Joe Mizzi: the historic opening of a Hal Lija drainpipe
December 15, 2014 at 9:50am
Doesn’t the Perception Minister have more important things to be getting on with? And shouldn’t the prime minister’s Press Release Apparatchik, Kurt Farrugia, have told him that this press release is a little embarrassing?
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“Matul dan il-perjodu, kienu qed jiġu organizzati b’mod regolari laqgħat bejn il-Ministru għat-Trasport u l-Infrastruttura Joe Mizzi, Transport Malta u l-Pulizija flimkien mal-Kunsilli Lokali involuti, il-GRTU u sidien ta’ ħwienet.”
Mid-dehra dan il-ministru ma jafx jagħmel aħjar minn hekk.
Il-bieraħ ċempillu David Thake u kif induna qallu”Il-linja mhix tajba erġa ċempilli!”
Kemm jilħaqlu moħħu dan il-ministru hux?
L-anqas tall-linja m’huma tajbin ministru.
They make no mention that this project was planned by the PN and finding obtained by the PN and that the PL completed it by virtue of the election timing and nothing else.
I wouldn’t doubt they’ve been fed a couple of emergency retort lines since the Lara Boffa / Cyrus Engerer calls.
Too much detail is given about a non-issue, changed pipes, hole depth, paint applied, temporary asphalt.
But when it comes to visiting the Azeris and deals with China and real reasons for honoring a Saudi Prince, then it’s sheer economy with information.
One is often told to look for this pattern when one is studying the methods employed by liars, not that this government would ever lie of course.
Whoever thinks that the work really went on night and day never visited the site after 8pm.
The evening shift was consistently one person asleep in his vehicle.
Why does nobody take the whole lot of them to court over the badly-signposted works?
Metal barriers in the middle of the road, night and day, without any hazard lights, or at best a dimly-flashing WW2-type of orange lights. And all this in a main road.
In any civilized country there would be 3-metre signs and flashing warnings. But we had a non-illuminated plastic barrier in the middle of the road.
And while we’re at it, routing traffic into a side-street in which nobody even bothered to remove the “sleeping policemen”. What a joke.
Under Mintoff we were expected to sing and dance “ghax it-ton taz-zejt rahas b’sitt habbiet”.
With Reno Calleja we were to celebrate because the government had 25 metres of road resurfaced with tarmac.
Joseph Muscat called a press conference to announce a 2c reduction in the price of petrol.
Joe Mizzi just wanted to emulate these illustrious gentlemen by laying a new drain and boasting about it.
Meanwhile, Malta itself goes down the drain.
Passed through this road yesterday. If this is the quality of road surfacing we’re going to get in the future, then it really is back to the 80s in this respect as well (unfortunately).
It is of very poor quality and looks like a temporary job. The road is not smooth at all, either. Let’s see how this surfacing will stand the heavy waters that this season will bring.
Lejber’s reality: Drilling drain pipes rather than drilling for oil.
“Sulari” as a measure of length.
“Taffija” and not a permanent solution.
“Kummerc” as the raison d’être for everything.
Yes, it’s Malta all right.
If I’m not mistaken, the original press release mentioned that the asphalt has been laid on a temporary basis and is to be removed and relaid in the new year.
The project is not ready. Parts of it have to be dug up again, but the government insisted on opening the road just the same (to meet the deadline). The contractor was paid 30,000 euros extra for the tarmac.
I overheard this conversation between 2 employees of the contractor. They were baffled as to why they had to stop the culverts.