Watch Pullicino Orlando go ballistic when asked why he put his ‘siehba’ on the science council payroll

Published: December 13, 2014 at 8:30pm

Neither of them should be on the Science Council payroll, quite frankly. They’re both not fit for purpose.

60 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    “il-bassezzi li maghruf ghalihom Beppe Fenech Adami”

    This man is a legend.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    “Il-Kultura tax-xejn m’hu xejn”

    Golden words. Although this applies to both parties.

  3. il-Ginger says:

    Jeffrey Purcinell Orlando

  4. Anacletus says:

    Jeffrey Harabank, mhux Xarabank.

  5. Scarlet says:

    Jaaaaaa indannat. Lanqas habbata mal-bieb ma irriduk, Jeffrey.

  6. A Montebello says:

    And because we all know that Pullicino Orlando reads this blog religiously and with the rigour of the obsessive, let him not think for one moment that the fact that he didn’t (couldn’t) reply to Dr Fenech Adami’s question went unnoticed.

    His frantic attempts at deflection were laughable at best. The fact that we are paying for his unqualified lover on the other hand, is not.

    [Daphne – Paying for unqualified him, too, and a whole lot more money than for Miss Boffa.]

  7. Another John says:

    But was JPO on Xarabank to defend the PM’s decision to sack Mallia or to defend Mallia’s innocence in Malliagate?

    One position contradicts the other and I think many Labour supporters are confused about the current conundrum.

  8. RF says:

    The fool admitted that Lara’s employment was a “personal” matter.

  9. FP says:

    Agħlaqlu l-majkrAfown, Pepp, ħi.

  10. H.P. Baxxter says:

    How about someone directs the question at MCST’s board members?

    Perhaps Joe Azzopardi could invite them. Because it’s all very well pointing the finger at Pullicino Orlando (and far be it from me to deny his villainy) but who’s shoring him up?

  11. Benny Hill says:

    Jeffrey Pullicino Orland (as Sant used to call him) is an absolute twit, and a dangerous one too.

    He has a very big voice for someone who is 5’2″ at best – and he uses it solely for making himself look unbelievably bad.

    Only in Malta.

  12. Bob says:

    Silvio Parnis is discussing sugar paste on cakes and cake decorations on Smash TV.

  13. saggio says:

    I think JPO really belongs with the MLP. The chosen one let Muscat down this time as well.

  14. Quo Vadis says:

    Donnhu Beppe Fenech Adami laqat il-laham il-haj.

    L-ewwel kien bla kliem u wara, ta politikant mahmug, tefa it-tghajn fuq haddiehor.

    Prosit JPO, kont, ghadek u tibqa politikant skadut.

  15. Giraffa says:

    And JPO had the audacity to shout back that it’s a lie, meaning that he hasn’t employed his lover with MCST paying her a large salary out of our taxes.

    Beppe should follow up and destroy this bastard. Muscat would have to ask him to resign as he had to do against his wishes to Mallia.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Or perhaps, Lara, Jeff no longer considers you as his “siehba”…nudge nudge.

      When those two break up, it will make the LHC look like a murtalett tal-beraq pront.

  16. mf says:

    Out of subject but at the moment I am watching ‘Rock Economy’ on Canale 5 with Adriano Celentano; from the ‘roofless’ Arena di Verona; in mid December.

  17. George says:

    Take it easy, boy. I missed your RED trousers. About is-“siehba” – il-verita’ twegga’.

  18. Mike Ellul says:

    Vera bniedem pastaz, baxx, hamallu, bla valuri, opportunist u ndannat.

    Personali qal, hux. U bit-taxxi taghna qed tithallas xbintu.

    U ma stahax ideffes lil Beppe ma’ c-cCqnu. Mela nesa l-progett li kellu ghal Mistra?

    Jeffrey, fittex l-ghajnuna ghax ghandek bzonna hafna.

  19. Manuel says:

    I have a feeling that Muscat will reward JPO for this charade by issuing instructions to MEPA to clear procedures about a you-know-which-site at Mistra.

  20. anthony says:

    It’s his personal matter, so he says.

    With you and me footing the bill for his floozy.

    Sai Mizzi Mark II.

