The child Manuel Mallia left with his gun-toting driver at night is just FOUR YEARS OLD

Published: December 10, 2014 at 10:28pm

manuel mallia police

Carmela Mallia, whose father Manuel left her with his gun-toting, Red Bull-addicted, criminal-consorting driver at night is just four years old. I had thought she was at least three years older than that, which is bad enough. But four?

He says in his letter to Joseph Muscat that he wasn’t thinking of the press release that night because his chief concern was for his daughter and all he could think of was how to get to her.

What sort of lie is that. He found out about the shooting at 9pm. He asked where his daughter was at 11pm – we all know this because we heard it in the leaked telephone conversations.

He didn’t go for her at 11pm. No, it occurred to him to find out where she was at 11pm, only to be told that Pawlu l-Machine Gun had picked her up already.

And when told that, he responded in a calm voice without the slightest edge of panic or worry, and I was struck by the fact that he didn’t even bother to ask WHERE Pawlu l-Machine Gun had taken her.

He couldn’t have taken her to her own home, because we are told that Codruta Cristian was there at Police HQ with her husband. So unless Pawlu l-Machine Gun has the keys to the house, or Ms Cristian got a lift to Valletta from Floriana, that would have been pointless.

And where were the other two children?

25 Comments Comment

  1. James Caruana says:

    Probably at home on their own…

  2. Gabibba says:

    What horrid unnatural parents! And why weren’t the children together with the same babysitter?

  3. La Redoute says:

    A concerned father would not have remained at dinner, wherever it was and whatever the occasion.

    Mallia says he wasn’t involved in the phone conversations ghax ma kontx fil-control room.

    Hoist by his own petard. He wasn’t on the case. He was at dinner, and remained there, letting his and Muscat’s minions deal with the mess, rather than rushing to wherever his daughter was.

    • Tabatha White says:

      How long does it take to get from Gzira to Valletta? In a police/government car?

      • La Redoute says:

        At night, on empty roads, not more than 10 minutes. With sirens blaring – Mallia’s preferred mode of road transport until recently – he could have cut through traffic in the same time.

  4. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Was she adopted, if Mrs Cristian is not her biological mother as you wrote in an earier piece?

  5. Mila says:

    ”How to get to her”, ”Codruta Mallia got a lift” really?! Do you think for one second that someone who would use policemen as waiters and babysitters would not have requested a policeman to drive his wife (?) to Gzira/Floriana or make his other driver do it as in fact he seemed to have done a couple of hours later?

    In Malta we also have a peculiar service called a Taxi where for ten to twenty euros one would driven from Floriana to say, Gzira and on to Valletta. They are available at short notice and over the phone.

    • Francis Saliba M.D. says:

      As you say, Mila, that taxi service costs money as also waiters and baby sitters. That would be a powerful disincentive to miserly Labour Party stalwarts with their snouts in the Malta taxpayers’ trough.

    • Tom Double Thumb says:

      A taxi would have been too expensive for Manuel. Besides, he only had about 500,000 euros in cash which unfortunately he had forgotten at home.

  6. Mila says:

    Seems that the devil is in the phone logs. Now why would they not be published?

  7. Natalie Mallett says:

    By simply looking at him, you realize where his priorities lie.

    It looks like he had to finish eating otherwise he would have spoiled his dinner. After all, a hungry man is an angry man, so he must have a good dinner before he concerns himself with the children.

    It is quite obvious that some of the recorded conversations were stage-managed and are now coming back to haunt the criminal lawyer/minister.

  8. Alexander Ball says:

    Is it not Codruta’s child? If not, who’s the mother?

  9. anthony says:

    He has to utilise taxpayers’ money to look after his children.

    He cannot afford fifty euros to employ a professional sitter at his house for one evening.

    No, they have to be dumped with dangerous, criminal and unsavoury characters in Gzira.

    The man has a serious problem.

  10. pocoyo says:

    What are the criteria for a care order?

  11. Len says:

    In another world, not in la la land, leaving your four year old daughter with your driver is in itself enough to constitute resignation.

    It is cheap and tacky to abuse your ministerial position by asking your driver to babysit for you.

  12. maws says:

    Where can I listen to Simon Busuttil’s speech (10/12/2014)?

  13. M. says:

    What sort of parent would leave a 4-year-old child – especially a girl – alone at night with an adult man who is not even a relative, let alone one of questionable reputation?

    • Claire says:

      The girl must know this person very well. There is plenty of confidence, so the girl must feel fine with someone she knows well.

  14. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Where is Appogg when you really need them? If this is not a case of child abuse, I don’t know what is

  15. Gracecam says:

    Doesn’t Mr Mallia know that there are a lot of pedophiles on the loose, is he sure that he is leaving his daughter in safe hands.

  16. Boudicea Iceni says:

    Government people who cannot look after their own children properly are in no position to judge others, least of all single mothers.

  17. Francis Saliba M.D. says:

    What sublime parental devotion! A four-year-old in the custody of a trigger-happy, lying member of Muscat’s and Mallia’s parody of a police force belatedly accused of “attempted murder”, at night.

    We had heard before of policemen-waiters but this is the first time we are told that they are also employed as gun-toting nannies.

  18. And yet, our Prime Minister has already said that he is ready to give this man another responsible job.

    Resign Prime Minister. You are not fit for job.

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