joseph Caruana says:

    He looks like a swollen punch bag.

  20. Adam's Rib says:

    He looks washed out , dull, puffy- faced,vague and definitely fighting the side effects of some sedative.

  21. Someone says:

    According to the papers the agreement will be signed in the “coming weeks” not “coming days”.

  22. Salvu says:

    He never said that the power station will be ready by June 2016. He said that Malta will have its first gas fired electricity on that date.

    That means that the jetty will be there, the tanker will be there, the necessary equipment turning liquid gas into gas will be there, and that the BWSC will be converted to work on gas.

    THAT is doable in 15 months. Tight but doable (especially if certain equipment was ordered ages ago).

    He should be asked point blank for a milestone for the power station.

    • issa naraw says:

      Seconded. Big Time.

    • Jozef says:

      Well spotted.

      If that’s the case Salvu, we’re back to the drawing board.

      Regasifiers are very closely matched to the plants consuming the gas. If, as you rightly suspect, the consortium’s not one to rely on for deadlines, regasification sizing is compromised.

      And when that is the case, his demand for gas will diminish further, resulting in ridiculous capital costs to offset, not to mention the price of procurement at smaller detail.

      But that that could also be why he’s still insisting on the diesel, option.

      Bit of a chicken and egg.

  23. Neil says:

    He’s constantly bloated, puffy eyed and just looks in very poor shape in general. Like he needs to get out in the fresh air more, exercise and change his diet etc.

    Regarding the new power station, although he obviously didn’t expend or correct the journalist who said that it was to be built and commissioned in June 2016, did the Minister himself actually say at any time yesterday that this would be the case?

    All I read was that we’d be ‘buying our first gas-generated electricity’ by June 2016. Let’s not leave the BWSC plant out of the equation here.

    • Watcher of lies and traitors says:

      That’s how I understood it too. These fabricators of lies are now in a fix. They have painted themselves into many corners, a situation that the Chinese have opportunistically jumped upon and who now have their hands firmly squeezing on Muscat’s and Konrad’s cojones. But at the end of it all it is us, the Maltese citizen, our children and their children who are and will be the victims for a long time.

      The consequences of this MLP-PL stay in power will continue reverberating for decades after power is taken away from them, be it tomorrow or, as they are planning now, decades from now. The longer it takes to de-power these pirates the less it will take for us to repair the damage done. (We were still repairing Mintoff’s damage when Mintoff’s heirs returned to power after 25 years in opposition, while trying to keep on doing damage to the country from that position in side our parliament)

      One case in point is that Malta has now lost its international standing especially in the financial sector. No serious foreign investor will consider Malta for investing his hard earned millions following the IIP designed for millionaires citizens of corrupt dictatorial countries. In fact we have not seen any significant employment-creating investment for the past 20 months, and counting. This is further compounded by the recent corruption, attempts of frame-ups and cover-ups by the government top brass. No sane investor would want to touch Malta with a 100 km pole.

      Muscat had once declared that the economy moves ahead without the need of the government’s input. (L-ekonomija timxi wahedha) This was a dirty boyish jibe at Prime Minister Gonzi for having worked very hard to keep our national economy afloat during the world’s worst global financial crisis this side of 1923. But it was also meant to hoodwink the voters into believing that a government would not need some genius to manage the economy (because able economists do not exist in the MLP camp, let alone a genius).

      The best ‘economist’ the MLP ever had was Mintoff himself because it was Mintoff that controlled Malta’s economy besides everything else. Their next best is Tarcisio Mifsud’s brother Alfred who was recently in the news for the wrong economic reasons:


      Malta is now back in the hands of crooks, liars and pimps who have sold themselves to a communist, dictatorial country run by mega-rich corrupt politicians and their cronies.

  24. Mellieha says:

    Konrad Mizzi = K M
    o i
    l t
    l m
    o u
    x m

  25. Tabatha White says:

    The signs are that the eruption is menacingly close.

    Never accept a back-track.

    Scammers go from one renegotiation to another.

    It’s the only way the investment flow inwards, in non-governmental contexts, can continue.

    Usually larger investment is required with each reneg because the scam damage keeps on getting larger.

    Ask Shiv Nair’s companions.

  26. As long as he has backing, like that from the smiling, admiring, girls and boys in the background, he will soldier on until the end. What kind of end and when?

  27. Gracecam says:

    Partying with Ms past Labour broadcaster, and his wife so so far away

  28. chico says:

    Anyone know the odds on the new “expected” deadline?

  29. Jozef says:

    The problem we have is a minister obsessed with getting this thing to work even if it kills him.

    As the rest of the plant moves elsewhere. It’s a fact that the EU intends to reduce its reliance on third parties for its energy.

    We may become the perfect case study why this has to be pursued.

    • Jozef says:

      No expert, but whoever said Asperger’s syndrome may be right; no capability to objectively review detail for its function and keep in mind the bigger picture.

      No hierarchy of meaning or relevance of same to each other.

      Those bottles of water neatly laid out on the cabinet in the pic with the Chinese ambassador, pen and paper everywhere, even for a chat, it’s not all there.

      [Daphne – I’m the one who is convinced Konrad Mizzi has Asperger’s Syndrome. All the signs are there. It also accounts for what comes across to the public as ‘simple benign innocence’. Because it’s true: people like that are incapable of guile and believe everything they say, which are why they are often deployed as tools by the cunning.]

      • Jozef says:

        I couldn’t take what I considered his defiant attitude to shirk off every technical argument.

        It makes more sense now, no-one with a minimum of competence and knowledge of these complex systems would dare do the same. Call it professional distortion.

        Scary actually.

      • observer says:

        One more reason, if any more are required, for dismissing the poor chap as absolutely not fit for the responsibilities thrust upon him.

        One more reason, if any more are required, for retaining little joey as a cunning manipulator and schemer.

  30. giraffa says:

    On a point for information, is Konrat Mizzi getting both salaries and perks for Minister for Health and also as Minister for Energy? I wouldn’t be surprised of anything these schemers are up to, but maybe a PQ should be tabled by the PN.

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