  21. Joe mallia says:

    Pastazz u njurant. Li kieku ma tkunx tafu temmnu. U ghal Jeffrey qed nghid

  22. Kif inhi din? says:

    Those who have read a book entitled ‘The Purple Rage’, will understand where JPO is coming from.

  23. Kif inhi din? says:

    Those who have read a book entitled ‘The Velvet Rage’, will understand where JPO is coming from.

  24. Mila says:

    One must understand how frustrating it must be not to be able to find someone who is anyone on her own steam.

    Imagine being JPO and knowing that the woman who is with you wasn’t into you just for you but actually got a leg up from being with you.

    Anyone who wasn’t looking to take advantage of him would have managed all on her own and in her own sphere. Imagine looking at everyone around you and knowing that they know and know that you know! Horrible.

  25. Ian says:

    I remember when Saviour Balzan would write about Alan Camilleri’s companion being at the Malta Enterprise offices (while not employed there) when Camilleri was chairman. He wrote about this frequently, in tones of utter disgust.

    No mention of Jeffrey and Lara now, naturally.

  26. john doe says:

    Having JPO represent the MLP on Xarabank was such a disastrous decision.

    It shows that there is no one better in that collective that can represent the government or the party/movement.

    Is this the best they can come up with? Jew da ghandu obligu lejhom u irid isoddilhom it-toqob biex ma jhammgux idejhom?

    Simply having JPO represent the MLP is offensive even to the most loyal Labour supporters.

    I can’t understand why the producers allowed it. It devalues the argument and the discussion.

    Poor JPO. Looks like he has rabies in these pictures.

    Ara biex itqannaw msieken.

    Time for your medicine, you miserable little shit.

  27. stephen says:

    Affarijiet personali? Giddieb arroganti, hmieg ta taht il-hama. Nistrieh ghax naf li qed thallas ghal ghemielek billi tghix ndannat.

  28. Watcher of lies says:

    Politically he’s as dead as Scrooge’s door nail.

    And as an aside I think he’s taking the wrong meds. He should change his shrink and try Konrad Mizzi instead who doubles up as the Minister of Health and is also doubling up in size.

    Konrad has kept his cool even in these days when he lost all credibility, but he did lose that sardonic smile which is now a blank and sterile expression.

  29. Wilson says:

    Knob, knob, who’s there?

  30. the virgosign says:

    Do yourself a favour JPO and hibernate. It’s a win win then.

  31. Jozef says:

    Kemm hu mahruq ghac-Caqnu.

  32. Gahan says:

    Kemm sar ghalabiebu Beppe mindu għamel l-operazzjoni!

    Kif spiċċa l-idejalist Toni Abela, wara l-odisseja twila politika biex inaddaf il-partit li tant iħobb.

    Spiċċa mhux biss iġorr iż-żibel tal-partit tiegħu imma jkollu jitqanna b’maqjel demel minn tal-Pe Enne.


    • Salvu says:

      Have a look at Toni Abela’s grin during Beppe Fenech Adami’s question. It is definitely not one of anger. Quite the opposite, he is enjoying every moment of it.

  33. Albert Bonnici says:

    If the board of directors are worth anything they should all vote to board him out or take the next best step and resign. What are they supposed to be doing anyway?

  34. Riya says:


    Li ma kontx vera bahnan, mazzun u rufjan ta’ Joseph Muscat taccetta li tmur f’dan il-programm?

    Dan huwa kaz mitluf ghal PL mill-bidu sa l-ahhar u ghalek baghtu lilek biex jinqdew bik ghax int servjent u kelb bla sit.

    Issa wara dan il-prpgramm fejn harget il-verita’ dwarek u dwar ghemilek fil-publiku, il-Prim Ministru ghandu jkun lejali u onest mal-poplu malti u lejn Malta kollha u jkeccik darba ghal dejjem ghax int bniedem korrot.

  35. ciccio says:

    MCST: Malta Council of Sheilas and Turds.

  36. ron says:

    Joseph Muscat is very good at spotting the weaknesses of others but the irony is that he ends up taking them on board. What an asshole.

    [Daphne – Irony? He does it deliberately. He has a sociopath’s ability to spot other people’s Achilles heels and then he uses that to his advantage. He spots their weak point, offers them what they want (after first accurately judging whether they will take up his offer), and they go after him like dogs, tongues lolling towards the ground.]

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