I really don’t know why anyone expects Muscat to be a man

Published: December 8, 2014 at 10:41pm


He called a press conference and left journalists waiting for two and a half hours to announce, almost three hours after he called them in, that he had asked for Manuel Mallia’s resignation but “left it up to him to decide whether to resign or not”.

The reason Muscat keeps telling us and anybody else who will listen that he is not afraid to take decisions is precisely because he is afraid to take them.

He is afraid to sack Mallia. So he has handed Mallia the retired judges’ report, asked him to read it, and on that basis to decide for himself.

Wet, wet, wet – what price now all that pre-electoral footage showing him in the guise of Strongman Putin, at the gym, flexing his biceps, wearing a Father of Twins T-shirt and being brushed down by his driver (not the one he has now, ghax dak jidher hamallu u ma kienx jinzel helu mas-switchers hbieb ta’ Elena Bagollu).

Manuel’s not going anywhere: he’s a crook who lives off other crooks. He’s been put into government by his crook network so that they can expand their crooked empire. Avaricious qamellin like him don’t give up a lucrative professional career so that they can make less money as a cabinet minister.

Muscat built himself up as a leader of men who’s not afraid to take hard decisions and who can assert his authority. And look at him now. He can’t even pistol-whip that fat criminal sod Mallia out of his cabinet.

He hasn’t even shuffled him to another portfolio and has left him in control of BOTH the police and the army.

Had I been one of those idiots boasting about voting Labour 20 months ago, I wouldn’t leave the house for a week now.

48 Comments Comment

  1. ChrisM says:

    Who is Malta’s Prime Minister, Joseph Muscat or Emmanuel Mallia ?

  2. Watcher of lies and neutered Prime Ministers says:

    I did have that gut feeling that Muscat will not have the goolies to boot out Mallia. Mallia will not resign.

    Muscat and Mallia are in cahoots, or worse; Mallia is bossing Muscat.

  3. Watcher of lies and neutered Prime Ministers says:

    The story is still unfolding. What happens now to Dalli”s cold investigation and the Farrugia brothers?

    We have a new Commissioner of Police now. On what condition did he accept the responsibility? Will he continue pushing the lies of his two immediate predecessors?

  4. Jozef says:

    I don’t bloody believe it.

    Norman Vella summed it up perfectly;

    Muscat: Irrizenja.
    Mallia: Ma rridx.
    Muscat: Oqghod ahsibha.

  5. the box says:

    Bla bajd. I am sorry to say that Malta has no prime minister tonight.

  6. Frame me up says:

    Joseph Muscat was the kid who everyone used to pick on in class. He was the kid who wasn’t too bright, wasn’t good at sports, was a nobody.

    And here he is playing all statesman-like when deep down he still is and will remain that kid who no one really wants to be with.

    In fact the only ones who are with him now are the ones who he pays off and buys off with lucrative jobs and deals paid out of our tax monies. Effing w*nker.

  7. Żeża Ta` Bubaqra says:

    The way I understood it, Muscat asking for Mallia’s resignation is Muscat removing him from his cabinet in a “dignified” way. If Mallia doesn’t resign, the PM should fire him.

    When my boss wanted to fire one of my colleagues, he asked him to resign instead. Resigning looks better than being fired.

  8. ciccio says:

    Joseph Muscat had a golden opportunity presented to him on a platter to get rid of Don Manwel Mallia, and he threw it away.

  9. J.Sammut says:

    Joseph #a Malta!

  10. Majju says:

    What a large PUSSY

  11. Very True says:

    I thank God everyday that the Libyan crisis happened when Gonzi was PM. Can you imagine Muscat dealing with such a situation as the Mig crisis?

    “Ghaziz Gaddafi, nista inzommhom jiena l-ajruplani ghalissa u imbaghad iddecidi inti meta tridhom biex tkomple toqtol il-poplu tieghek?”

  12. Allo Allo says:

    Hekk tkun il-hbiberija u l-irgulija. Nahseb id-diskursata marret xi haga hekk.

    “Listen Manuel siehbi. I go this damning report and I have to ask you to leave it up to you to decide. Sleep on it, imbaghad ghidli, ok siehbi.”

  13. Abcd says:

    Il-partit tal-haddiema iwahhal fil-haddiema iz-zghir biex ifarfar minn fuqu. Labour Party – yeah right!

  14. Wheels within Wheels says:

    Mallia should go on three counts:

    1. his own appointed driver shot at a man;

    2. the cover-up that followed;

    3. he is the Minister responsible for the Police and the Police Commissioner had to resign.

  15. jackie says:

    Surely you’re not suggesting that Manuel Mallia will decide, unilaterally, to stay on in charge of the police and army against the wishes of the PM.

    At this level of politics people are not sacked, despite the insistence of the PN. They are asked to resign.

    The Barroso/Dalli affair is a perfect example. This is what has happened tonight. I’ll eat my knickers if Mallia is not gone by tomorrow lunch-time.

    [Daphne – Be sure to wash them first.]

  16. Gaetano Pace says:

    Psychologically, we always project the image of that which are either not or afraid to be.

    Joseph is the archetype of this Jungian concept, no doubt.

