Yesterday I occasionally followed One TV during their campaign. Phone calls were very scarce and it was obvious that not much money was being collected.
Yet they kept increasing the total amount continuously with many thousands every few minutes.
I guessed that they would eventually give a final total which would be just a bit more than the Nationalists had gathered the previous week.
That was their aim and this is exactly what happened.
But I believe that the total shown is fake. It seems everything these people do is a lie.
Can we have a caption competition?
“This is the size of my head”.
“I’ve got a cock this big.”
“Blajt wiehed daqs dan”
Luciano Busuttil
7 hrs ·
€568,344 vot ta’ fiducja. Issa xoghlna li nkomplu fil-hidma li bdejna u li niehdu hsieb lin-nies taghna.
= Qed jixtru l-voti l- l-vot tagh valur monetarju? Nies taghna? Mela hemm taghna u taghhom ma dal-moviment?
I wanted to post a comment on his Twitter account this morning, but he’s blocked me.
I suppose it’s because I’m not part of the “nies taghna”.
Now we have the real meaning of Taghna Lkoll and it had to take this kohlrabi to let the cat out of the bag.
It-trend bhalissa hi li jingabru tal-klikka Laburista u joqodu jimmasturbaw u jorgazmaw quddiem xulxin. Ma jhallu lil haddiehor jissieheb.
Qed tghid li l-official CHOGM 2015 Twitter account huwa Lejber ukoll?
Yesterday I occasionally followed One TV during their campaign. Phone calls were very scarce and it was obvious that not much money was being collected.
Yet they kept increasing the total amount continuously with many thousands every few minutes.
I guessed that they would eventually give a final total which would be just a bit more than the Nationalists had gathered the previous week.
That was their aim and this is exactly what happened.
But I believe that the total shown is fake. It seems everything these people do is a lie.
Boxing, cock fighting….perfectly normal.
Ghandi serduk daqshiex.
Two out of three of his admirers are men. Not another closet gay?
Veru jixraqlu dak ir-ritratt. Jiddeskrivih perfettament. Irid jahtaf kollox taht idejh.