Deborah Schembri’s IQ

Published: December 11, 2014 at 10:01pm

deborah schembri IQ

72 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    Let’s bring Don Mallia, the maths expert, on this.

  2. pale blue my foot! says:

    What a childish woman. No wonder she found her natural home in Labour.

  3. Trisha says:

    You can’t be serious! Is this MP for real?

    Apart from that, these IQ test-setters can’t even spell properly. Whats your’s…. yes, indeed.

  4. Very True says:

    Dak ghax tahseb u titkellem bil-warrani.

  5. Banana republic ... again says:

    Mensa must be going crazy.

    • I P says:

      Forget Mensa. This is most definitely not Mensa. I’ve taken that test and I can assure you it consists of a whole lot more than a dozen or so assorted online questions, answered from the comfort of your home or office.

      The greatest howler, though, is the claim to an IQ of 180 ‘Per Cent’.

      You may claim an IQ of 180 or you may score 100% of the highest possible mark but 180 % of the total is a non-starter.

      The idea of someone with an alleged IQ of 180 making this ludicrous claim is hilarious

  6. MrGlobeTrotter says:

    How sad!

  7. Charlie Theuma says:

    Awguri Deborah… Ghandek IQ ta’ Hot Dog

    • Tom Double Thumb says:

      Look more carefully at the picture. It doesn’t show a hotdog. It shows a walnut. And that is exactly the measure of her brains and I.Q.

  8. Watcher of lies says:

    What IQ level would one need to think that the Intelligence Quotient is a percentage of something. This lady must have used the IQ test for old baboons.

    • Edward says:

      It’s not just that there is no such thing as an IQ of 180%, but that they can’t even get the simply YOURS /YOUR’S spelling correct.

      • Edward says:

        Why do people put apostrophes where they don’t belong?

      • bob-a-job says:

        u iva she misplaced the apostrophe.

        It should read ‘what’s yours’ but then with an IQ of 180% she must be sheer genius.

        Now for that 180%.

        Conventional wisdom says that the maximum effort one can give is ‘everything’ and ‘everything’ equals 100%.

        So ditch that 180% Deborah. You don’t know what you’re talking about.

      • bob-a-job says:

        Why do people put politicians where they don’t belong?

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      No. It means she has an IQ of 1.8. That’s somewhere between an amoeba and a sponge.

  9. Watcher of lies says:

    I bet she mistook the Body Mass Index calculator with the IQ calculator.

  10. Matt P says:


  11. vanni says:

    Einstein’s IQ is estimated at having been between 160 and 180.

    Stephen Hawking is thought to be in the 180s

    Walther O’Brien claims a 190.

    John Sununu has a 180.

    And Deborah has a 180?

    Well if she hangs out with Labour, the only way is down.

  12. George says:

    F’Novembru l-IQ kien 180%. Mela llum kemm hu aktar baxx meta tibda tisma’ certi affarijiet li ma tantx jawguraw tajjeb ghal tal-Lejber?

  13. Bob says:

    “Jason jaqtali nifsi kulturalment… huwa l-persuna ideali biex johlom dak kollu li ghandna bzonn” – Albert Marshall on ONE.

  14. Drinks With Vince Micallef says:

    Her IQ is not high enough for her to know that an IQ is not a percentage of something.

  15. Nigar Kalfa says:

    Deborah’s I.Q. may be 180% (percent?). However, travelling on the national airline without the necessary authorisation to upgrade her seat category is not very smart, is it? Downright arrogant, if you ask me.

  16. P Shaw says:

    Does that mean that the combined IQs of Deborah Schembri and Luciano Busuttil are equivalent to the IQ level of two normal people?

  17. Rosie says:

    Deborah Schembri is unique. Her IQ is measured in percentage points.

  18. bob-a-job says:

    I didn’t know I.Q. went by weight.

  19. Claude Sciberras says:

    To my knowledge IQ is not measured in percentage points.

  20. bob-a-job says:

    I see that’s it’s not only traffic that’s a perception.

  21. Joe Fenech says:

    I thought that 180 was the amount of euros paid by the taxpayer for her business class seat surcharge.

  22. MaNistaxNemmenDakLiNara says:

    Stephen Hawking’s IQ is less than 160 (154 to be correct). Deborah must have explain to him the theory of Black Holes. She must have contributed to the writing of a Brief History of Time. For those who know what I am talking about, they must agree with me that Deborah should have posted a comment that the IQ calculator is incorrect when the answer was 180 rather than show off the answer.

