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![sandro-chetcuti Sandro qabel seta jimpressjona bil-Ferrari - Chav De Luxe.](
Sandro qabel seta jimpressjona bil-Ferrari - Chav De Luxe.
Posted by DD:
Yes this is the same Sandro who, when I was at Junior College (around 7 years ago), used to come with his shining Ferrari and do burnouts in front of Blue Bar to impress 17 year olds. Yes, he is the same one who when he is having lunch at Mamma Mia parks his Ferrari right in front the restaurant just under the “Tow Zone” sign.
Mhux ghal xi haga, imma sabih il-Labour Business Forum, ukoll.
Marlene tizfen ma’ qabda chavs.
Manuel Mallia bit-toddler twins ta’ sittin sena u membru tal-LGBT Labour.
U issa Sandro Chetcuti jaghmel reenactment ta’ The Clockwork Orange go l-ufficju ta’ Vince Farrugia u burn-outs bil-Ferrari hdejn il-Junior College, forsi jghabbi xi wahda ta’ taht l-eta.
U hallina, ja qabda clowns u carlatani.
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What a balding prat. He fits in nicely with the prone-to-violence Lejber lot!
There’s nothing wrong with balding men (nor with bald ones, for that matter). It’s the pretending that you’re almost a generation younger when sporting such a “hairstyle” that looks ridiculous.
There are two people thanking God right now for Sandro’s lack of anger management skills, and their surname is Herrera. They get a bit – just a bit – of respite.
No they don’t – He was a guest at her birthday party, for heaven’s sake! Birthday parties are for friends, unlike “open-invitation” ones where “everyone is welcome”.
In her words, ”close frends in my private party”
Dik il-gebla ta’ Fantozzi?
Fantozzi’s were slightly smaller.
His official nickname is Sandro il-Bluff.
it seems to me as though his balls are about to fall off – wish him the best of luck in the investigation.
What balls? Thugs don’t have balls, nor brains.
Bhal dejjem, paroli fil-vojt li jindika ghira sfrenata, vera nithassarkom tifirhu b’li tikteb Daphne, sugu ta’ xejn. Tidru li qatt ma rajtu xejn. Dan artiklu ghalikom? hlief tghid u tinsinwa fuq in-nies mhix.