    When the masks fall, the image is denuded and exposed, the projector will not be able to face the truth and keeps resisting the truth with all his might and effort. In the end it all comes to one final conclusion.

    The shadow disappears but the projector of it will have to carry its burden and the burden of its consequences till day life parts from his soul. Damn. This is all that Joseph is doing very wrongly.

  17. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    Muscat thinks he is being cleverly evasive but he is only hanging an albatross round his neck by relegating himself to a lower rung than Manwel in the Labour Party pecking order. A crook does not ask a bigger crook to act decently and please do the right thing.

  18. Joey has no balls says:

    Coraggio fuggiamo bhal Mussolini.

  19. Makjavel says:

    Il-lejla jahsel il-platti jmissu.

  20. Madoff says:

    Muscat ilu li tilef l-kredibilita’. Issa spicca bla bocci tal-laham.

  21. respect says:

    He is not in control anymore – that’s why the prime minister appointed his own police commissioner so now the minister is not in control of the police but the PM is.

    Mallia does not have his man in control of the police.

  22. A Montebello says:

    It’s so easy to be sucked into the blackness and speculate.

    That Muscat is afraid of Mallia is obvious – though i doubt we will ever know why.

    Even though he’s known the right thing to do from day 1 (because the history and precedence dictates) Muscat didn’t ask for Mallia’s resignation or – at the very least, his suspension. Why?

    Muscat then tries to involve the PN in an absolutely ridiculous inquiry even though, as PM, by now he must have known most of not all of the facts. Dr Busuttil tells him were to shove it and he gets vicious cause his plan is foiled.

    Muscat then hides behind the inquiry, refusing to comment in any way or form, for two weeks possibly hoping to wriggle out of this massive freefall from popularity. Why?

    It’s pretty safe to assume that Muscat knew about the cover-up (such a Labour word) well before the inquiry results because he is the PM, but he chooses to wait? Why? I think I can hazard a guess that it was because he thought the accusations couldn’t be proven.

    But then the recordings start trickling in the media, and there was no way out and no defence – apart from a few futile yelps in the wilderness as he attempts to deflect all this negativity towards Simon Busuttil. But this time, none of it sticks.

    Just 24 hours ago he declares, not for the first time, that he is not afraid to take difficult decisions, but when he asks Mallia to resign, Mallia tells him to go f**k himself, so instead Muscat offers Mallia the “option to resign”.

    I don’t think Muscat will be sleeping well tonight.

  23. La Redoute says:

    The first time ever Muscat is obliged to be a grown up man and he fails horribly.

  24. High Tea says:

    When he said this would be the most feminist government in history, Muscat really just meant he’d be one hell of a c*nt.

  25. Jojo says:


    • Joe Fenech says:

      You bet! Most politicians will be linked to it. There is also a growing trend of low rank policemen joining it too.

  26. watchful eye says:

    The Malta Labour Party and in turn the present Maltese government is not led by Joseph Muscat.

    Joseph Muscat is just a figurehead. The MLP is led by a collective group of people in the inner circle with no declared leader.

    They hold each other to ransom. And each and every one is a link. Once that circle is broken, the MLP will break.

    In other words they have to sing together or drown together.

  27. A+ says:

    I think that they will force Mallia to resign, otherwise Muscat will be irremediably debased.

  28. Watcher of lies says:

    He’s been neutered

  29. DS says:

    Dr Mallia was asked to resign on the basis that he failed since he was responsible for the statement issued and he should have ensured the statement was accurate.

    But the statement was not issued by his head of communications, but by the head of communications of the Prime Minister.

    So why is Dr Mallia responsible for this mess and not the Prime Minister himself?

  30. Qeghdin Sew says:

    No wonder they had to resort to IVF.

    The man has no balls.

  31. KALANCC MA (cantab) says:

    If Mallia does not resign it means that Don Manuel is Malta’s de facto Capo dei Capi and not Muscat.

  32. Rover says:

    Muscat: Naughty boy, Mallia. One hundred lines – “I must not tell any more lies.”

    Mallia: Ziggi nirrizenja, siehbi.

    Muscat: U ijja, mhux xorta.

    Prim Ministru u Ministru tal-Pulizija tal-qamel.

  33. Van gaal says:

    It’s like a referee giving a red card then asking the player if he really deserves to be sent off …. Classic move …

  34. aidan says:

    Ghax ma jistaqsiex lil Anglu Farrugia jekk iridx jerga jahsiba jirrezenjax jew inkella jiddecidi hu. Rega tak bis-sikkina b’ din id-decizjoni sur Speaker.

  35. Mike says:

    It-twelid ta’ Lorry Sant iehor sehh illum.

    Armata, Pulizija u Xandir f’idejh. Dan ghandu sahha iktar mill-Prim Ministru. Il-pajjiz jitmexxa minn Mallia. Joseph biss pupazz ghal ghajn in-nies.

    Kolp ta’ stat bil-pulit.

  36. ken il malti says:

    Be a man Jo.

  37. Consistent says:

    Tonight Muscat took the same tough decision that he took in the Farrugia Sacco case.

  38. holly says:


  39. holly says:

    Lorry Sant had Mintoff by the balls and now Manuel has Joseph’s. History repeating itself once more.

  40. Pier Pless says:

    Dak li jigri meta taghmel patt max-xitan.

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