  23. Edward says:

    She can’t be serious.

  24. Candy says:

    These tests are only a snapshot. Everyone gets lucky once in a while.

  25. In-nemusa says:

    I cannot understand why Maltese politicians and people in public positions are so fixated with Facebook and acting so childishly? Can you imagine Obama or Cameron posting their score after taking a childish iQ test on Facebook ?

  26. Allo Allo says:

    Biex nipprova nistma l IQ ta’ Franco – tista tghidilna kif kienet marret fil Form 2c?

  27. C Falzon says:

    But that’s in dollars. In euros it’s much less.

  28. kev says:

    Speaking of IQs, don’t miss Russell Brand, the “leader” of the “purple revolution” (you’d expect a shill to be called Brand), clueless about anything worth knowing Vs. UKIP leader, Nigel Farage, today at 11.35pm BBC One, Question Time.

  29. El Mundo says:

    That must mean that her IQ is actually 1.8 ja qassata

  30. Augustus says:

    And when she switched to Labour my thoughts were, there goes another one without any I.Q.

  31. Liz says:

    If her IQ is measured in percentage (which it isn’t, it’s a quotient not a percentage), then it must be 80 percent overweight.

  32. U Le! says:

    Maybe Deborah can shed some light on the String Theory?

  33. lino says:

    Deborah’s IQ is 180kgs? wow

  34. Watcher of lies says:

    I had my head examined by a doctor who gave me 100 IQs.

    Then I went to another brain doctor who gave me another 80 IQs.

    Then my mummy checked it out on her old counting machine and found out that these add up to 180 IQs.

    I could not find a third brain doctor but my big brother Joe said that percentage wise I’m OK. So now I can say that between the 100, the 80 and what Big Joe told me, I have an IQ of 180%

  35. erskinemay says:

    IQ isn’t measured in % points

  36. Issa Daqshekk says:

    I always thought that the lady is a very superficial individual. Her inane comment just proved it – yet again.

  37. Albert Laferla says:

    She really needs to get laid. X’imbarazz ta’ mara.

  38. TC says:

    IQ or KG?

  39. il-Ginger says:


  40. Joseph says:

    Always thought IQ was measured in points not percentage. But who knows I even thought MPs are busy and should not be playing on Facebook.

  41. L.Gatt says:

    U l-ohra li qalitilha “proset”? X’percentage(?) ghandha?

  42. wacko says:

    First of all IQ is a “quotient” not a percentage. Just a standard deviation from a mean of 100 (not percent).

    Secondly, those Facebook “quizzes” are there to produce a data mining tool, to see what people feel and like. They purposely augment the result so that you are compelled to share it on your wall, and to be visible for other people to try it out as well.

    Bottom line: I expect government people to realise this, since I, a common citizen, already know that.

  43. cavalier says:

    That’s better than Einstein’s.

  44. Rumplestiltskin says:

    It’s probably 180% of that of some other bright spark in the PL skip. Any guesses whose?

  45. Someone says:

    Anyone who thinks IQ is measured in percentage is a dunce.

  46. Someone says:

    Anyone who believes Ms Schembri is even close to an IQ of 180 is an even bigger dunce.

  47. Jack Beans says:

    Mela ma tafux li tal-Lejber ikejlu kollox bil-punti percentwali?

    Din il-moda kien bdiha Alfred Sant meta beda jkejjel is-successi tal-kunsilli lokali laburisti.

    Issa qabadha wkoll Joseph Muscat. Dan l-ahhar smajnieh jiftahar li l-gvern tieghu diga’ wettaq aktar minn 50% tal-weghdi elettorali tieghu.

    Tal-Lejber ihobbu jilghabu bin-numri. Kollox ‘kostid’, hi.

    U issa wkoll ‘medjerd’.

  48. Wilson says:

    When she touches 140 at the actual Mensa she could possibly talk. From her judgements and talk, she’ll maybe top the 100.

  49. pastarda says:

    Merhba fil-club tal-giddibin ta’ Joseph Muscat, Deborah.

    By lying, Deborah Schembri has shown that she is a true Labour politician.

  50. bob-a-job says:

    Wicc ta’ Nazzjonalista – mohh ta’ Lajburista.

  51. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Has Luciano tried this?

  52. anthony says:

    A percentage is always a percentage of something.

    In this case it would probably be 180% of that of a cockroach or something to that effect.

    Still it seems high to me but it is possible.

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