Yes, Inspector Gabriel Micallef is back at work

Published: December 15, 2014 at 9:17pm

Malta Right Now is running a report which confirms the information published on this website some days ago: that Inspector Gabriel Micallef has been seen back at work at Police HQ and that he is NOT on forced leave.

Malta Right Now reports that he was away from work for “a few days”, but I can confirm that he was suspended for just two days. I can now also report that Inspector Micallef has the use of a Glock 17 identical to that carried by PC Paul Sheehan, used on the night of the shooting.

gabriel micallef work

26 Comments Comment

  1. Alexander Ball says:

    Facebook has a lot to answer for.

  2. pablo says:

    That “raises the bar” on accountability a few more millimetres.

  3. Tabar says:

    If you’re going to talk the talk you’ve got to walk the walk, sur Cassar.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Back in the 80s it was about who the big friend was.

      There was a big friend to the South of Malta who he showed more loyalty to than Interpol whilst Head of Immigration.

      Would they be checking on the 30 new passports issued “off the register” for example, or would they need a formal request from… the Minister or Prime Minister?

      Do they act on initiative?

  4. Gracecam says:

    Shame on them. ‘Korrotti’

  5. canon says:

    OK, siehbi! Ghandek bzonn xi bullets tal-Glock?

  6. C.G says:

    Gew investigati z-zewgt Glocks mal-bullets li gew sparati ghal fuq il-karozza ta’ Smith?

  7. jerry says:

    Konna, ghadna u nibqghu pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse.

  8. Augustus says:

    Ghalxejn inbidel il-kummissarju.

  9. Watcher of lies says:

    Mr. Police Commissioner, you are already losing our trust. I was sure that you would have commenced by cleaning up Mallia’s mess, but it seems it’s like cleaning the Augean stables.

  10. Mila says:

    And is someone going to explain this or will silence make us start to respect the police force?

    So removing a car complete with bullet holes gets you back to work in a couple of days but allegedly deleting a part of a report, even if the video footage causes reasonable doubt, gets you arrested and held.

    Respect is earned.

  11. C C says:

    Glock 17 is the standard police issue in Malta. It’s the most used gun by police forces all around the world.

    • Francis Saliba M.D. says:

      Hopefully the Glocks are used more safely and responsibly abroad than here and adequate training is provided before policemen are accused of attempted murder and before critical crime evidence is tampered with by other fellow policemen.

    • Kevin says:

      And what is that supposed to mean? Ak47s, Glocks, Uzis, and all “standard issue arms” are relatively safe to the user but lethal to the victim.

  12. Makjavel says:

    This is the acid test for the Minister and Commissioner.

    How can a police officer who should know better, and who deliberately removed potentially important evidence from a scene of a crime, be allowed back.

    It’s downhill all the way.

    • CiVi says:

      They will all be called back, back slapped and embraced. We just have to wait a teeny bit more to see it happen. They are an all for one and one for all gang.

  13. Michael Abela says:

    U l-Kummissarju irid li jkollna fiducja fil-korp tal-pulizija?

    Ghandek x’taqdef, sieheb.

    Ghax b’nies kriminali bhal dawn imlahhqin spetturi tal-pulizija HADD mhu ser jafda lhitu maghhom.

    U isem dan l-ispettur ser jibqa fil-black book tal-popolin.

  14. veritas says:

    Mr. Cassar

    ‘Investigate and report’ is not enough. You are answerable to the people.

    Do not give them or anyone a sacrificial lamb, give them the truth, and if the truth is too hard or uncomfortable, bad luck to all concerned.

    Justice must not only be done, it must be seen being done. So please show Malta your true mettle.

  15. dudu says:

    Did he take the blue parcel from his boss’s car with him to his office at the drug squad?

    Is the new commissioner just gonna sit there and let this evidence-rigger walk away with murder?

    Has the new police commissioner got balls to take drastic action against this taghna lkoll police inspector?

  16. From what is stated above, it seems that Inspector Gabriel Micallef resumed duties before the new Commissioner of Police was appointed.
    This is one of his first tests in restoring discipline in the Police Corps.

  17. maria says:

    Gustizzja tal-qamel, sur kumissarju. Ghamel xoghlok sew, please – dan ghandu jitnehha mil-korp.

  18. Toni Borg says:

    Dan huwa skandlu u xejn hlief att kriminali korrott.

    Kif bniedem, izjed u izjed spettur tal-pulizija, ibabas l-evidenza fuq is-sit ta’ delitt jew att kriminali u ma jiggiex imharrek jew imressaq il-Qorti!

    Pulizija korrotta u jekk Michael Cassar mhux se jiehu passi ha jkun dajjef u bazwi daqs it-tnejn ta’ qablu.

  19. Riya says:

    Michael Cassar kien dejjem meqjus bhala bniedem serju fil-korp tal-Pulizija.

    Pero’ jekk issa fil-posizzjoni mportanti ta’ Kummissarju ma jinvestigax lill-Ispettur Gabriel MIcallef, wiehed jasal biex jissuspetta li anke dan Cassar ghandu xi jxomm taht ghabtu.

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