Manuel Mallia – in the audience last night for unveiling of Mintoff statue

Published: December 13, 2014 at 6:53pm

Manuel Mallia wrote a convoluted sick-note to say he was too indisposed to be in parliament on Wednesday, but last night he was sitting outside in the cold with Codruta Cristian at the unveiling of a statue of Dom Mintoff.

malliaoutined 1


muscat mintoff statue

27 Comments Comment

  1. Alf says:

    I have been trying to see whether John Dalli and Alfred Sant were there also. So far I have been unsuccessful.

  2. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The campiness in that last picture is off the scale.

  3. Freedom5 says:

    What hypocrisy . A few days ago he was boasting that he was a front liner against the excesses of the Mintoff regime.

  4. North fejs says:

    Who’s the Korean guy?

  5. Scorpio says:

    Mela m’ghadux indispost miskin?

  6. makjavel says:

    Isn’t this the same square where Mintoff told his “Suldati ta l-azzar” that they had no family jewels , to put it in decent English.

    Well they can enjoy him and use him for taking their dogs to relieve themselves.

  7. Jozef says:

    I see the Chinese Communist Party has their delegate sitting amongst Labour’s.

    Lou Bondi did a good job; top brass at the front, Mintoffjani standing on the sides and at the back, out of sight.

  8. Edward says:

    There’s a Mintoff statue? Really? It’s bad enough Malta decorated Ghaddafi- a blatant human rights abuser. Do we need statues of Human Rights abusers now too?

    Another example of the anything goes mentality in Malta. God forbid we pull down Lorry Sant and Mintoff statues. Then it would be seen as unfair.

    In fact, I m certain this comment is going to be attacked too, for being unfair towards Labourites because I don’t respect their “opinion”. God knows what that opinion is.

    Sometimes, to have things done properly, one has to upset a few people. If those people were professional, they would get over it.

    Sadly the strong and emotionally charged bond between the Maltese and their political affiliations – a sign of intense immaturity and ignorance – is so prevalent that we will forever have to tiptoe around it lest we end up with civil unrest, protesters demanding the statues of Human Rights abusers. What a joke.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Edward, have you ever heard of Marcel Duchamp’s “Fountain”? It is said that only 17 replicas exist. Our leaders, in their benevolence, gave us more.

  9. CiVi says:

    What a pathetic pose Joseph Muscat strikes in the third photo. He wants us to believe he is calm and cool as if nothing untoward is happening.

  10. Jack Beans says:

    U dawn huma l-istess nies li kienu jgħajjru lil ħaddieħor li moħħu fil-monumenti, iċ-ċerimonji u l-pompa.

    Kemm il-monument full-size għamel s’issa u kemm bi ħsiebu jagħmel bi flus il-poplu?

    Biex tiskonġra trid tkun pur: “L-ewwel il-pappa u mbagħad l-umpappa!”

  11. Joe Fenech says:

    A statue of Mintoff with his hand deep down in his pocket – interesting. Well, he was just another w*nker.

  12. bob-a-job says:

    It couldn’t have been very late because Joseph wasn’t in his cot yet.

    • Madoff says:

      He was not late but was speeding with sirens and blue lights escort from Burmarrad on the way. He must have had a long siesta.

  13. Asclepius says:

    Now I have another place where to take the dogs for a walk.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Unfortunately, the builders decided to place it on a plinth. I’ll have to aim at the brass plaque.

      Unless any of you chaps can lend me one of those crane contraptions.

  14. Lizz says:

    Just look at all those red ties. That’s one hell of a comeback for a colour that went out of fashion just a couple of years ago.

  15. pirellu says:

    What were those Chinese dudes doing there near him?

  16. Allo Allo says:

    So if he claims that during Mintoff’s time he was fighting to safeguard human rights and ‘maghkom Tal-Barrani’ how does he rationalise his being at this unveiling ceremony?

  17. john doe says:

    Ghaddielu il mimmi, miskin our little sick boy.

    I am tempted to get a Great Dane, to be tall enough to be able to piss on the statue.

  18. Gracecam says:

    Still haven’t given up. Waiting for the prime minister to appoint his new post. The greedy pig!

  19. Gracecam says:

    That statue should be thrown into the landfill, it reminds us of the shameful years Mintoff made us go through.

  20. Gracecam says:

    Don Manuel has managed to fall asleep out in the cold.

  21. stephen borg says:

    Make the connection. Manuel was an acolyte of Mintoff’s great PN friend. One of those former eminences he listed in Parliament as having an armed security driver. No prizes therefore as to why Manuel would attend a ceremony in Mintoff’s honour.

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