Oh. My. God. She has a Burberry check umbrella. But is it a fake?
March 12, 2010 at 10:37pm
Gird your loins and break out the whisky-and-Coke (upper-case C, in case Consuelo rings her policemen friends again).
The Burberry check chav war is hotting up.
First Marlene Business Forum describes Sharon Ellul Bonici’s Burberry check scarf on her Facebook wall as a fake – sorry, A FAKE!!!!!!
Now to make a point about what real Burberry check girls wear, she brandishes her umbrella and hopes Sharon will take note on Facebook.
So while one half of Labour’s Business Forum fights her Burberry chav battles, the other half defends the Business Forum’s human tool in his attempted murder case.
Maltese politics – the eternal tragi-comedy.
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u le hi….
Michelle MUST be related to Reyxil of Tista’ Tkun Int
Then I must be related to Alfred Sant and Gonzi.
Rachel has a sense of style. Michelle doesn’t.
Excuse me – I just choked on my tea.
Mandy, don’t tell me you were having tea with a magistrate at Cordina’s?
Not at all related. Don’t put Rachel down. She just happens to be similarly ‘faqmija’.
Could that be another chav fake Burberry umbrella from an Indian sweat shop?
Is Burberry bitching defamatory?
Only if your name is Burberry.
She really has to hold him tight. As in all photos, the wife tags along with Goatee acting as if she does not exist.
My thoughts exactly – Then again, he probably thinks it’s all about him.
Mark my words we’ll soon stop seeing her walking a few paces behind him.
Joseph Muscat is getting free tips from this blog ghax Spiru qed jaghmel ix-xoghol ta’ Marisa minghajr ma jithallas ghax hi lanqas taf kif.
Kif jara erba’ minn nies quddiemu jharsu lejh jinsa’ mhux biss lil DIN imma ‘l-kullhadd.
Nahseb li trabba wahdu w imfissed it-tifel.
Labour is in a very sorry state for an opposition party which has not managed to win a majority since Raegan was still in the White House, with the exception of a strange hiccup in 1996. I predict another PN victory – with a much bigger margin than that of two years ago.
The real fun will start once Labour starts actually talking about real politics. So far it’s been a futile exercise in make-up applied badly. Let the fun begin.
Fejn hu Noel?
Dak fejn qed ihares ta’ wara Marlene? Mhux qed jahseb li hemm xi London bus quddiemu, jaqaw? Jew xi telephone box? Jew xi post box?
Jew xi kap tal-Vice Squad.
Mela Joseph Mifsud ghadu Lajborist?
Rajt ritratt to Sandro Chetcuti ma tnejn ohra u kelb fin-nofs. Dak tan -nofs li kien gholla l-petrol min 20 centezmu ghal sittin centezmu jew ghandi zball?
No mistake. Except that if you dared protest in Republic Street you stood a good chance of having a Sandro Chetcuti done on you.
This photo makes me imagine something like a gospel Gallillee miracle: The disciples behind with their umbrellas open and raised high up to avoid the rain, while Joseph leads at the front without an Umbrella and does not get wet. Or maybe he is just wet behind the ears.
I admire Daphne a great deal and hope that some day I will have the unique opportunity of meeting her face to face. I will tell her how much I admire her guts, her columns, her way of writing, and her brains. And last but not least her firm stand in this case.
How does Joe Chetcuti manage to worm himself in behind the royal couple in practically every walk-about?
Dak Joseph Cuschieri u qed jigri wara Joseph ghax irid il-hlas lura ta’ dak li ta ghall-partit. Siggu li jiswa eluf kbar ta’ euro. U s’issa ghadu hadd ma tahulu. Wara dak it-tixwix kollu kontra l-Ewropa issa jrida l-pappa Ewropea.
Ihobb jigri wara dawk ta’ quddiem, nahseb. Qatt rajtu jigri lejn l-istwa tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu, l-Balluta?
That’s because he’s always nagging him biex jaqbez ghalih u jilhaq MEP.
That’s Joe Cuschieri – he’s there to remind Goatee that he still has no seat in Brussels and no job here either.
I’ve realised my cats are feline chavs. I bought a Burberry check mat to put under their bowls.
We once got caught in a shower in London and the street-sellers had Burberry check umbrellas for 1 stg. If I had a Facebook account I’d be able to put up a photo of myself with my umbrella like Marlene.
Joking apart – is there an easy way of recognizing a genuine Burberry. From a fair distance genuine and fake look the same.
Marika, you should ask Marlene to tell you if it is genuine or fake. Sharon knows what I mean.
I have seen her parading with that umbrella in Republic Street for years. Anzi she did not put on her jacket and bag to match.
What’s this – a night at the Oscars? Call in the fashion police.
It’s not only the Burberry umbrella that is a fake in this photo
There’s the smile, too.
Tajt Joseph Muscat mar hadlu b’idu lill-Dr. Herrera talli offenda lill-Prim Ministru fil-Parlament?
Issa nispera lill-Sandro Chetcuti ma jitfawhx Mount Carmel flok il-habs.
That’s my old school tie!
and mine jahasra
@ David B. Yes and mine as well. Difference is that ‘El Dottore’s’ probably came from the ‘Brigada Laburista’.
Mr and Mrs Arrivistes
u l-ohra Madame Parvenue
Rajtuh lil Joe “PLO” Mifsud? Kien ilu ma jitfacca. Ghandna future UN ambassador/EU Commissioner/Ambassador/PA ambassador hemmhekk.
Mela xi hadd jiehu il-messaggi ta’ Sandro Chetcuti bil-Blackberry, u l-ohra ixxejjer il-Burberry.
The ‘first lady’ reminds me of Imelda Marcos.
The first lady “fl-immaginazzjoni ta’ mohha” reminds me Evita Peron.
Is there the Guardia di Finanza looking for fakes in Malta? And can you guess if Mizzi’s designer bag in this picture is fake?
Marlene Mizzi is dressed as an air stewardess.