Alla jbierek: Super One doesn't have any footage of Sandro Chetcuti
I’ve just watched Super One news – even more ultra-pathetic than usual. The ‘kundanna’ of ‘Nationalist attempts to use this against the Partit Laburista’ preceded the ‘kundanna’ of the violent attack.
Those are Labour’s priorities for you.
And they’ve Joe Stalin-ed Sandro Chetcuti already: no picture, no film footage, and an absolute denial of his links to Labour. We even had another ‘kundanna’ – this time of the information that he has been asked to contest the general election on Labour’s ticket, on the second and third (what a surprise) districts.
Who are they trying to kid?
I really pity those poor businessmen who felt they had to accept an invitation from Sandro to dinner with My Dear Joseph. Imagine the level of conversation, not to say table manners: My Dear Joseph moving his mouth to his plate and Sandro waving his cutlery around and talking about his – screeeeeech! – Ferrari.
Pajjiz ta’ Fantozzi.
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Looks like a domino effect.
… with a bit of Russian Roulette thrown in.
Pity the poor businessmen? Serves them bloody well right. What in heaven’s name do they think they’re doing keeping such lousy company?
I thought it was the criminal lawyer’s job to round up tal-bizniz, anyway.
One News reported the incident as “glieda bejn zewg ufficjali”. Dawn bis-serjeta jew?
Ta’ One News qalu sewwa ghax il-glieda ma kienetx specifikata. Tnejn jistghu jiggieldu, wiehed juza rixa u l-iehor juza machine gun. Jew wiehed juza kliem biex jirraguna u l-iehor juza l-ponnijiet. Mhux dak hu l-ingann tal-Labour Party? Mela dawn qatt qalu s-sewwa? “Ulied id-dlam huma aktar ghaqlin minn ulied id-dawl”. M’hemmx ghalfejn wiehed jistaqsi min qalu dal-kliem.
Kemm hawn tension fil-pajjiz. Din l-affari tal-Consiegate, plus in-New New PL’s rise to power skombussolat lil hafna nies, milli nista’ nara.
Bad habits die hard…..the true colour of Labour mentality…
Is he the same guy who used to act in ‘Becky’?
[Daphne – Yes.]
Sandro mhux bniedem t’hekk. Ili nafu hafna u xbajt narah jghin nies fil-bzonn. Bniedem li sar sinjur bis-sahha tieghu u gej minn familja Nazzjonalista minn distrett b’sahhtu Laburista. Ghandu difett li taqbizlu malajr jekk jigi provokat. Hadd mhu perfett.
Qisek trid tiggustifika l-att godard li ghamel Sandro. Proset hej!
Finally Sandro’s shown his true colours. As for Labour leader Dr Muscat, he is surrounding himself with petty consultant businessmen wannabes, most of them positioning themselves accordingly with the intention to ‘milk the cow’ when Labour is in office. Let’s hope for this country’s sake that it will be a long time before we see this bunch in office again.
Tajba din , meta jistednuh ghal pranzu statali jghid li jippreferi hamburger , u meta jorganizzawlu ikla imur il-Madliena Cottage “in a cosy dining room, with rustic décor and an atmospheric fireplace” jixrob il-” fine wines” u jiekol “a la carte food “.
Ma’ nafx kif ikun hamburger a la carte u iktar u iktar kif ikun ‘atmospheric fireplace’.
Who knows maybe soon he will be allowed to park his Ferrari at Corradino.
Daphne: If memory serves me right – as people like Mr. Chetcuti generally end up being disposed of in File 13 in my case – you could ask any acquaintance you may have in Where’s Everybody to provide you with excerpts from interventions he used to make during Xarabank in the run-up to the 2003 General Elections and the EU referendum.
[Daphne – Oh, I thought Marlene Mizzi voted Yes, too.]
Apparently waving a handbag is an attakk ferroci
In the 2003 general elections he was already working side by side with Labour.
Sandro is an example of what Labour is all about: opportunism. That is exactly why he and Joseph Muscat have become buddies, and as usual, he’s used by Labour yesterday and dumped today.
He hasn’t been dumped. All the Partit Laburista’s done is condemn l-attakk fahxi (not the one with a handbag).
Dak hu l-istess bniedem li lill-koppji Maltin fuq One TV kien qalilhom li jekk ma jifilhux jixtru post three-bedroom bil-prezzijiet ta` hames snin ilu, jmorru jsibu gabuba bi ftit flus l-aqwa li jkollhom saqaf fuq rashom. Viva l-Labour
…. u li rrakomanda li l-gvern jixtri l-propjetajiet ghas social housing minghand l-izviluppaturi
Sandro, imissek tisthi – ghax ma sibtx lill xi hadd li jiflah daqsek? Basta hafnaksuhat u imbaghad sirt bully issawwat lill min hu dghajjef.
How can Sandro Chetcuti`s family support the Nationalist party when he was already a big Mintoffjan at age 12?.
Temmnu li lanqas fl-ahbarijiet tal-lum ma semma xejn is-Super One? Il-vjolenza fahxija tal-handbag kienet importanti imma. Nixtieq inkun naf b’min jahsbu li qed jitnejku.
Simple question: Is there room in this blog for those who do not share what the majority are saying?
[Daphne – Yes, of course, but you have to express yourself without swear-words or insults to the host. Thank you. The vast majority of ‘critical’ comments are in that vein. Is it possible to explain why you will vote Labour, for example, without mentioning sperm, curses, ill-wishes, etc?]
Daphne, why did you conclude that those who may not move with the flow, have Labour inclinations?
[Daphne – Because the flow here doesn’t.]
You are sharp but wrong assumption in my case.
Joseph Muscat is approaching individuals to contest for the next election, through third parties. But this just means he’ll use them to smarten up the party’s image, and then dump them like he did Jason Micallef.
Bit difficult smartening up the party’s image when you’re lumbered with that comical pair of moustachioed bookends.
Tisma il-One News tahseb li Malta ghadejja minn xi disastru kbir fl-ekonomija.
it seams that media have nothing interesting to talk about. this man is a human like everyone of you all. so leave him live his life in peace. he did a mistake so what. who desn’t??????? i bet none of you ever hited an other person in your patetice lives. just cause he’s a business man and got things he worked for doesn’t mean that he’s a criminal. if sandro chetcuti is a criminal then every politice or popular person should be on the news and will be more of a pajjiz tal micky mouse. if all media should look around they will find more interesting things than what this particular man belive me