Four big screens churning out government propaganda while people Christmas-shop

Published: December 7, 2014 at 6:19pm

Posted by Gahan:

Now before any of you accuse me of flights of fancy, please do visit St George’s Square. Even now, four big screens are churning out government propaganda, 24/7. There’s a big tent for “main du prince” meetings every evening.

I think we have reached a point of no return.

Instead of having Big Brother only watching over us there is a whole population of little brothers who have information and communication technology at the touch of a few buttons.

One can have photos, messages and smses instantly transmitted just when Kurt has finished a liar’s day of work and having a long awaited good night’s rest.

Labour and freedom can’t live together.

We’re not in China where even there people are communicating with technology while avoiding the Great Fire Wall of China.

If I’m not mistaken they’re transmitting and receiving messages with Bluetooth in crowded places.

Muscat knows very well that he can’t do much against the masses. It’s not his style to go against the masses; he prefers breaking the big bundle of sticks (public perception) one at a time, stealthily.

The problem is that for every stick he’s breaking, thicker and harder sticks are multiplying in his bundle.

Now we are in a situation where Simon Busuttil calls the tune and Joseph has to dance to it, and Joseph doesn’t know how to handle it.

14 Comments Comment

  1. sunshine says:

    Didn’t someone say that the people are fed up of politics?

  2. kurzita says:

    It’s as if you are in the Red Square during the Soviet era.

  3. pablo says:

    I disagree. We have reached the point of no return. This government has in the last few months trashed its own credibility. It is now having to resort to force-feeding the public who walk by in the street.

    Local elections are coming up and Labour is showing signs of weariness already.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Credibility: Once gone will never return.

      That’s why they tried so damn hard to destroy that of their targets.

      Such a strong focus on all the wrong values.

      Such personal havoc to so many lives.

      No accountability.

      No responsibility.

      Zero net worth.

  4. Superman says:

    Muscat looks VERY tired right now on tv. Spread the word.

  5. Gahan says:

    This just proves my point :

    Keep this address on your mobile phone and at a touch of a few buttons,you, the little brothers will be watching over big brother’s expensive and useless toys through big brother’s “eyes”.

  6. Mila says:

    I find it astonishing that we’ve come to accepting that government needs constantly to publicise its greatness to the people who elected it.

    The spots, and the tents, and the billboards, are really an unwanted intrusion into our lives.

    Mark-Anthony Falzon (Must the show go on?, The Sunday Times, 07.12.14)

  7. Sandra says:

    Thank goodness my shopping trips are being done in Covent Garden.

  8. mxs says:

    North Korea

  9. Lupin says:

    I have it from reliable sources that the swarms of messages of propaganda defending the government or insulting Simon Busuttil or any PN supporteris no coincidence. PL people are actually instructed to do exactly that and have the full backing of the PL. The reason is quite obvious ie. that of creating a public perception that the people are behind the government.

  10. Lupin says:

    I mean on comment boards, Facebook comments and other social media.

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