And now it’s time for a bit of a laugh
December 15, 2014 at 2:09pm
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49 Comments Comment
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Is that what ‘over the moon’ means?
Never knew Mallia trained horses too .
The guy needs a bit of a gap analysis.
Not for the poor horse, it isn’t
Fat chance anyone can beat that turbo powered sulky driver.
Is that Glen Bedingfield?
That looks like the behind of the Belgian blue cow.
Minn din in-nahha nghid li Lajburist.
Next time wear this t-shirt, mate.
Ghandu wicc ta’ Laburist.
mhux wiccu biss….
That’s where I left my bike.
Min qatt ma ra xejn, sorm bhal dan jahsbu tnejn.
Jekk jivventila dan, kaz ta’ cart before horse ikollna.
Mobile slot machine?
After the highly successful mobile police station, the government of Malta is pleased to launch the mobile letter box.
Joe Mizzi said kulhadd ghandu dritt ghal hobby tieghu when asked whether these idiots should be allowed to hold up rush hour traffic.
Fine, can we please fine this one for causing a major blind spot?
“Tivventila” illustrated.
Crack, anyone?
Some situations really call for a cover-up.
Kemm ahna sbieh min jaf jarana.
Citizen – Hello, 112? Hawn wiehed riekeb ziemel b’sor** barra.
112 – Min? Iz-ziemel b’sor** barra?
Citizen – Le, ir-ragel. Ejjew issa ghax ha nisparalu.
112 – Tisparalu? Lir-ragel?
Citizen – Le, liz-ziemel, ghax ghaddej bil-mija! A caldo ha nisparalu.
112 – U ijja, l-aqwa li tibqa ai termini.
Citizen – OK siehbi.
Bix-xaqq tal-karus barra.
Ghalfejn tikxfuli sormi?
Dan zgur qed jikkonferma r-reklam ta’ Bla-Kondixin “Ser nikxfu kollox”
Looks like a Walmart dude
The cracks are beginning to show.
Dak Manuel Mallia wara li dahhal il-karozza ghat-tiswija?
That’s where Josanne’s leak came from.
Dak on de weyy to de Boll of the August moons
Wiehed mill-Laburisti – taghrafhom minn mil il-boghod.
Tarafhom in-nies buffu kollok…
Mobile ATM.
A graphic visualization of hindsight.
Imma qatt hadd ma jiddispira meta jinduna li s-socjeta Maltija qatt m’emancipat?
Qisna nifirhu iktar m’ahna lura medjokri u ghoxxeni. Dan hu li jfisser li wiehed ikun Malti? Possibbli?
Le, hadd ma jiddispra dement li ghandu sense of humour.
It’s like a giant camel toe.
The way he is dressed he is 100 per cent sure that every driver will notice him and therefore no one will crash into him.
The people of the republic had it up to here with the “cover your arse” politics of the gvern tal-Muviment.
Let’s hope Natius Farrugia is nowhere in the vicinity.
GM 1
The horse and the ass.
That’s why I do not allow coffee near this site.
Tghid jekk titfalu 10c idoqq? Jew 50c u jiehdok dawra?
Nippruvaw 58 cents?
gives SULKY a whole new meaning.
They left a trail of “merde” behind.
Fancy that, the sulky rider’s arse is fatter than the horse’s.
the horse’s.