The dons are getting vicious

Published: December 10, 2014 at 9:52pm


41 Comments Comment

  1. Charlie Theuma says:

    Is the prime minister bullying and threatening an Opposition MP? Mela ma tghallimx f’dawn it-tlett gimghat li mal-Oppozizzjoni mhux ha jiccajta?

  2. Gahan says:

    Wow, Simon Busuttil has really wiped the sardonic smile off Muscat’s face.

  3. Joe Fenech says:

    Bunch of psychos.

  4. Jozef says:

    There’s Jeffrey Pullicino Sammut on One TV trying to get at Busuttil.

    He expects the Leader of the Opposition to investigate Austin Gatt.

  5. Gabibba says:

    Earl Grey is on Labour TV right now – again.

  6. Tye says:

    Miskin Jason wehel.

  7. john doe says:

    Ma, x’biza. I’m shitting my pants.

    When was the last time I was afraid of a spoiled fat sissy?

    Hallina, siehbi, okay?

    I can see it next month… “Guz, x’testt tghajtu lil Simon dax-xahar?”

    Banal reasoning. Pathetic. Shallow gene pool effect.

    With that sort of mentality, you are not fit to make fireworks let alone run the country.

    If I voted Labour I would be self-flagellating right now.

    Gutter politics at their worst.

  8. Joe Fenech says:

    The true impact is best conveyed in English:

    “The prime minister turned to an Opposition MP in parliament tonight and said, ‘Jason, we’re going to get you next.'”

    • Foggy says:

      If the the PM really said this I would have expected the Speaker to have intervened since at best it was language unsuitable for the House, and at worst a threat to an MP.

      Perhaps somebody should take Anglu Farrugia aside and remind him that he is the guardian of parliamentary privilege and the rights of all MPs irrespective of party and that he is supposed to be independent of the Executive.

  9. Herbie says:

    Getting vicious?

    They have always been that way.

  10. watchful eye says:

    For everybody’s information, we have yet a super Commissioner of Police.

    Look at Emanuel Cuschieri’s facebook page and read HIS ORDERS to Mr Michael Cassar.

    Good luck Hon. Carmelo Abela. Just sit back and let MC do your work.

  11. tal-misthija says:

    Fil-passat insejna li kellna zewgt ministri Nazzjonalisti li rezenjaw minghajr inkjesti u pantomini.

    Ghax kulhadd qisu nesa lil Joe Fenech u Lawrence Gatt ghax qisu din tar-rizenji irridu jghidu li sahansitra ivvintawha Il-Partit ta’ Joseph.

  12. Natalie Mallett says:

    Minn jaf x’jirtghod Jason eh! Bully, he will never learn.

    I just cannot stand the way he speaks about being humble and having humility and then comes out with such statements.

    If he really wants us to believe him he should have made a massive public apology and thanked the Opposition for helping him out every time he lands himself in such messy situations.

    He always seems to end up doing what the Opposition suggested in the first place. Had he taken the decision three weeks ago he would have saved his reputation from going into freefall.

  13. hmm says:

    A prime minister who pledges witch hunts and threats, in parliament. How nice, are the switchers and non-voters happy with what they have brought down on all our heads?

  14. Jozef says:

    Ooh, Jason’s so scared now.

  15. The Prince says:

    Who does this bit of trash think he is?

    Pathetic does not even begin the equation.

    Do yourself a favour and get under the stone again, Cuschieri, and stay there.

  16. pale blue my foot! says:

    This is no joke. Muscat has no morals and will stoop to anything. We are really heading back to the 80s.

  17. C.G says:

    Muscat tilef it-tmun. Jinhtieg kaptan gdid. Veru ghadu zghir ghax bhat-tfal jirraguna mohhu biex ipatti u jsemmi l-imghoddi meta tela bl-ghajta ta’ moviment gdid.

  18. ciccio says:

    Covering up for his government’s incompetence and threatening and bullying the Opposition into submission.

    Is this all Joseph Muscat can do when he is not asleep?

    You know what?

    Had Joseph Muscat taken the habit of waking up at night to turn the washing machine on, as he joked during the electoral campaign, he would have prevented a cover-up and all this mess his government is in.

  19. Mila says:

    Anyone still doubting that this is not a rehash of Mintoff’s days?

  20. Volley says:

    Ommi ma z’biza. Irrid lil mummy.

  21. Watcher of lies says:

    “Tinkwetax Jason, tieghek gejja dalwaqt.”

    Se jtuh xi zewg tiri jew lil Jason jew? Jew gejja xi frame-up ohra?

    Insomma, dan is-suppost prim ministru spicca minn mohhu. Ahjar jiehu xi ghoxrin Red Bull u jitlaq wara Paul Sheehan.

  22. Oscar says:

    A cheap blackmailer, and yet he was no match for Busuttil who was magnificent in parliament tonight.

    This guy has morphed into a true leader.

    In the space of a few months Busuttil has organized the party and has the whole country behind him, with the exception of the idiot die-hards.

  23. Tabatha White says:

    In the 80s, when someone said that, it would mean a bomb was on its way.

  24. Wigi says:

    Joseph Muscat is acting like the playground bully by using verbal abuse, shouting and threats.

    These kind of tactics lay bare his insecurity. His strategy of deceit, lying and manipulation is to avoid exposure of his true nature and to evade accountability and sanction.

  25. NGT says:

    Finally, the real Labour Party that the die-hards miss so much emerges through the veneer of bullshit we’ve been fed for so long.

  26. Fleur says:

    Bullying tactics.

  27. Edgar says:

    A cornered rat.

  28. Jack Grech says:

    Patetiku s-Sur Emanuel. Nirrepetti, HADD ma jrid jahdem mieghu fil-partit u meqjus bhala persuna non grata.

    Ma jmurx ix-xoghol u jtuh il-paga ghalxejn. Basta ma jersaqx l’hemm. Paga mhalsa mid-donazzjonijiet tal-Laburisti.

  29. Augustus says:

    Reminds me of Desperate Dan.

    [Daphne – Not at all. Desperate Dan isn’t even remotely camp.]

  30. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Jason Azzopardi is hardly one to mince his words, so it will be interesting to see how he’ll corner Muscat.

  31. Asclepius says:

    Hope those Sliema screwers are happy.

  32. Ganni Borg says:

    Qeghdin sew! Mela kellna prim ministru li l-hobby tieghu kien li jorqod, u issa iehor li jmur jorqod waqt li Malta tinkwieta.

  33. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Nice! Amazing how all it takes is a couple of problems for Muscat’s pleasant character to come to the fore.

  34. Freedom5 says:

    Jason, I suggest you put up a CCTV on your front door and park your car within recording distance. The underworld seems to have lost their man in government.

  35. Joanna says:

    Mulej Hudni… Facepalm

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