112 control room – now reduced to a national joke

Published: December 8, 2014 at 7:51pm

I have just received a text message from somebody who is watching Newsfeed on NET and listening to all the calls put through to the emergency line (control room):

I didn’t know that when you dial 112 your call is directed to the reception desk at Fawlty Towers.

fawlty towers

14 Comments Comment

  1. adrian says:

    Thank God I never needed to call 112.

  2. simca says:

    it took ages for two members of the police force to determine the exact location of the crime scene. And what about the policeman who had to ask somebody else to explain to him once more where this incident is happening?

  3. curious says:

    True. Is there any one Christmas under a Labour administration which was serene and without grave problems for the country?

    This morning people were supposed to be doing their Christmas shopping but you could hear everyone discussing Manuel Mallia and his merry men.

    X’ghandhom ghal-Milied dawn?

  4. C.G says:

    Malta Police Farce.

  5. drinu says:

    I have read and listened to all the transcripts for a number of times and it amazes me how in this sordid mess, nobody at the control room has the decency to ask Sheehan if any medical assistance is required, given that Sheehan had admitted on a number of times that he had shot twice at the other driver.

  6. saggio says:

    Today the government issued a statement that the Enemalta deal will be signed in the coming days. Way back hasn’t the prime minister told us that the deal was signed? Is this statement serving to deviate the attention from this fiasco?

  7. anthony says:

    Dominus nos Benedicat.

  8. Pasquale says:

    Bl-uniformi tal-waiter just in case tinqala emergenza waqt xi reception.

  9. Natalie Mallett says:

    That man behind the reception desk at Fawlty Towers was called Manuel.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Once again, the script just writes itself.

      – Hello? Hello?

      – Hello. Il-112 hawnhekk.

      – Hello hi. Ha nkellem lil Manuel.

      – Jien Manuel.

      – Le lil Manuel il-Ministru.

      – Qué?

      – Il-Ministru. Manuel il-Ministru. Ghaddili lil Manuel ghax fuqek nahlih.

      – Jien Manuel. 112 hawnhekk, how may I help you?

      – Ghedtlek lil Manuel irrid! Ghaddihuli issa ghax nigi hemm u nkompli nispara!

      – Jien Manuel. Ghidli x’ghandek bzonn.

      – Irringrazzja li minhiex hemm ghax kont nahlih kollu fuqek! Irrid lil Manuel! Issa! Ibaghtu issa! Ibghat l-RIU b’Manuel!

      – Qué.

      And so on.

  10. Dott Abjad says:


  11. verita says:

    How is it nobody seemed startled with the news that someone was shot twice? Nobody asked if an ambulance or medical attention was needed.

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