Rudy Giuliani, mayor of New York, had rejected a $10 million donation from the Saudi prince Muscat has just honoured

Published: December 15, 2014 at 9:08am

I quote from the article in the link below:

In a visit to New York a month after 9/11, the prince condemned the attacks as a “tremendous crime” and handed the mayor, Rudy Giuliani, a $10m donation towards relief.

“We are here to tell New York that Saudi Arabia is with the United States wholeheartedly,” he added. But he also issued a statement in which he said “the government of the United States should re-examine its policies in the Middle East and adopt a more balanced stance toward the Palestinian cause”.

As a result, Giuliani rejected the donation, saying “the people who did it lost any right to ask for justification for it when they slaughtered four or five thousand innocent people”.

M L Coleiro saudi

14 Comments Comment

  1. Muscat Mad About Money says:

    That’s why Muscat likes him.

    But if you live in the Middle East, you might also be surprised to discover that the first Arab on the list is in 26th place – and, if you were the Arab billionaire in question, you might well have taken umbrage.

    That, certainly, was the reaction of His Royal Highness Prince Al Waleed bin Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, a member of the Saudi royal family and chairman of Kingdom Holding Company (KHC), “one of the world’s largest and most diversified private investment companies”.

    On Monday, shortly after the list appeared, KHC issued a statement condemning the valuation process that estimated his net worth at a mere $20bn as “flawed and inaccurate”, claiming it displayed “bias against Middle East investors and financial institutions” and declaring his office would no longer cooperate with the compilation of the list, where he first appeared in 1988, the year after it was first published.

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  2. Benny Bradlee says:

    U ija. What the hack. Mhux xorta.

    Ergajna gejna fl-istess stat kif konna taht Mintoff. Nisthu nghidu li ahna Maltin.

  3. Sharpy says:

    Min jaf kemm iddejjaq li taghtu il-medalja mara.

    Ghalih dak waqa cheap li mara ippremjatu ta’ xi haga.

    Hekk jew hekk trid tqis li go pajjizu in-nisa l-anqas jistaw jitkelmu, jahdmu, isuqu jew jiddeciedu xi haga semplici ahseb u ara li jkunu president.

    U din it-tadama min libbisha? Mela m’ghandix mera San Anton?

    Ghal qalbha kienet nahseb meta tqis kemm thobbhom lil certu nies u tadura il-multikulturalizmu iktar milli thobb li pajjizha. Ipokrita ohra din.

    Probabli dak il-hin kien qed jahseb x’velu iwahhilha ma wiccha kieku tmur naqra go pajjizu.

  4. Sharpy says:

    Il-libsa tal-president = flokk abjad meta nwaqqa iz-zalza ta l-ghagin fuqi waqt ikla spaghetti.

  5. manum says:

    I have absolutely no idea how that Saudi allowed a woman to touch him in a non-bed scenario.

  6. Jeddah says:

    Madonna, dak it-tweed coat ma nifilhux. I’m no Anna Wintour but even I know to keep off tweed if you’re a certain size.

    Her stylist should be sent to a big Tomatina.

  7. Worried says:

    Can the people of Malta get a clear and full explanation from the office of the Prime Minister why this Prince had been given this honour? why? What did he do to deserve such an honour?

    Please note that the perception is that he may have flushed some funds into the Malta coffers or the Labour Party headquarters, or both. Not sure, but the truth is difficult to get from this transparent government.

  8. RF says:

    As a declared feminist, Joseph Muscat should have provided the Prince with a lady driver.

    In Saudi Arabia, earlier this year, a woman reportedly received 150 lashes for being caught driving.

    The kingdom is the only country in the world that forbids women from driving, with Muslim clerics claiming “licentiousness” will spread if women drive.

  9. chico says:

    Do they use mothballs in Saudi? Hope so. Otherwise he’s going back to to tell his buddies that Maltese women reek – worse than camels even.

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